Get to know your author (ergent)

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Hey everyone how you been?!!? I've been not so great and I dont know what to do. Anyway this isn't a chapter clearly but it is a little get to know me type thing. How it works is I will tell you a few things about me sad or not, and you can comment what else you want to know. Anyway here it goes!!!

1. I'm 14 and constantly wish that I could just go back to the 8th grade and do that whole year over again

2. I'm Bisexual and kinda really open about it

3. I've gone through a major depression and ended up self-harming my self for a good 2 yrs (my friend found out and made me stop).

4. I have a huge passion for writing and music, but keep telling myself to fit a common mold for my moms sake.

.........okay so that was more sad than I thought it was gonna be..............ANYWAY SEE YA LATER MY WONDERFUL CUPCAKES AND I'LL SEE YOU LATER BUH-BYE!!!! (cries from an over whelming existential crisis setting in)
I'm sorry I didn't mean to get that deep into my pit of sadness but whatever I can repress my feelings in a minute. I hope you enjoyed the little in site into my life. I really want to say sorry for venting but there might be more later on(I hope not). ANY WHO!!! I want you to let me know what else you want to know about me and that I much appreciate all of your support on my story. Give me suggestions of other books I could do in the future! I love you and I will see you in the next one you lovely cupcakes you!!! Buh-Bye!!!!!!!

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