We Have To

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// Written For and Requested By: Kate-lynnKhim //

"Sharna, we have to tell my parents! I mean, we're already in town."


"But nothing, Babe. We're in Canada, let's just go get it over and done with."

"Yeah, but we're in Canada for a family reunion of yours, telling them right now would be the worst idea you've ever had!"

"I guess you're right, Shar. But we still have to tell them."

Sharna thought about that one.

"Either right now or tonight." He said.

"Do you want to just bite the bullet and tell them now?"

James nodded.

"Then, let's go." Sharna said nervously.


James held Sharna's hand as they walked up the driveway to his parents' house.

"Are you ready?"

"I'm ready."

James turned the doorknob and stepped inside.

"Sharna! Hello, it's great to see you!" James's mother said when they walked into the home.

"Hi!" Sharna put on her best smile.

"Hey, could you sit at the table for just a second and get dad as well?"

"Yeah, sure."

James and Sharna sat down at the table, and he could tell she was nervous.

"Would you like me to do the talking?"

"Yes, please."

"Okay, Love."

"Thank you."

He intertwined his fingers with hers as his parents came and sat down.

"You asked to get us, so here we are." James's dad sat down.

"Okay..." James exhaled. "I don't know an easier way to tell you this, but, we're expecting a baby."

"James Hinchcliffe!" His mother yelled, and stood up. "You two aren't even married!"


"No! Okay, you've made poor decisions, but this...this is...outlandish!"

James felt Sharna's hand tense up as they kept yelling.

"Mom, just listen to me!"

"No, you're listening to me!"

"Fine! What do you have to say?!"

"Before I continue scolding you, why are you being so quiet?" She pointed at Sharna.

"She's scared, Mom! That's why she's being quiet!"

"Well she should be! This is no matter to mess around with! You aren't married to this girl, James! You can't expect a child with her!"

"She's right." Sharna confessed and started to leave.

"No, Sharna!" James started to run after her. "Look what you did." James growled back.

James caught up with her eventually, and grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Sharna, listen to me! Nothing about what she said was right! Nothing." He brushed a piece of hair out of her face.

"Yes it was, we aren't married!"

"Okay, Sharna, I was going to do this tonight, by the bonfire, and not in the middle of a street, but..."

James got down on one knee and asked the one question Sharna had wanted to hear her whole life.

"Sharna May Burgess, will you marry me?"

"Yes." She stammered slightly.

James jumped up and passionately kissed her.

"They can't touch us. They never have been able to."

"I love you."

"I love you more, Sharna May."


Hi! So, Kate-lynnKhim, I know I changed the prompt up a bit, but I hope you still liked it!


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