Chapter 11: A wonderful day

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[Jack's POV]

I laughed at his silly remark and gently pulled him towards my chest. We stayed in each others embrace for a minute or two, but sadly it ended because we were starting to get hot. I mean I knew he was hot but DAMN! I smiled at him and he did something that he hadn't done in a what felt like forever. He kissed me. His warm lips resting against mine. I could have died right then and been happy. Mark made me happy, more than anyone ever had. Sadly the moment ended due to humans needing air to live. Stupid oxygen. I desperately wanted the sweet warmth of his lips to return to me but before I could pull him in again, his phone rang. "Cock block", I thought. Slightly chuckling to myself as Mark answered the phone.

[Mark's POV]

It was my mom. "Hey, sweetie how are you doing!" My mom said in a cheerful voice, as usual. "I'm doing great ,mom, how are you doing!" I replied genuinely curious. "You only call if you want me to visit," I added. "Well you caught me, I miss my baby boy!" I blushed out of embarrasment because Sean was right next to me and due to my moms voice being quite loud he could here EVERYTHING! He struggled holding in a laugh as I continued to blush and say," Mom, could you please stop. I have a guest and he can hear you." Mentioning Jack was a mistake. "Ooooo, so my Mary has himself a boyfriend doesn't he." My mother teased, which only made me blush harder. "Yes mom I do." Shouldn't have said that. Then suddenly, "AHHHHHHHHHH", she screamed. "Oh, Mark I'm so happy you found someone!" I smiled and let out a short and happy sigh. I'm glad my moms happy for me but she seriously needs to stop screeching I'm gonna be deaf by the time I'm 35 if she doesn't. "I want you and your boyfriend both here for Thanksgiving". "Well I'd have to ask if he's okay with it first." "Ask me what?" Sean questioned me inquisitively. "My mom wants us to both come over to her house for Thanksgiving." Now I knew Sean wasn't a full fledged born and raised american but I did know that any situation with lots of food he was down for. "Wait isn't that the holiday were everyone gets together and has a big meal because immigrant Europeans wanted to colonize a place that had people on it, because if so I'm in. Free food baby!" I shook my head and giggled. I told my mom we'd be there. She was so happy she hung up without letting me say goodbye to her. "Rude." I muttered and turned to my little Irish boy. "Do you wanna go cuddle on the couch and watch movies until we passout." I asked. "Get out of my head." He stated simply before grabbing my hand and dragging me into the living room. We sat down and enjoyed each others company. Luckily we both had pre-recorded videos that were scheduled to go up. We spent the whole day watching movies and talking and cuddling. It was a good day.
Hey everyone! I hope you liked this little chapter. I know its short but I wanted to post something. As you know I like throwing logic into my story's.

Logic the rapper: I DIDNT ASK FOR THIS!!


Mark: Awe man...

Anyway as I was saying I like to throw some logic into my stuff. So, Sean had his stuff shipped in from Ireland. They turned the spare bedroom into a recording room for Jack. All the stuff from the spare bedroom is in a finished room in the basement. So there ya go hope you enjoyed it and I will see all you lovely cupcakes next time

Mark: *pushes author~chan out of the way* BUH-BYE!!!

Me: Really...

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