Past scars still burn like they're brand new

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Tw: there's a large amount of this chapter that talks about abuse so please be careful. Much love to you all

Taehyung woke up in the middle of the night with a dry throat. He placed a kiss on Yoongi's temple before getting up and quietly moving out of the room. He expected it to be a quick trip to the kitchen and back but he was surprised when he found Yoongi's mom sitting at the kitchen table. "Oh good evening dear. What's got you up so late?" She asks when she notices the other enter. "Nothing much, just thirsty." He answers sleep lacing his words.

"Well honey I know you must be tired but do you think you could join me over here for a bit?" Yoongi's mother's words intrigue Taehyung now that he realizes she's just sitting in the kitchen in the middle of the night. "Sure, is there something you want to talk about?" Taehyung moves to sit down across from the other.

"I want to thank you. I haven't seen Yoongi this relaxed in this place since he was a child." Her words remind Taehyung of the talk him and Jimin had a bit after the accident. "I was very sure he wouldn't find anyone either. Now that isn't because I think he's hard to love or anything, but after me and his.. father divorced I think his image of love became a bit warped." Taehyung is a bit surprised as the mention of Yoongi's father, after all he's never heard any mention of him.  "You know I remember how after it, Yoongi was so used to staying up till the crack of dawn he'd just sit here in the kitchen. I started staying up with him, that way he felt less alone. I guess staying up became my habit." She lets out a quiet laugh looking down at her tea. Taehyung isn't sure if he should bring up how Yoongi still does that sometimes. He just can't sleep and Yoongi will wake up in the middle of the night to find an empty bed. When he stumbles out of the room and moves toward the kitchen he sees the older always sitting at the table, knees up to his chest staring blankly out the window. However she's a mother, and mothers always seem to know even without being told.

"I'm sure even Yoongi still has nights where he's up late. I'm also sure he still works extremely late. Stubborn is a trait that will always be left over from Heungsoo." She sighs but Taehyung is a bit confused.

"Heungsoo?" He asks. "Oh that's his name, Yoongi's father." She says and Taehyung nods. The man is full of mysteries for Taehyung. "If you don't mind, I have a question to ask of you." He fiddles with his fingers under the table as the other nods. "Um well, I was wondering if I could ask for your blessing?" He swallows dryly as he waits for a response. "I know it seems like I'm rushing things but I just love him so much I don't see myself with-"

"Of course Taehyung, you make him happy and I know you love him very much. I couldn't ask for more." She says and Taehyung feels ecstatic. "Thank you, I'll take very good care of him. I promise." She smiles. "I know you will."
"Yooooongi~, lets go somewhere." Taehyung says back hugging the older. "I guess we could go on a walk around town." He responds. "Yes the outdoors!" Taehyung says while pulling towards the door. "We'll be out for a bit mom!" He continues grabbing Yoongi's face mask and beanie. "Let's go let's go let's go!" He says jumping up and down as Yoongi laughs. "You're like a little kid." He says before putting the two on.

"But you love me anyways." The younger responds and even now after two years his heart always feels like it's about to burst when he sees Yoongi smile. "C'mon there's a nice café I want to show you. They make really good green tea and cinnamon buns." The older says intertwining his fingers with Taehyung's.
Yoongi most certainly wasn't wrong. Yoongi's  favorite part however was seeing the cute face Taehyung  made when he took his first bite. "Hyung why didn't you bring me here sooner?" He asks and the older chuckles. "Well why didn't you tell me you loved cinnamon buns so much?" Yoongi says and the younger shows a face of 'touché' before returning back to the delicious treat.

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