Chapter Ten

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Georgina and Kurt had arrived back at the motel, Sid was standing at the desk talking to some news reporter wanting to find out the latest gossip on the ongoing investigation. The case was so close to being completed, Georgina and Kurt were almost ninety nine percent sure they had the guy. They just needed solid evidence and proof, and that's just what they had to get.

"Afternoon Sid," Georgina greeted, practically pushing past the news reporter, who eyed up both detectives slyly. "We need the key to room three."

Room three. The room Ruth was murdered in.

Sid rummaged around under the desk, feeling rather intimidated by the two detectives who were currently tapping their feet in frustration as they were working against the clock today. Things needed to be wrapped up today, and that's just what was going to happen. They already got the warrant to confirm they were allowed to search their suspects household later today, they just needed something in this room to match with the suspect. And Georgina knew what she needed.

Sid dropped the keys on the desk in front of them and Georgina took ahold of them, walking over to the stairwell leading to the rooms. She hadn't been up to the crime scene since she witnessed the brutal murder. Georgina and Kurt knew it would still remain the same, the only difference this time is that Ruth's body is gone.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Kurt asked as he stepped in the room after Georgina, the scent in the room was a little disgusting and they both knew why it smelt the way it did. The dried blood patches on the floor still remained as the two detectives asked for the stains to remain until they finished the case.

"Something that will be able to connect our Suspect with the murder, right now we're going by theories and that cannot happen," Georgina sighed walking round the bed. Her eyes trained on the red blood stained sheets that were rustled on the bed and reminding Georgina of the terrible incident. Georgina wanted nothing more than to give Ruth's family the justice they were looking for, and she felt as though she was very close to doing so.

Kurt was on his knees looking under the bed for anything that either shouldn't be there or would be seen as unusual. Kurt found nothing under the bed, but he did find the snacks that Harry purchased from the vending machine along with keys for this room that he would have thrown down at the sight of his dead girlfriend.

That was definite proof that Harry did leave the room, confirming the alibi he gave was more or less true.

Georgina looked down at the ground where the lacy underwear Ruth would have been wearing was still laying there - as Georgina requested all evidence must be left in the spots they were in once been tested on as Georgina would return. She wanted to be able to walk into the room and almost see the whole scene play out in front of her, she didn't want to have to make up where things were to fit the scene.

She pulled on some blue latex gloves, picking up the foil packet.

"Kurt?" Kurt turned around looking at the object in her hands. "What size is this?"

"Funny that you ask me," Kurt laughed, finding the humour of the situation. He was known for being sexually active - all his co-workers knew he had a lot of sex with numerous woman, he wasn't ashamed he claimed he was trying to find the one. "XL," Kurt scoffed. Kurt would never admit to the one woman who took his fancy that he didn't fit that size. "Someone's got a pretty big d-"

"Ew disgusting! Why do you always say crude shit?" She paused allowing him to answer, yet only received a shoulder shrug. Georgina turned around and walked over to the bedside table, still holding the condom wrapper she reached out to pick up one of the polly bags she brought with her to put it in, when something in the small woven trash basket caught her eye.

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