What She Thought

389 9 3

Rehearsal Studio C
6 a.m.


Sharna walked into the studio to see James already there.

Man, did she love his dedication?

Except, James was asleep on a row of foldout chairs, using a hoodie as a pillow.

Been there, done that. Sharna thought as she slowly walked up to James.

"Hinch. Hinch. Hinchcliffe." Sharna whispered, gently shaking his shoulder.

"W-what?" He asked, looking around as he sat up.

"You fell asleep. How long have you been here?" Sharna sat down on one of the chairs.

"Only half an h--" James stopped and took a few deep breaths.

"You okay?" Sharna ran her hand up and down his back.

"Yeah, yeah, I just got a bit nauseous there for a hot second." James shook his head and looked at Sharna, who looked like a deer in headlights.

"You can't dance if you're sick, Hinch."

"I'm not sick, I'm alright."

"And I can take your word for that?"

"Absolutely. Now, let's tango."

"Let's tango."


The dancers got to the climatic part of the dance, where all the steps pick up, and when James went to spin Sharna, he was the one feeling dizzy.

In a split second, James was standing, then he was collapsing into Sharna's arms.

"Oh my gosh, James!" Sharna exclaimed as the racer suddenly went dead weight on her, which she quickly figured out that he had passed out.

She had to do something. "Val! Sasha! Emma! Artem! Peta...wait, Peta's not here today. Derek! Someone, anyone!" Sharna yelled.

"Oh my gosh, Princess, are you okay?!" Val came rushing through the door along with the rest of the gang.

"BURGESS, ARE YOU OKAY?!" Derek yelled.

"JAMES HINCHCLIFFE IS PASSED OUT IN MY ARMS, DOES THAT SEEM OKAY?!" Sharna screamed at the gang out of pure anxiety.

"Hey, hey, breathe." Val stepped closer to her. "D, call the hospital."

"No, don't do that yet." Sharna shook her head. "He was just dancing a lot, a lot, and he--"

"Sharna," Emma stepped into the conversation. "James is in too good of physical condition for him to be passing out like this. It is week six after all, in the grand scheme of things, his body should have built stamina for this dancing by now. This is something serious a hospital is in order for. I know that's scary, Love, but we'll all be here."

"Yeah," Sasha came up behind his wife. "We'll all be here."

Sharna nodded. "Thank you. Derek, I'll let you call the hospital now."

"Already on--Hi, so..." Derek took the call somewhere more quiet.

He came back moments later. "Hospital. Now."


Fast forward an hour of anxious foot tapping, a few tears, some hugs, a quick power nap for Sharna on Val's shoulder, kisses on Emma's cheek from Sasha, and some real corny jokes from Derek in an attempt to lighten the mood.


"Family of James Hinchcliffe?" A nurse called.

Everyone stood up and shifted over to where she was standing.

"Alright, judging by his nausea, dizziness, and collapsing that Mr. Hough described on the phone, and some tests, Mr. Hinchcliffe has a very minor concussion. He can still dance, he just might have to take it easy for a little while, regarding any head snapping motions or turns." She nodded.

The weight of the world was lifted off Sharna's shoulders.

"Wait," Val began. "Did he tell you how he got the concussion?"

"I asked, and he said he'd like to talk to..." She glanced at her clipboard. "...Sharna about that."

Sharna nodded and went back to James's room.

"James!" She whisper-yelled and hugged him carefully. "Oh my gosh, what happened?!"

"I don't think you want to know, Sharna." He shrugged.

"James...we're partners, you can tell me anything. How'd you get a concussion?"

"Shar, I'm serious."

"I'm serious, I need to help you." Sharna leaned into another hug.

"Okay, well, long story short, I got into a fight, well, not a fist fight, but a fight."

"With who?"

James was silent.

"Who, James? Who?"


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