Everything's Gone, Nothing's Left

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Season 24 ripped everything from Sharna.

But she had to deal. She couldn't act ruined because of Bonner while on the show.

So, during the season, only Sharna's boyfriend, James, knew about how much this season was hurting her.


"Babe?" James asked, gently hitting the knuckle of his pointer finger on the wooden doorframe.

"What?" Sharna looked up, her makeup crumbling under her eyes, and the tip of her nose was red like Rudolph the reindeer.

"Everything alright?" James walked closer to her.

"Mm-hmm, yeah." She nodded.

"Shar..." James pressed.

"Everything's fine, Love." Sharna repeated herself.

James pressed on to get her to speak.

"He's taken everything from me." Sharna finally spoke.

"Who has? 24?" James sat on the bed next to her.

It was always a thing between them to call her past or current partners by what season they were/are on.

She nodded gently. "Yeah, 24." Sharna exhaled.

"It's almost over, you only have three weeks left." James put a smile on as if that could make this any better, but it couldn’t.

"I mean, I don't want to purposefully eliminate us, but I can't do this anymore." Sharna crumbled into a mess of tears, but honestly, she was still beautiful.

James ran allowed his fingers to trail through her red hair.

"Hey, hey, Sharna, Darling, you'll be okay." James whispered. "Have you talked to any of the cast about it?" James asked, knowing that people on the inside of the show could probably help more than he could in terms of during the rehearsals and all the rest of it. "I bet Val, I bet Val will take him down for you."

He felt Sharna's lips curl into a smile against his sleeve. "I don't think it'd be a good plan to get Val engaged in this. He'd probably kill him." Sharna laughed, well, laughed as best you can when you're absolutely bawling your eyes out.

But hey, she had every right to.

Quickly, almost on cue, the fact that she had rehearsals with Bonner later that evening came back to her head.

"James," Sharna pulled from the hug and kissed his lips. "I should probably go clean up, I have rehearsals."

He saw how badly she didn't want to be around him.

"One more hug, Princess." James said, pulling her back into his arms.

How much he cared just asked for the tears to fall once again...and they did.

"This is Hell." Sharna mumbled into James's shoulder. "This is the closest to Hell I've been in a while."

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