What She Thought (Part 2)

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"James...we're partners, you can tell me anything. How'd you get a concussion?"

"Shar, I'm serious."

"I'm serious, I need to help you." Sharna leaned into another hug.

"Okay, well, long story short, I got into a fight, well, not a fist fight, but a fight."

"With who?"

James was silent.

"Who, James? Who?"


"What do you mean, 'With Becky'? You fought your girlfriend?!" Sharna threw her hands up.

"I told you that it wasn't a fist fight!" He defended himself.

"It doesn't matter," Sharna sat down on the foot of the hospital bed. "Why'd you fight, and how'd it lead to you getting a concussion?!"

"So, she...she cheated on me and then we got into a fight about it, and I mean, it was just getting really intense, and I started backing up because like 'Hey, Rebecca, you're kind of in my personal space', you know?" He chuckled lightly. Gosh, even when he's in a rocky situation, he's still happy. "And you know, hardwood flooring lead to me backpedaling in socks and I fell and hit my head on like some cabinets we have on the wall." James shrugged.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Slipped my mind, I guess. It wasn't awesome." He chuckled again.

"No duh, James, but you should've told me at least that you hit your head so I could've been more careful on you, oh my gosh!" Sharna started pacing in her own little square around the hospital room.

"Love, really, don't beat yourself up over this, it's not your fault." James reached out and grabbed her hand thus halting her pacing. "Look at me. None of this is your fault. It was me who didn't tell you about the starting stages of my injury, alright, Shar? None of this is your fault." He coaxed.

"But, James, as your partner, your coach, your friend, I--" Sharna began.

"No," James cut her off. "I know, I know that it is just Sharna instinct to go fix every problem that everyone is having, and I love you for that, but none of this is your fault, Love. You're okay, I'm okay." He smiled. "Now, let's finish that tango." He stood up from the hospital bed he was sitting up in and carefully hit frame with Sharna.

They slowly, very, very slowly marked through the movements in means of rehearsals. "Thanks for this little rehearsal." James spoke back up. "We have a Mirrorball to win, therefore, rehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal."

This made Sharna smile. "You know it."

Man, did she love his dedication? Even with a concussion, he was dedicated.

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