Day 3

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I got up out of my seat and got a hall pass, looking around the classroom before I left, and indeed Felix was not there.

I made my way down to the locker room passing some girls who giggled and shot me flirty looks, some even holding out their hands and mouthing 'call me'

heh, if only they knew...

I was about to turn the corner until someone bumped into me. Surprised I turned around to see if the other person was alright, to my surprise it was Felix.

"Felix! Are you alright" I said stretching my arm out to help him up.

"Yah, it was my fault sorry, I was so caught up in looking for my phone" he paused to look around "have you seen it by any chance?" He asked.

So It wasn't Felix who texted me... It was probably all a setup from ken or something.

"I have an idea of where it might be, follow me" I said, beckoning him. Felix nodded and we walked down to the locker room together.

To my surprise, it wasn't ken... It was Felix's ex-best friend or 'enemy' Douglas Barrel.

"Well, well look what the cat dragged in" Douglas said, twirling Felix's phone around his finger.

"That's my phone Barrel" Felix said coldly. "Can I have it back?"

"What makes you think I'm gonna give it back so easily? I did bring lil'ol Ryan here for a reason" he spoke making concern run through me.

Soon after speaking Barrel jumped at me and i was slammed against the lockers. I couldnt help but let out a shrirek as my shoulder hit the lockers with a loud metalic "bang".

"please stop hurting him!" felix yelled as he tried to pry Douglas off of me.

Douglas gave a little snicker then punched me hard in the jaw, we heard footsteps comming our way and Douglas shoved off of me and walked casually down the hall.

the pain in my jaw was unbearable i slid my back down the lockers and held my face, Felix came rushing towards me and leaned down beside me.

"let me see that" he said motioning to my aching face.

i let my hands down and Felix inspected my forming bruises. 

"thats gonna be sore for a while but its not broken..." felix said falling silent then looked up at me.

"im so sorry about Barrel... ever since we... stopped being friends... he liked to make my life and everyone whos in my lifes, lives, a living hell. he spoke softly his words spoke true honesty and i forgave him in the instant.

felix  soon got up and offered me a hand, which i gladly took and we started walking to class. my face still hurt like a bitch but i was glad it was over.

felix suddenly stopped and i turned to see what was wrong. he beckoned me over to him and i came closer.

"ryan... would you maybe wanna come over to my house after school?" he asked, sounding kinda nervous.

"sure friend!" i exclaimed brighting up the mood. Felix gave me a small smile and we made our way into class.

Soon enough the end of the day rolled around and felix and i met up at the school doors.

"hey friend." i greeted with a bright smile.

"ready to go to my house?" Felix asked shrugging his backpack up onto his shoulders.

"yup" i said and nodded then we made our way out of the school and to felix's car.

felix got into the drivers seat and motioned for me to sit, i sat down and buckled up, felix passed me his ipod and told me to pick a song, i mentally laughed at some of his music choices and put on "im comming out" and sang along with the music.

when the cours came around felix and i looked at eatchother and started screaming the lyrics.

"im coming out, COMIN! i want the world to know, i got to let it show!" we screamed and fell into laughter, i looked out of the window and saw we were pulling up into a driveway... i didnt even realize the car stated.

Felix turned off the car and got out, i unbuckled my seat bealt and got out as well, we both walked up the porch steps and felix unlocked the door.

Felix hopped in first and i followed, looking around the house. and oh god i wish i wasnt because i saw something i didnt need to see.

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