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Marks POV:

Sean and I realized that we had been hugging for about 5 minutes we let go of each other and Sean said contently "Its nice to see you Mark". I smiled lightly and said "Its nice to see you too, I always love seeing you and all my friends... not that i have that many". Sean smiled slightly and said "So can I come in or am I gonna have to sleep on your front step"and flashed a cocky smirk that melted my heart. I chuckled lightly and moved out of the way. He smiled and walked in. He took in his surroundings and to in a huge breath and exhaled. he looked at me and motioned for me to lead the way, we made our way to the spare room and Sean set down his stuff and flopped face first on to the bed and let out a huge sigh of relief and exhaustion. I chuckled slightly and said "Tired are we and to think I was gonna give you pizza and a cookie cake". He shot up and screamed "FOOOOOOOOOOOD" and rushed down to the living room to put on his shoes. I just laughed and put on my shoes and grabbed my car keys and said "So I was thinking that we could go to Stevie B's and get some pizza and the get the cookie cake from Public's" 

Sean's POV

"I don't care were we go as long as i get FUD" and with that we left to the pizza place (please sponsor me Stevie B's i love your food). We got to Stevie's and OMGOODNESS it smelt like heaven. The smell of pizza was everywhere (if you don't know what Stevie B's is it is a buffet pizza place and it is SOOOO good). Mark being nice payed for our food but not without protest from me. we walked through the line and I ended up getting 3 slices of Mac and Cheese pizza and a Mtn. Dew. After that was dessert I got 2 slices of s'mores pizza and 1 b-day cake one (these are real flavors they have there). 

-----------------------------------temmie time skip to colege-------------------------------------------------

We were arriving home and my stomach still from all that pizza. "You alright man you look like you got hit by a car" said Mark slyly. I looked at him and said" Ha ha very funny and yea I'm fine my stomach just hurts". "Well maybe don't eat an entire half a pizza, that's why i limited myself" he said while putting his hand on his now puffed up chest. I merely laughed and got out of the car, walking to the front step and waiting for Mark so he could open the door.


 HEY EVERYBODY HOW YOU DOING IM DOING GOOD SITTING IN MY ROOM DOING NOTHING BUT READING AND WRITING AND WANTING TO SHATTER FOURTH WALLS AND MURDER SOMEONE IN A BOOK BUT IM FINE!!!!!*starts to heavily breathe and pulls out a sledge hammer and a gun* IM COMING FOR YOU SOREN AND MACI!!! Okay in all seriousness 1.if you know what story i'm talking about cool we now the same author and 2. if you enjoyed tell me in the comments down below and ill see you next time my beautiful cupcakes PEACE!! 

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