A New Direction Reunion Concert

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           Sebastian and I sat on the couch holding the kids. He held Griffin and I held Heidi. We were just going to enjoy the football game on tv.
        I heard a knock at the door. We didn't expect anyone on the weekends.
       "I got it," I said as I got up. I still held onto Heidi as I went to go answer the door. When I opened the door, I saw a letter on the doorstep. I looked around to see who left it here, but no one was in sight. I picked up the letter, and walked back into the house trying to hold Heidi and opening the letter.
       "Who was it?" Sebastian asked.
       "Nobody was at the door besides this letter," I shrugged.
        "Are you going to open it?" He questioned.
       "Duh," I replied as I set Heidi in the crib for a few moments while I open the letter.

Dear Tessa Smythe,
       This Friday we are doing a New Direction reunion concert in the auditorium at 6 pm.!All the old members of the original glee club will be there. We will also be honoring Finn Hudson by naming the auditorium the Finn Hudson Auditorium. This concert will be performed in front the students and faculty of The William McKinley High School of the Performing Arts. We will be performing "I Lived" by One Republic. If you are able to attend, please where the old school colors. We hope to see you there.
                        Will Schuester.

          "Apparently, it's some New Direction reunion concert." I responded as I grabbed Heidi, and sat back down on the couch next to Sebastian.
        "You should go," he commented. "You don't get to perform with your old glee club very often, and it's been years since you sang with them." He explained.
        "I don't know," I added.
       "Tess, if the warblers had a reunion, it's one of those chances I would go to and see my old buddies. Besides, you haven't had alone time without dragging me or the kids." He pointed out.
      "But I love you and kids more." I brought up.
       "Come on, don't pass up an opportunity like this." He gave me those puppy dog eyes he was known for.
       "Fine." I sighed.

      It was Friday night. I wore a red dress with flats. I was standing in between Quinn and Sam. There were about six of us who started out on stage. We stood behind the close curtains. Everybody else filled in through various locations. The Sue came in stage to introduce it. She began to talks
       "You know, a great big fat person once stood on this stage and told a group of a dozen or so nerds in hideous disco outfits that "glee," by its very definition, is about opening yourself up to joy. Now, it's no secret that for a long time, I thought that was a load of hooey.
As far as I can see, the glee club is nothing more than a place where a bunch of cowardly losers go to sing their troubles away, and delude themselves that they live in a world that cares one iota about their hopes and dreams, totally divorced from the harsh reality that out in the the real world, there's not much more to hope for than disappointment, heartbreak and failure." She began. I think she's trying to insult us. "You know what? I was exactly right.
But I was wrong about the cowardly part.
What I finally realize, now that I'm well into my late thirties It takes a lot of bravery to look around you, and see the world, not as it is, but as it should be. A world where the quarterback becomes best friends with the gay kid, and the girl with the big nose ends up on Broadway.
Glee is about imagining a world like that, and finding the courage to open up your heart and sing about it. That's what Glee Club is.
And for the longest time, I thought that was silly. And now, I think it's just about the bravest thing that anyone could do. I'm honored to be here to rededicate this theater the Finn Hudson Auditorium. William, it is with your hard work, in his memory, that you managed to accomplish something unimaginable. McKinley High School for the Performing Arts has become an overwhelming success, a model for public schools that showcase the arts, now being replicated all across the country.Congratulations, Will Schuester. You and your little Glee Club have accomplished something quite remarkable.
And now, without further ado, it is my pleasure to introduce the New Directions!" She introduced. Mr. Schuester quickly ran up on stage from the crowd to the stage.

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