White Knuckles // 100 Prompt Challenge Rewrite

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100 Prompt Challenge Rewrite

The two just stared at each other, intensely. This is how they decided to get into character for their rumba. If they couldn't keep a strong stare at each other without breaking out into laughter, there was no way they could keep the sultry character up throughout the whole dance. In the middle of this stare, the whole world seemed to stop, like something was about to happen. And it did. In a split second, James' lips connected with Sharna's.

"What the heck was that?!" Sharna shouted, pulling away and getting out of character.

"I don't know. I'm so sorry, oh my goodness." James ran his hand up the back of his head.

"James, we cannot speak of this." Sharna mumbled, shaking her head.

"Okay. Okay. Good plan." James nodded. "Good plan."


"Why are you acting so weird, Love?" Val asked over dinner that night.

"Weird? What's weird?" Sharna asked, biting her tounge on the lie.

"I don't know. You just seem...distant." Val explained.

"I do?" Sharna asked, and Val nodded. She knew he was right, but in no way would ever admit to it. "Sorry, I'm just really tired. Our rumba isn't laying out the best."

"Aw, I'm sorry to hear that, Shar. Listen, you'll work it out. You always do."

"Thanks, Val."


For the next few days leading up to the show, the guilt was eating Sharna alive. Still, she kept her mouth shut.

It was during the live show, as Sharna watched Val dance, that she found herself gripping the railing in an attempt to keep her balance. The guilt had started making her sick.

"Sharna, your knuckles are turning white." Witney pointed out as we stood in the Red Room during the live show.

"Oh, sorry." Sharna shook her head, as she removed her hands from the balcony.

"You good, Love?" Witney asked, rubbing the redhead's shoulder.

Sharna swallowed hard. She was tempted to deny everything, but she couldn't lie to another person. "No, not really." She sighed.

"What's up? Nerves?" The blonde asked, sitting Sharna down on a chair.

"Yeah, we could say that." Sharna exhaled loudly and looked around, hoping James was nowhere nearby.

"What do you mean?"

"Stuff went down. With James." Her gaze dropped to her feet.

"Stuff?" Witney asked, skeptically.

"Yeah, stuff." Sharna looked up at Witney.

Witney knew there were layers more to this story. "What kind of stuff?" She pressed.

"He kissed me!" Sharna said as quickly as possible.

"He kissed you?" Witney dropped her voice as she asked for clarification. Sharna nodded, and Whitney sighed.

"But Val, and, and..." Sharna stood up, beginning to pace as the reality of it all truly set in.

"Shar, just don't worry about that right now. You still have to perform. Get your head in that mindset."

"I don't know if that's going to happen." Sharna mumbled to herself as she gripped onto the balcony once more.


Every wall of her's came crashing down during her performance. James and Sharna were out to perform when Sharna kept making misteps during the dance that the judges obviously caught.

It was after eliminations, and they stayed in for another week which was good, but right after she dashed off to her trailer. "Babe? It's me, let me in." A familiar Ukrainian accent came through her closed door.

"It's unlocked." Sharna said just loud enough for him to hear. Val slowly opened the door and his heart shattered at her expression.

"You doing okay?" He asked, sitting beside his girlfriend, that was curled up tightly into the corner of their small sofa.

"Yeah, I'm fin--" Val stopped her when he gave her the 'I-know-you-actually-aren't-okay-let-me-help-you' look. "No." She finished herself.

"What happened? You usually don't mistep like that. Something has to be on your mind." Val inquired.

Sharna sighed. She had to come clean. The stress would kill her if she kept her mouth shut. "James kissed me. It was an accident, I swear, but..."

Val's jaw did drop momentarily, but he slowly got himself pulled together when she described that it happened in the heat of getting into a rumba character. "Shar, if it was an accident, then it is fine."

"Are you serious?!" Sharna jumped up.

"Yes, I'm serious." Val chuckled gently. "What's going on?"

"If I knew you were going to be fine, I would've told you sooner! Oh my gosh, I was terrified to tell you! I thought you were going to leave me, or--" Sharna rambled off.

"No, no, never. It was an innocent accident." Val stood up.

"It was." She whispered, almost as clarification for herself.

"Exactly. That's why I'm not mad." He kissed her forehead. Val sat on the couch and let Sharna settle into his arms.

Meanwhile, James walked by, and as he did, he looked though the cracked open door to make sure Sharna was alright, but quickly closed the door when he saw how peaceful she looked in Val's arms. They were perfect together.

"I love you, Val." Sharna whispered as Val wiped a stray tear off her cheek.

"Love you too."

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