Chapter One - Christmas Part One

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Harry’s POV
“Daddy wake up! It’s Christmas.” Alfie yelled jumping on the bed, well me.
“I’m up buddy. Calm down.” I chuckled. I pulled him down and started tickling him.
“Daddy stop!” He giggled.
“Never!” I laughed. I stopped and let him catch his breath before getting up. I can’t believe it’s been six years since he was born! T has just been crazy. One Direction broke up two years after he and Isabella were born. Zayn and Perrie have two more kids; Elijah and baby Ellie. Liam and Niall got married and have another little girl; Samantha. And now we have twins. Yes you heard twins. Two little girls; Darcy and Annabelle. They’re three and are so cute. This year Louis and I were hosting Christmas lunch/drinks so everyone would be hanging around all day. Speaking of my husband, I wonder where he was.
“Darcy! Get out of the tree!” I heard him yell. Alfie and I wandered into the lounge and saw Louis trying to get Darcy away from the presents and Juliet was holding Anna. Julie was 9 now and was growing up so fast.
“Dad!” She smiled widely noticing my presence.
“Morning baby. Merry Christmas.” I smiled kissing her head.
“Merry Christmas!” She yelled happily.
“Lou what are you doing?” I chuckled watching him struggle.
“Darce won’t stay away from the presents.” He sighed as she giggled and ripped another one.
“They’re going to get opened anyway babe, there’s no real harm done.” I smiled giving him a kiss. “Merry Christmas too by the way.”
“Merry Christmas babe.” He smiled.
“I guess we should get into it then, seeing as Darcy’s already started.” I laughed. He nodded and we all sat on the floor. Darcy was in my lap and Annabelle was in his. Julie sat beside us as Alfie play the role of “Santa” as he called it.
“Daddy!” He smiled passing a present to me. Yes he still called me Daddy. Who cares if he’s 6!
“Aw thanks buddy.” I read the label and saw it was from Lou.
“I think you should open that later.” He said quickly before I ripped the paper. “It’s meant for the two of us.” He winked. My eyes widened.
“Louis! You brought me a-“
“Yes.” He nodded smirking.
“You cheeky bastard!” I chuckled. “I like it.”
“Ok next one! Julie.” Alfie smiled chucking the present at his sister. She smiled and opened the present. She squealed excitedly, it was the iPod she’s been asking for all year.
“Thanks Dad!” She yelled and hugged me.
“You’re welcome honey but I think Dad deserves a hug too.” I chuckled.
“Thank you!” She smiled and hugged him too.
“It’s ok sweetie.” He smiled and kissed her forehead.
“This one is for you Dad.” Alfie said passing the small present to Louis.
“What is this?” He chuckled. “Love from Hazza?” He smirked.
“You’ll like it Lou.” I smiled. And no it wasn’t sexual. He slowly ripped off the paper to reveal a box. He opened it and inside was a necklace. The same aeroplane necklace I owned.
“Haz. It’s the same.” He smiled pulling it out of the box.
“I wanted us to match.” I blushed.
“It’s beautiful. Thank you so much.” He said hugging me tightly.
“I wanted to get you something memorable.” I smiled as he kissed me.
“It is perfect.” He said softly as I helped him put it on. “You’re perfect.”
“Aw!” Juliet smiled. We continued opening the presents and let the kids play while we set everything up for lunch.
“Do you think we’ll have enough room for everyone?” I asked as we set up the tables.
“I hope so. Kim and Josh are coming soon. She just messaged me.” He answered shoving his phone back into his pocket.
“Liam said he and Niall should be here around 10 and Zayn’s coming with Perrie at 11. So everyone should be here by 12 but I wouldn’t plan anything.” I chuckled.
“I can’t believe it’s been 6 years since Alfie was born.” He said suddenly. “Like six whole years!”
“I know. It’s gone really quickly. I kinda miss when he was a baby.” I laughed.
“Same. But at least the girls are here now. They are kind of still our babies.”
“Louis they’re three. Soon they’ll be all grown up and going to school like Julie and Alfie.” I sighed. I missed having our little babies. Like Zayn and Perrie do with Ellie.
