Chp.22~ Terry-Tots

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"Teresa POV"

As I opened the big class doors to start the the week, something was off. I had hoped that it was only the warmer weather that was the difference, but my hope soon dissolved when I noticed the taunting stares I got as I passed through the hallway. It wasn't just a few people, it seemed as if it was the whole school. Something about the way they glanced my way was terrifying. People pointed and laughed as I walked through. I could feel my pulse beating faster.

Everything turned into slow motion. I was no longer able to focus on what I had going on, I was more frighten at what was to come. Groups of girls passed me, sucking in a puff of air trying to make their cheeks as big as possible. I looked down at the floor. Was I in a bad dream? Please Lord tell me I was dreaming. Tell me that I would have extra fingers, tell me that everybody was floating and not walking, tell me that wasn't my reality. But still; no hope. I heard people's laugh all too good and their stares were even worse.

I walked up to my locker, stuffing my whole entire head in their as I pretended to do whatever, I didn't care what I did in that moment as long as I got away from the stares.

I took a deep breath in. This had to be my imagination, what could these people possibly be laughing at me for? I closed my eyes thinking of the time I had with Henry Yesterday at his family's farm. The baby goats, the picnic, the horse ride with Nathaniel.

It going to be okay. I hoped again, but right now, hope was hanging on by a piece of thread.

"Teresa!" I heard a very panic Lola voice beside me. One look at her face told me she knew what was happening with me, and it wasn't looking to pretty. I felt my pulse beat even quicker.

"What is it?" I quietly asked. Concerned wash over Lola's face, faster than any expression I have saw yet.

"We can't talk here." Was what Lola uttered before she pulled me into a bathroom. She taped up an 'Out of Order' sign on the bathroom door closing and locking it behind her.

It must have been really urgent, Lola had a thing about public restrooms, and this one wasn't so hot. The stalls were written on, saying excruciating comments about others, water puddles flooded the floor and the bathroom smell was nothing like I have smelled before.

Lola paced back and force, her brain contemplated on weather to tell me what the fuss was all about.

"Lola just tell me." I addressed, the anticipation was killing me. She took a deep breath. She drew out her phone typing in something in. Only another ten seconds and she spilled it to me.

"Hallie....she found this." Lola gave me her phone.

My heart dropped to the bottom of my toes. This, this was the life that I had tried to keep away, the life that I didn't and WON'T go back to. She had found and pulled up my 3rd grade yearbook picture. The ugly braids, the chubby cheeks, my green Justice shirt. I remembered this entire day all too well. My teeth and mouth were blue from the sucker I had had before the picture was taken. I shook my head. I tried burning every person's memory from me as a child. I know, why be embarrassed? We all have embarrassing moments, but mine was far worse. The scribbling underneath wrote, The real Teresa Glaser, #theuglyduckling.

My vision became blurry, not just from the tears that were now running down my cheeks, but the panic that ran it's course through my bloodstream. I took deep breaths, trying to not lose it all in the gross bathroom.

"Teresa, calm down." I could make out Lola's voice, but it was a bit muffled due to my ears not wanting to work correctly. I felt a tingling sensation in the back of my head. The deep breaths I were taking now were huffs of air.

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