Closure on the past

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    As I made my way out of the hospital, I felt relieved that I could get food other than that hospital food they provide. I forgot how much I hated the hospital just because of the food. I was in that same hospital three times in the past two years. I still have to go for a follow up to make sure I still don't have any brain problems. Two weeks in recovery sucked, because I was in pain for at least the first week. Sebastian was getting the car, and he told me to wait for him in the front of the building. Finally, the car pulled up in front of me. I quickly sat down in the front seat since it was so hot out.
     "Ugh, I'm so relieved I get to go home, but I have to be on Bed rest for two or three days," I sighed.
      "Don't worry, I'll be a great help around the house, and I will make sure the house stays clean and the kids are taken care of." He reassured.
       "I really don't believe that you will keep the house clean," I pointed out.
       "Trust me," he promised. 
       "Mmmhhhmmmm," I rolled my eyes.
       "Oh, I forgot to mention that the police still needs your hearing, so they want you to go on Friday to the station when you are off bed rest," Sebastian brought up.
      "Right," I sighed.
      "I can go with you," He offered.
      "No, I think I can manage." I shook my head. "It's just I spent most of my high school career sitting behind the safety of my friends knowing he will one day he would find me. Now I feel like I can finally close the book to what I used to be afraid of." I felt my eyes water. "Wow, I used to be such a tomboy," I pointed out.  "I feel like such a girl right now." I laughed as I wiped away the tears.
      "But you were my tomboy, and you are my girl now," He smiled.
       "Since when have we become the cheesy married couple," I joked.
        "Ever since we got married," he pointed out as he kissed me.

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