Chapter7: Convention pt.2

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Jacks POV-
Dozens upon dozens of fans poured into the convention hall and rushed over to our table. We were all standing in a line, it went Mark, myself, Wade, and then Bob. The fans came down the line, of course starting with Mark. I love seeing the fans slightly freak out and some would lean over the table for an awkward yet successful hug. As they went down the line I was suprised as so many people recognized me( this takes place after the pewduepie shout out when his channel is picking up). Even after the shout out I wasn't expecting so many people to recognize me. I was actually surprised Pewds wasn't joining us but I'd ask Mark about it later. After about 30 minutes of signing and taking pictures, one girl after she was done with Mark she came to me and I could see light tears in her eyes. I smiled at her and said "Hey there lassie, how are you doing today." She smiled back and said " Hi, I'm doing well, name is Chara and I just wanted to let you know that you have helped me so much. I haven't been watching you for to long but you still have helped me through some really tough stuff", she took a pause wiped her eyes, took in a a breath and continued, "I just wanted you to know that you help people and could you please sign this." She put a drawing in front of me with Mark and myself on there side hugging and smiling to each other. Mark signature was on it so I guess she wanted us both to sign it. I gladly did so and reached over the table to hug her. As I did so I whispered in her ear, "Stay strong Chara", and let her go. She smiled at me and moved down the line to get a picture with Bob and Wade. I quickly photo bombed them realizing that we didnt get a picture. After about 1 more hour of signing, it was time to take a break. We got into the room where could get lunch and we got some good food and by that I mean sandwiches  but they were really good sandwiches. Once we had taken a break and had the nourishment to keep going we went over to the table and opened it back up. We continued to sign things take pictures and talk to lovely people before we had to shut down the booth for the day. We spent the next two hours wondering around. Me and Mark had broken of from the guys to go off on our own. A marvel booth caught my eye and I could see Marks eyes light up at the deadpool merch. Mine were directed at the spider man stuff. I love SPIDERMAN! We bolted over to the booth and each picked out a shirt, payed for it then left due to the convention hall starting to close, we had to leave. I loved today and we would be doing a panel tomorrow. Mark said it was him, myself, and a couple other people that he wouldn't tell me about. He said I knew them and that id probably feel stupid that I didnt figure it out. Well tomorrow holds many things and I can't wait.
Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm really starting to kick things off if you can't tell. I really hope it was entertaining and that it was a nice read. I also know that I don't upload much plus when I do there all kind of short. Thats why I REALLY appreciate your support on my story. I hope to do more stories and chapters in the future.

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