Goodbyes Aren't S'Money

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// RosyChmerkovskiy //

"Goodbye, Sharna. I'll miss you most of all." James said after the last GMA interview.

Yes, they would be best friends forever, but it wouldn't be the same.

"Goodbye, James." Sharna was almost crying as James took her into a hug.

While they were hugging, time seemed to freeze.

Her mind flashed back to everything.

"Hi, Sharna, I'm James Hinchcliffe"

"Sharna, am I doing this right?!" James asked while doing the sprinkler in the middle of the studio.

All the Facebook Livestreams

Writing 'stop' and 'go' on his dance shoes.

Purple Monkey Dishwasher


Last minute changes before the Ellen Show

Constant late night rehearsals

Becoming friends with Becky

All the hugs and laughs

The paso stance

Cirque night


His words as the song for the freestyle

The moment Sharna tripped and hurt her knee

Julianne's comment for James. "You are the best male dancer this show has ever had"

Hinch, Burgess '16 Shirts

Learning about her ear tattoo on an FB Livestream

Ricardo and Sophia

All Access

Go Carting (and beating James)

When Sharna got to dance again

The Suicide Squad dance

Going to see Paramour

The GMA flights

Being in the finals

Getting into the two seater racecar at Sonoma

The hectic week that was Sonoma week

Feeling unprepared, but pulling it together

His Canadian accent

The rumba

The blindfolded Argentine Tango

His necklace with the Make-A-Wish Bravery Bead on it

Their Children's Hospital Visit

Everything came flooding back to her.

"This really isn't S'Money." Sharna said while separating from the hug.

"But we are, Sharna. This friendship is S'Money, and this friendship will last."

James and Sharna One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now