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NOW READERS BEFORE YOU READ THIS CHAPTER!!! I'd like to thank you for reading both Book One and Book Two even though the chapters slowly started to get even worse and worse. Thanks for all the support, and I hope this kind of wraps up this book nicely. Enjoy! :)

~12 Years Later~
The Visit Back Home

    It's been 12 years since we moved to Vancouver, and life couldn't be any better. Sebastian and I have five amazing kids. There is obviously Heidi and Griffin who are now almost 13 years old. Then there is there Walker who is 10. After that there is Skyler who is 7, and Jace who is 5. We didn't plan on 5 kids, but it all just happened.
    By the time our plane landed, Jace and Skyler were asleep. I don't blame them. It was a  5 hour flight. We still have a half an hour car ride to my parents house, since that was where we were staying. Sebastian and I planned on staying for about a week and a half since Mr. Schuester wanted to have some sort of reunion with us glee kids since we all haven't been all together in about 13 years. He planned it out a year ago too.
      The next day, I really wanted the kids to meet Will, because both he and Emma hasn't seen Heidi and Griffin since they were babies. Sebastian wanted to go meet up with a few of his warbler members that still live in Lima, so that meant I had the kids, but my parents were going to spend some time with them this morning.
     I walked through the doors of McKinley High School, and memories flooded my mind leaving a smile on my face.
      "Well, look who came into town finally," I saw Sam standing in front of me.
       "Sam!" I squealed as I ran up to hug him.
      "Your right on time, everyone is in the choir room." Sam smiled.
        "I'm late? Wow that's the first," I mumbled. We both walked into the choir room and saw everyone from glee even Marley was here unlike the last reunion we had. It was honestly hug galore. Everyone was hugging each other.
     "Welcome back everyone!" Mr. Schue announced. We all decided to sit in our old seats we sat in back in high school.
      "Are we going to sing something as a group again?" Rachel begged.
      "I mean it's been 13 years and we haven't sung as a group since the last time." Kurt added.
     "Oh come! For old time sakes!" Blaine pleaded.
       "Actually I was thinking the exact same thing guys, but we are just going to do a performance for all of our families." Mr. Schue states.
       "May I just say how old I feel when you say that." I chuckled.
        "You tell me," Mr. Schue sighed. "Seems like just yesterday we won Nationals for the first time as a group." He reminded.
        "Man, if anyone starts crying, I'm going to start crying and that's going to ruin my bad ass pride." Puck threatened.
        "Tina," We all said at once. Apparently her and Artie got married, and Puck and Quinn got married.
         "Let's get to vocal warm ups," Mr. Schue points to the new pianist.
          "Where's brad?" Kurt asked.
           "He retired," Will responded. We all just looked down at the floor. "Alright let's get to work!"

     As the auditorium fill up with all of our families, we were all in the choir room doing the signature show circle. We all had to wear a replica of our nationals costumes. Even the kids that joined the following year got to where a replica of it.
      "Alright, I just wanted to say, This honestly doesn't feel right without Finn," Puck began. We all looked at the floor.
      "But Finn would still be in each of our hearts, and no matter where life takes us our group all has a piece of Finn inside of us." Sam added.
      "It was like yesterday we all forming together this family, and I still remember it as it was. I just wanted to thank you for being on this journey with me and taking a chance on glee." Mr. Schuester smiled.
      "I hope one day my kids will find a place like this where they are free to be themselves," I added. "We had something special in this room, and it is hard to believe it's been almost 15 years since we all were together singing about the glee clubs original end." I finished.
     "Alright, I don't really think we have all that time, so hands in everyone!" Rachel smiled. We all put our hands in and said "AMAZING!"

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