Sam Finds Out

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I've been busy trying to keep my life together. There's a side of my past nobody knows about especially freshman year. I have never told anyone about it not even my older brother before he died. Not even Finn knew before he died.
I walked into work and made my journey to the choir room. Treble Tones do not get to use the choir room since we have our own on the opposite side of the school. The choir room is typically used for the New Directions. Mr. Schuester wanted to put all the different groups in choir rooms on opposite points of the school just to keep from sabotage with the different groups.
     I liked to walk back into the choir room occasionally just so I can remember my glee club days. It was as if it went by quicker than a lightning bolt. I remember the solos, duets, trios, quartets, and large group songs we had in the choir room.
Then, I noticed something really odd on the piano. I walked over and saw a note. I began to read it:

My Dearest Tessa,
The past is a place of reference not a place of residence. It cannot be changed, forgotten, edited, or erased. I won't do any harm to that scrawny husband of yours or your two, rotten children only if you leave them for me... the choice is yours.

Your True Love,

I began to crinkle the note into a ball, and I felt anger running through my veins. Then, I felt like the tears release down my cheek.
"Tess!" I heard a familiar male voice behind me. I knew it was Sam. "Tess! Calm down! What's wrong!" He began to yell. I began to kick chairs over. Then I felt him pick me up and set me down on a chair that I didn't knock over. "Now tell me what is wrong!" He demanded. I sighed, and looked around.
"Shut the doors." I growled. He did as I asked. He came over and sat by me. I handed him the note. He straightened the paper and began to read it.
"Who the hell is this Henry?" He asked.
"Um, you remember how I moved to Lima during a Sophomore year?" I questioned.
"Yeah..." he nodded.
"When Henry was a senior and the beginning of my sophomore year, it was our year anniversary, and well, that night he..." I stuttered. "He... he..."
"He what?" Sam interrupted.
"Raped me... well, at least I think. I was drunk, and I do remember him forcing his body on me. I remember struggling trying to get free as he ripped off my clothes." I paused. "Then, a month before I moved to Lima, I discovered I was pregnant." I added.
"What? Where's the kid now?" He questioned.
"Dead, I got an abortion, because I couldn't handle being a teen parent." I confessed. "It still haunts me if it makes you feel any better." I felt a tear roll down my left cheek.
"Hey, hey, don't feel bad." He stated. "I'm sorry this all happened to you, but why didn't you tell the cops."
"He threatened to kill me if I told anyone, so I got lucky that my mom got a job in Lima, so we moved, and I never looked back."
"Does your mom know about the abortion?" Sam brought up. I shook my head.
"Sebastian doesn't know any of this, I'm trying to find a way out of this mess." I stated.
"You can't do it alone, I'll help you get rid of the loser for good, so he won't bother you or your family." Sam said as he hugged me.

Hey Readers,
I'm sorry I'm not very good with updating these stories. I'm also sorry that this was pretty shitty. I'm starting to have writers block with this story.

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