Chp.28~I Feel the Same Way

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"Teresa POV"

Before, I had just heard footsteps and saw a shadow looming from the living room, and since my Mom and I are the only ones that live here, you would have to understand how I felt in this situation.  But, from the shadow came a body, and that body belonged to somebody that I didn't see coming in a million years.

"Hello Teresa." The English accent ringed in my ears. He dove his hands inside his pocket, a small grin plastered on his face. 

I sucked in a sharp breath. There's something different about him. His hair was a shade lighter, followed by unusual waves that swayed one way, but beside that; something was off that I couldn't pinpoint. Maybe he seemed different because the last time I had seen him, I wasn't some dirty, cheating Godzilla. 

Even looking into his cool blue eyes felt intense, I had to blink a few times for it even to go away. 

I was hesitant before I spoke, "T-Trevor, um..." I looked at my mom to try finding the rights words to say. 

"Are you okay?" He titled his head, his forehead wrinkling up as he asked the question. I looked back at him, blinking away my surprised expression and replacing it with a smile. Trevor chuckled, switching the position that he was in. 

"Sorry, I'm just so surprised to see you." 

"I don't know why, I told you I would be here on Friday, like a week ago." He helped refresh my memory to the time that that he had briefly called me just to tell me the information, also remembering that awkward goodbye. 

My eyes went wide. "Of course, for the, um.. thing." I huffed out a laugh. looking back at my mom. 

"YouTube Tour." Trevor corrected my wording. 

"Right, yes, that." I looked down at my shoes, the stare of Trevor making me feel guiltier than ever. 

"Well, I'll be in the kitchen." My mom separated herself from us, going back to baking the delicious-smelling cookies that filled the house. 

It was silent for too long. The awkwardness just hovered over us, Trevor still stood a mile away from me. I know Trevor doesn't know about what just happened with Mason, but in my heart I felt that the situation that I was in in that moment was just how it would feel if Trevor knew the truth. He wouldn't want to date me anymore, he would want to go date some other girl, a prettier girl, somebody who life wasn't going through hell at the moment, a girl that was skinny, and had all the right curves, no blemishes, no acne, no scars, nothing. A person who walked around like a supermodel, somebody that-

"Teresa, what are you wearing?" Trevor voice broke through my thoughts. I looked down at myself, the white tank top and Mason's boy shorts covered my body, not to mention that my head probably looked like a rat was living in it. 

I folded my arms in front of me. "Oh," I looked up at Trevor pretending to be totally nonchalant about my attire.  

"I should go change." I gestured upstairs before adventuring to fix this mess I called me. I paced to the bathroom and shut the door with my body. 

"Why must you be so weird, Teresa?" I whispered to myself. I leaned my head up against the door, but how stupid am I to forget that I had a cut in my head. 

"Ow." I quietly bellowed, fixing my hand to comfort my soar part. 

I flipped on the light, only to groaned once again at how awful I looked. I was even paler than normal, with dark circles under my eyes that only a hobo could possibly find attractive. I looked closer at my face, seeing that my jaw was harder to see as my face started to become rounder. I sighed, after everything that I am doing to try and lose weight, but nothing seemed to be working. 

It's High School (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