Day 2

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My heart stopped as I walked through the school doors and the first person I spotted was... Him.

I quickly rushed past him and placed my headphones in my ears, avoiding any contact with the world around me.

'Blame it on the wine, the night

We were talkin' till dawn

Like that you had me down for the count

Never thought you'd make a move

Out of the blue

I love the way you're freakin' me out'

The music sang making me think about the party, I quickly changed the song to some Rise Against and made my way to my first class.

I was fairly early since there were only a couple of kids scattered around the room and the teacher wasn't even in yet, I sat down at my dest and started to doodle in my note book.

"Whatcha drawing"

I nearly jumped out of my seat I quickly turned around to look at who spoke to me.

My face slowly paled as I saw Felix scanning my notebook then his eyes came back to my face, I forgot I had class with him.

"This is a very interesting... Uh creature you have here, so simple yet so intriguing" he spoke gesturing to my drawing.

''Uh... I call it... Sup Guy!" I said blurting out the first thing that came to mind. The pale creature had a circular head and fairly chubby body. No arms but had two stubby legs and it's face was expressionless or what you call, a 'poker face' the last feature was a small piece of hair sticking out of the top of his head slinging slightly to the left, right beside the creature it said 'Sup?'.

"It's very cool Ry" he smiled.

I loved the way he called me Ry, in a way it kinda made me feel special, the bell rang and our teacher walked in and set down her things.

"Ill see you soon" Felix said giving me a short wave and walked away.

My heart slammed against my chest, Felix actually talked to me! I thought I was just his drunken hookup but I guess not.

Class went by quickly and soon it was time for biology... Which I also had with Felix.

I casually walked down the hall, not really paying attention to the life around me until I was harshly slammed against the lockers.

"That was a fun party, I didn't expect to enjoy it cuz I was at a faggots house" Ken huffed gripping my arms

"Please let go, Ken" I said calmly trying to squirm out of his grasp.

"Hey, you listen here! Felix is my friend and not some piece of shit like you so stay away from him!" He screamed slamming me against the lockers and punching my stomach

"Stop bro!" I heard someone shout and ken was soon shoved off of me.

Felix came over to me and touched my cheek "are you okay?" he asked concern present in his voice.

Why he touched my cheek when I was clearly punched in the stomach, I will never know but I kinda liked it.

"I'm fine Felix but... Uh thanks" I quickly finished, I could see that Ken was glaring at me.

Felix nodded at me and took Ken away, I started off to class slightly jogging so I could talk to my friends Russ, Scott and Red.

I took my usual seat in biology and Russ came beside me.

"Where's Red?" I asked curiously.

Red was Russ's girl friend of Four years and was always around him, I never saw them apart before... I hope nothing happened.

"She's just in the washroom" Russ said simply.

The bell rang and the teacher started her lesson I searched around the class room for a certain blond but didn't find him, worry suddenly taking over me.

I felt something vibrate in my pocket and pulled out my phone to see I had a text message.

From: Felix<3

Hey Ry come meet me by the locker room k. :)

Oh god...what could he possibly want...

OKAYY DARLINGSSS! So this may be the last chapter for two weeks cuz I'm going on vacation on Thursday so I won't have access to Internet But I'll try my best to get another one up before I go just so you have something to read.

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