Day 8

180 14 3

"Where is that son of a bitch!?" Ken screamed as Felix opened the door.


"There" ken pointed at me, I suddenly became completely terrified.

"This wouldn't of happened if it wasn't for you" he growled

"What's going on?" Felix asked pushing me behind him.

"The reason I'm here BLEEDING is because of that fagot" he spat.

"Go to my room ill be up in a second" Felix mumbled, I nodded and started to walk upstairs.

I was completely terrified, what was ken talking about? he was hurt because of ME. What did I ever do? I was here the whole time. I opened the door to Felix's room and sat on his bed, waiting patiently for him to come back up.

Felix's POV (yay!)

"Okay come in ill get you cleaned up but your telling me who the hell did this to you" I said dragging ken into the washroom and running the water.

"Fuck" ken spat as I washed over a gash in his arm he stiffened up but kept calm.

I continued to clean him up carefully taking the time to washout every cut and sprain then bandaging his cuts, once I was done I dragged him to the kitchen and we sat down.

"Explanation. Now" I said staring him down.

"Okay so Charlie, Pete, Stephano, and I were minding our own bids when barrel came out of nowhere with his goons and started attacking us" he said with a cold laugh.

He mentioned something about Ryan what could he have done to make this all happen?

And just as if reading my thoughts ken started up again.

"So barrel was screaming at me to tell him where your little pet was, I wouldn't answer him so he pulled out a knife, he only got some good gashes on me but then some parent scared them off" he said but he wasn't finished.

"Oh and the best part is barrel is in love with you and is jealous of Ryan, he was screaming nonsense about how you were his and Ryan ruined it. I got hurt because you couldn't keep your hands off another little pussy" he spat.

I stared at him in shock... Barrel was in love with me... No that couldn't be, he hated my guts... Could he?

"I'm so sorry ken I promise I will fix everything" I said sincerely.

Ken got up and left my house without another word.

~{}{}~Back to Ryan's POV~{}{}~

Barrel was... In love with Felix.

Barrel. Was. In freaking love. With Felix.

My Felix.

Okay yes I may have been eves dropping but I had a right to know.

I sat back on Felix's bed and groaned, just when I thought I

Had something going for me everything just seemed to fall apart at the seams.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I pulled it out trying to push my thoughts away and just forget about it, I opened it up and checked my messages.

From: Mother

Hi hun I hope your being good, if the flood comes down I will be coming to pick you up. Send a million thanks to your friends parents.

Love you <3

I sighed texting her back, telling her that we were fine and that I would pass the message on.

The door to Felix's bedroom opened and Felix slipped in, he came over and hugged me giving me a small smile.

"Don't worry, everything's alright" Felix assured me patting my back and looking me in the eyes.

"Felix... I just don't want anything to happen because of me"I said felling guilty.

"Nothing's wrong trust me" he said. I hated that he was lying to me but it was only so I didn't get worried.

Felix pecked my forehead and got up taking my hands and pulling me along with him.

He brought me to the basement and we sat down on the couch together, he got up then turned on the play station, put COD black ops2 in and handed me a controller.

Felix and I played for what seem like hours, I glanced at Felix out of the corner of my eye noticing how focused he was.

Then a thought popped into

My head...

Is Felix ticklish?

I guess we should find out.

I went strait for the sides and Felix crumpled into a fit of laughter, he tried to push me off of him but it didn't work, Felix and I rolled around for a while both tickling each other as we went but suddenly we both stopped.

Felix looked into my eyes and smiled, he leaned closer to me and gave me a slow but passionate, he soon pulled away then asked me the million dollar question.

"Ryan, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Well it took you long enough" someone laughed, we both looked up to see Dan and Felix's dad watching us from the stairs.

"Oh don't mind is, go on do your thing" he encouraged.

I let out a little chuckle then looked back at Felix.


Some Day You'll Love Me (PewDieCry)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin