Day 5

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Whoops! It's been a month!! Sorryyyy! Well here's an update you've been waiting for! (I gotta learn to be more ninja if I wanna keep playing Kingdom Hearts at 4am) ANNNYWAYY! Here it is!

Ryan's POV

I quickly jumped back shocked by suddenly kissing something, I looked around in the darkness and screamed as another crack of thunder made its way into my eardrums.

"Ryan- you okay bro" Felix called to me, his voice a little shaky.

"Yah don't worry" I said starting to get up off my knees and feeling my way through the darkness.

{A/N while proofreading this I realized I almost sang a song there ^^}

Suddenly a light flashed upon us, Felix had turned on the flashlight on his phone, he could have done that sooner.

I started to walk towards the light and kicked something, I looked down and saw the dim outline of my phone, I bent over and picked it up.

Someone touched me and I jumped, slowly calming down realizing it was Felix.

Felix grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch and we sat there in comfortable silence... Until Felix decided to break it.

"So...uh do you wanna just go to bed or...wait for the storm to pass?" He asked, sounding unsure of what he was trying to say.

I pulled out my phone and checked the time 10:09pm, I wasn't really that tired so I guess we could stay up a little longer.

"Lets just wait a little" I said with a polite smile.

"Felix just nodded. I looked around the dimly lit room and saw my food, I stood up and opened the box, got my leftover bag of cinnamon twists and sat back down.

"Ry, I know you just sat down but can you please stand up?" Felix asked, I nodded and stood up.

Felix got up as well and pulled the cushions off the couch, to my surprise the couch had a pullout bed. Felix set up the bed and sat down then beckoned me over.

I gladly sat down and got into a comfortable position. It looked so romantic, Felix and I together, the only light coming from Felix's phone.

We could be such a great couple I though, raise a family have a life together.My thoughts about our future together filled my mind.

"Crunch....mmm...chew...crunch".I weird noise filled my ears like Felix was eating something-


I turned my head to see Felix happily munching on my cinnamon twits, he was about to put another one in his mouth when I quickly slapped it out of his hand, picked it up, then threw it in my mouth.

Felix just stared at me, shocked.

"Bitch, no one steals my cinnamon twists" I said snapping in a 'Z' form and grabbing the bag of twists from his lap.

Felix tried to hold in a chuckle as he pouted but couldn't stop it from coming out.

I slowly rested my head on Felix's

Shoulder and he put his arm around me.... That arm was reaching for a cinnamon twist.

"No!" I said sternly and wagged my finger at him.

Felix and I passed the time playing games on our phones or just talking about random thing until suddenly the lights popped on.

I heard a door slam and fast footsteps, then the door to the basement was flung open.

"Felix!, you guys okay! I would have came down sooner but Dan

and I were in the garage when the power went out, the new fancy lock we got malfunctioned and we were stuck in there" Felix's dad explained.

"Don't worry dad were fine" Felix said.

"Kay" and with that, the door was closed and Felix's dad was gone.

Felix and I looked at each other and I felt fluttering in my chest. He opened his mouth and spoke but I didn't quite catch what he said.

"Pardon, I didn't quite catch That" I said.

"I said goodnight Ryan" Felix said and kissed me quickly on the lips, without another word he turned over and snuggled the blanket.

I turned myself over and got into a comfortable position.

"Goodnight" I mumbled, then soon drifted to sleep.

I think we can all agree that the cinnamon twists were the star of this chapter xD I hope you enjoyed the next chapter will hopefully be longer, Cya darlings

Some Day You'll Love Me (PewDieCry)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz