Day 11

118 11 4

Sorry... There's. too much to say about my messed up life. So enjoy darlings.

Felix's POV

*10 minutes earlier*

I quickly ran to the tree about to win this thing when I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see that girl Marzia, I think with some of her friends waving me over.

I quickly ran to them seeing what they needed.

"Felix, darling" marzia said, sounding completely buzzed.

"I saw that you've got most of the stamps,do you mind helping us out?" She smiled.

"Uh, how about I just give you my card? Ryan and I don't really need Starbucks" I said handing it to her.

"Oh thank you Felix" she said with a big smile.

I glanced around me looking to see where Ryan was. Probably looking for me I assumed. I started to walk away but Marzia grabbed my hand and pulled me to face her.

"Where are you going so soon?" She purred.

"I uh-"

"No please stay" she cut off.

Well I guess Ryan could wait.

We soon fell into comfortable conversation talking just about anything. I decided it was time to go.

"Well it was nice talking to you" I said smiling.

"Well thank you for this" she said and put her hand on my shoulder.

Then leaned in.


Felix saw it coming. That's what I was mad about.

But he deliberately kissed her, no doubt about that. I just stood there in shock, but as soon as it happened, was as soon as he pulled away.

Felix quickly mumbled something to the girl and was about to run off when he noticed me. Shock taken over his face.

I started to run off but Felix caught up to me soon and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to a stop.

I didn't speak a word to him.

He just pulled me out back to the car and opened the passenger side then turned around and went to the drivers side and got in. I reluctantly got in and stared straight ahead.

Felix started the car and turned on the radio plugging in his iPod keeping it low. I listened to the lyrics of the song drowning out everything but the simple upbeat tune with the deep lyrics behind it.

"So tell me how your sleeping easy,
How your only thinking of yourself,
Show me how you justify,
Telling all your lies like second nature,
Listen, mark my words one day,
You will pay, you will pay,
Karma's gonna come collect your dept."

"I love this song" Felix said gazing at me.

"It makes me wanna sing it to the world" he smiled.

He suddenly pulled over and pulled the car to a stop, unbuckled his belt and leaned over to me.

"Ryan I know why happened was wrong. It was all the mere shock of the moment" he said with a sigh.

"If I could have anyone in the world. Any-one. I would choose you"

"If I have to apologize everyday for the rest of my life I will because I'd do anything for you."

"Ryan. I really love you" he said as calmly as ever. Then looked into my eyes.

"I'm sorry" he said and kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry" he repeated and kissed my temple.

It when on like that until Felix made it to my lips. He looked me right in the eyes and said;

"Please forgive me" then kissed me slowly and passionately. I've never experienced a kiss quite like that. So passionate and full of emotions. Like every little bit of him belonged with me. We belonged together.

Felix pulled back and smiled. "Our friends can find another way home" he winked and started driving again. Once we got to my house we ran inside. I called to my mom, then we both ran upstairs got ready then jumped in my bed. We ended up falling asleep in each others arms.


The next day when I woke up I had 12 missed calls from everyone. We soon agreed to meet at the mall, Felix and I were currently in my car driving to the mall.

"And the trumpets they go Bhhp Bhhp buhbp Bhhp" Felix sang.

"Oh shut it" I said covering his mouth with my hands.

We got to the mall parking lot and after a good 10 minutes looking for a parking space we were finally waking through the mall to the food court where we would meet.

I instantly spotted the gang and went over to them. There was papers spread around the table... I guess it was that time of year again.

"Hey!" Everyone said in unison. I simply gave a nod as Felix instantly indulged in conversation with everyone.

It only took a couple minutes for Felix to get curious about the papers.

"Oh these." Scott said.

"These are for the talent show".

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