The end of all things.

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Jungkook and Yoongi decided after they had cleaned up the apartment and had something to eat that they would call the others. Jungkook figured by then the older would be in a better state of mind and everyone would get to be in a safe area. When calling Namjoon the man had seemed very nervous and now it may not just be Jimin and Taehyung who are missing, but Seokjin too. After calming him down, Jungkook tells the older to bring Hoseok to the apartment. Now Jungkook and Yoongi wait.

"But what if something happens to them while head over here?" Yoongi asks for the tenth time. "They'll be fine hyung. I told them to be careful and I'm sure they're alert enough to recognize if something is up." Jungkook says and Yoongi nods. "I just don't want to loose anyone else. I mean if you look at it our group is definitely the target, I just can't see why. The only causes I can see for this is either someone really hates Cypher or there's an extreme sasaeng fan. Even with the last theory it doesn't make much sense since it's only been the people associated with Cypher members." Jungkook is as baffled as Yoongi is. What really sticks out to the younger is the last part. "If they continue with that pattern then maybe I'm next." He says, shiver running down his spine.

The thought hadn't even crossed the shorter's mind but now it's all that's running through his thoughts. The nervous expression on the younger's face doesn't help either, not when he's usually the one who has it all together. "Kook, we won't let that happen. We've got the pattern figured out, now we're one step ahead of them." Yoongi tries his best to comfort the other but he knows isn't the best at it. Jungkook doesn't look too convinced but he nods anyways. "On the bright side that makes me a little less worried about Namjoon and Hoseok hyung coming here. It wouldn't make sense for them to be taken next according to the pattern." Jungkook says and Yoongi nods.

He wants to say not to jinx it but the last time he thought that way things turned out horribly. He decides it's better not to mention it as they wait for the two. In that time awkward silence fills the room alongside the news channel, however it's like white noise to the two. They aren't too sure why they put it on seeing as it wasn't too much help to them. Jungkook thinks however that gives Yoongi a bit of closure knowing maybe things will be easier in finding their friends. He thinks part of himself feels that way too.

Just when Yoongi and jungkook thought their two friends were taking too long their was loud knocking. "Coming!" Jungkook said rushing to the door. Yoongi being low on energy slowly got up from the couch. He couldn't see the door from where he was but he could definitely hear the shuffling near by it. He didn't think too much of it since Namjoon was naturally clumsy and him being nervous only made it worse. However he felt like punching himself in the face for thinking that way. He should've moved faster he really should've. Instead he was dumb and thought of things as if it were any other way.

For when he got to the door it was open but not a single person was in sight. The only thing there was an envelop on the floor. It was almost staring at him mockingly. Still timidly he went to grab it, rushing back into the apartment after doing so. Looking at the front the only thing that was written was 'to Min Yoongi' in a handwriting he instantly recognized. He rushed to open up the letter wondering what they wanted with him. Upon opening he sees a letter and a few photos. He decides to read the letter first then look at the photo.

"Come to the forest we used to camp in back in Daegu alone. Let emphasize the alone part, for if I have even the slightest inkling that you brought the police I'll make sure each and every one of your friends here has a painful death. Especially that Taehyung boy. If you thinking I'm bluffing I've already had a bit of fun with a few of them, I even set pictures of my work just for you. Don't disappoint me again Yoongi. Do as I say and all your precious friends may just be set free."

He barely looks at the photos before he starts to feel sick. It's only ones of Jimin, Taehyung and Seokjin but they've been severely beaten. Yoongi thinks it's even worse than anything his father did to him. Now the other three are probably heading for the same treatment. It sends a shiver down his spine.

So on shaky legs he starts walking to the nearest train station. On those shaky legs he waits for the train and eventually boards it. Those legs barely keep him up the entire ride as his breaths begins to become more shallow and faster paced. After hours of standing on them he arrives in his hometown and he stumbles out the train. Soon a taxi is taking him to the edge of town, to that very forest he camped in multiple times as a kid. When he's dropped off all he can hear is his heart beat pounding in his head and his quick breaths. Before he can venture too far into the forest someone grabs him from behind. His mouth is covered by some cloth that smell rather weird. Then his vision fades to black.

Yoongi wakes up, head pounding. Blinking his eyes open the events of past few days runs through his head and he begins looking around the room. His hands are hand cuffed to the wall and the room is dimly lit. He hears footsteps coming towards him and when he looks at where they're coming from he grimaces. "Hello Yoongi." The man says smirking.

"Hello Dad."
Also I should probably warn you guys it's going to get very graphic in this up coming chapters so please be cautious when reading

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