James, Sharna's Here (Continued)

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Previously In 'James, Sharna's Here':

"SHARNA'S HERE?!" James exclaimed..."

"Everyone, this is Sharna, she's going to be staying with us for the next little while."


"Hi, Sharna." James's mother seemed surprised.

"Mom, I'm going to get some stuff, then take her to the guest room in my apartment."

"Alright." She showed her to the living room as James went up the staircase.

"Hi, I'm Noah, James's cousin."

"Yeah, James has said a lot about you."

"Is that good or bad?"

Sharna chuckled. "All good, all good."

Meanwhile, James met his mother upstairs while packing a small suitcase.

"What happened? Why is she in Canada?"

"Stuff happened with her boyfriend." James tried to avoid the subject because he needed to get her somewhere safe.

"What happened? Did he hurt her?!"

"Mom, she's fine!"

"Okay, James. Whatever you say."

They both came down.

"Shar, I'm ready."

"Alright, let's go."

The two got into James's car and went to his apartment.

"Was she mad? That you brought me home?"

"No, Shar, she wasn't mad. She was just worried about you."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

The rest of the car ride was silent besides the few minutes of music when James put on the radio.

They got to his apartment and Sharna set her stuff in the guest room.

"James?" She asked.


"Do you want me to go get food?"

"No, I'll make something."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course!"

James went downstairs and started whipping up something to eat.

Sharna laid on her back atop the bed that same night.

"How did I get here? What happened to my life?" She kept thinking.

Tears slipped down her face and soaked into the sheets below her.

"Shar, dinner's..."

James stopped at the sight of Sharna crying.

"What's wrong?"

"You shouldn't have to be doing this."

"Doing what?"

"Helping me. You shouldn't be helping me! I'm a mess! I had to go to a different country, my life was so screwed up!"

"Sharna..." He rubbed his thumb over the bruise on her shoulder. "You are the only girl in this world I want to be with right now."

"You're just saying that!"

"No I am not, Sharna May Burgess!"


"No, Sharna, listen. I love you more than anything else in this world. I want you safe, I want you healthy, I want you happy."

"Anything else? What about racing or--"

"I would give up racing if it meant you were safe. I would give up everything if it meant you were okay both mentally and physically."

She cried even harder now.

"Sharna, Sharna, Love, what's wrong?"

"You just mean so much to me." She said into the shoulder of his shirt.

"I love you, Sharna." James whispered. "I love you a lot."

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