Day 4

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heyy sorry for the delay on updates my darlings! ill get back to the regular soon enough. and i have a question, do you guys want this story to stay in Crys/Ryans pov or should i switch between povs?

"dad- daniel please keep that behind closed doors!"  Felix screamed at the two men sucking face on the couch

 they both jumped away from each other "hey the door was closed until you opened it" one of them poitnted out matter-of-factly. 

"uggh just not on the couch i sit on please daniel" felix pleaded

"fine"  daniel replied and turned back to Felixs dad.

Felix pulled my up the stairs and into his bed room and motioned for me to sit down. I sat down on his red beanbag chair and looked around his room, it was a fairly big room, not alot of decorations just a bed, computer desk, bedside table, and a dresser. and a picture here and there.

"hey...uh sorry about that, i didnt know dad would have his boyfriend over today" Felix apologised, looking flustered.

"haha its okay im not homophobic" i smiled at him showing that i didnt mind.

"so what do you wanna do now?" felix asked.

"my mind suddenly flashed to "that night" and i started to remember the way felixs lips felt on my own, i was really tempted to say "kiss" but i contained myself.

"what video games do you have?" i asked politely he must have videogames right?

"why dont we go downstairs and you choose what one you wanna play" felix said flashing a charming smile. he soon turned around to head to the door.

i got up from the verry comfortable bean bag chair i was sitting on and followed felix downstairs passing daniel and felix's dad on the way, they both gave me an apologetic smile and i just gave them a small smile and a nod, then followed felix the rest of the way.

when we got downstairs i sat down on his black leather couch and he pulled out a basket of games for the PS3 from under the table and handed it to me, i looked through it and instantly found something i wanted to play, i handed it to felix and a little smile came upon his face as he put the GTAV disc into the game slot.

we took turns driving around and once it was my turn, i instanty knew were i was gonna go.

"close you eyes" i told felix, and he did as asked, i giggled a little as i programed the gps to take me to the Vanilla Unicorn. once i got there i told felix to open his eyes, and he burst into a laughing fit as he saw me trying to dance on the bar.

 i accidently hit some hoe in the face and the gards came in i tried to resist them but i couldnt hit the right controls because felix's laugh was distracting me.

"gawd people these days dont respect good dancing, like did you see that hoe all she did was walk around a pole and she gets paid... IM A FUCKING DANCE GOD!" i sceamed and felix started lauging louder.

soon after felixs laughter died down and we just looked at each other for a second before starting to laugh like maniacs again.

"felix do you guys want dinner" felixs dad said hmm he didnt even ask me my name... i guess he was too embarrssed to even start a conversation with me.

 felix looked at me and i nodded "sure" he called back, his dad told us that there was money on the counter and to get him and daniel some tacobell, felix and i went upstairs, felix grabbed the money and his car keys and we went out into his driveway.

I hopped into the passenger seat and felix got in the drivers, he started the car and we both put on our seatbelts, we drove in comfortable silence untill felix spoke.

"im so sorry about barrel" he said shyly. I almost forgot about him.

"its okay felix trust me" i reasured him, he gave a small smile and we arrived at taco bell.

"you want some tacos?" felix asked.

"well I am pansexual" i said to him

"huh... OH! eww bro" felix laughed. "you suck" he retorted

"mmm maybe" i laughed back at him.

we got out of the car and went to the entrance but felix quickly turned around. i looked through the store window to find Douglas sitting with a couple of his friends talking and eating, i quickly turned back around and walked next to felix.

"we'll just go to the other one" he said casually and we hopped back into the car and started to drive to the other taco bell.

"so...uh... your gay?" felix asked trying to sound as polite as possible.

"yup" i said simply "i assume your straight" i said to him.

"bi actually" he told me, i just smiled at him and we drove into the Taco Bell drive through, because it was already getting late.

i told felix what i wanted and he ordered. i felt bad that he was paying so i sliped a $5 into his pocket when he wasnt looking, i took my Big Bell Box Meal and started to quietly munch on my cinamon twists.

once we got back to felixs house felix gave his father and daniel their food and we went back down into the basement and started eating.

"hey Ryan, wanna sleep over?" he asked. 

"sure just let me call my mom" i said... shit... im grounded.

i walked away from felix and started to call my mom, and after one ring i instantly hear yelling.

"where have you been mister! i was worried sick" my mom screamed. 

"studing with a friend mom, my phone die and i didnt get a chance to call you, sorry mom" i said keeping my voice low.

"your suposed to be grounded mister"  she said.

"i know mom im really sorry" i said, suddenly it started pouring rain, i have an idea.

"but my friend canr drive me home in this weather condition... do you think i could sleep over"

my mom sighed, she probably looked out the window. "fine, but dont think your ungrounded." she said.

"thanks!" i said and hung up.

as i started to walk back to felix, the power suddenly cut out with a 'crack of thunder. startled i dropped my phone and tried to despratlly search for it.

i hear felix call my name and i tried to follow the sound, it felt like i was traveling in circles.

suddenly i banged my head against something and felt fimilar lips on mine.

AGAIN IM SO SORRY FOR THE UPDATE LACK! if you enjoyed dont forget to Vote and Comment. :))))))))))

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