“Don’t remind me.” He sighed too.
“Daddy?” We heard a small voice mumble. I turned around and noticed it was Darcy.
“Yes baby girl?” I smiled picking her up.
“Where’s my mummy?” She asked. Me and Louis gasped. None of them have ever asked that before.
“What do you mean honey?” Louis questioned.
“Where’s my mummy? Elijah has a mummy. Where’s mine?” She asked again.
“Oh shit.” I mumbled.
“Sweetie the thing is you don’t have a mummy.”
“Why? Everyone has a mummy.”
“Sometimes special people, like Daddy can have babies.” Louis started. “And well your Daddy had you and Anna and Julie and Alfie too.” He explained.
“But people at school have mummies and daddies.” She said confused.
“Yes some people do, but you have two daddies. And we love you very much.” I smiled.
“So I don’t have a mummy?” She questioned.
“No honey but that doesn’t mean you’re any different to anyone else.” Louis said seriously.
“I like having two daddies. I get more hugs.” She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck. I chuckled and rubbed her back. We sure dodged a bullet there. “I go play now.” She said kicking her little legs.
“Ok honey. Have fun.” I smiled as she wandered off. “Holy crap! None of them have ever asked that before.” I sighed.
“I know. We need to explain it all to them.” I nodded in agreement. Just then the home phone started ringing.
“You get it!” We both said at once.
“Nuh uh. It’ll probably be your mum anyway.” I said seriously. He sighed and answered the phone.
“Merry Christmas mum.” He said softly. I chuckled knowing I was right. “Yeah you guys can come now if you want. Ok. See you then. No I don’t want to talk to the girls. See you then. Ok bye.” He said hanging up. “Jesus!”
“So how was Jay?” I laughed.
“It’s not funny Harry.” He said seriously.
“It kind of is.” He glared at me making me laugh even more.
“You wouldn’t laugh if your mother was so talkative.” He sighed.
“She is once she gets with your mum. That reminds me, we have enough wine right?” I asked knowing both our parents love wine.
“Yep. A lot. I know Perrie likes a drink too.” He chuckled. Suddenly we heard a loud scream and cry come from upstairs. We both looked at each other and raced up there to see who it was.
“Anna?” I asked opening the door to the twin’s room. She was crying on the floor. “Baby what happened?” I said picking her up.
“It hurts.” She sobbed.
“What hurts honey?” Louis asked rubbing her back.
“My tummy.” She cried.
“Uh oh.” I mumbled. “It’s ok sweetie. Calm down ok?” I soothed running my fingers through her hair.
“Where does it hurt love?” Lou questioned.
“Here.” She sniffled pointing to her lower stomach.
“Can Daddy and I have a look?” I asked. She nodded and I sat her on the bed. She lifted her shirt and we had a look. There was nothing there, she probably just had a stomach ache. Kids often exaggerate.
“It looks fine baby. How about we give you some medicine and you can watch your new movie?” Louis suggested.
“Ok Daddy.” She smiled softly. He picked her up and took her downstairs while I grabbed her movie, pillow and blanket.
“What was wrong with Anna?” Juliet asked coming out of her room. She already had her iPod blasting.
“She has a bit of a tummy ache. Can you keep an eye on her for me?” I asked.
“Sure Dad.” She smiled and walked off. I went downstairs just a Louis was putting her on the sofa.
“Here baby.” I smiled. I tucked her in and put the movie in. “You just lie there until you feel better ok?”
“Ok.” She mumbled. I smiled and kissed her head. Louis did too and we left her alone.
“Poor thing. Sick on Christmas.” He sighed.
“She’ll be fine Lou. It’s probably just a tummy ache.” I reassured.
“I hope so.” He smiled softly.
“How about we go upstairs and you let me unwrap my present?” I smirked and grabbed his hand.
“The kids are home Haz.”
“So. They’re busy. Alfie’s playing his new game, Anna’s sick, Darce is playing pony and Juliet has her music on so loud she won’t hear a thing. I know you want to.” I winked and started pulling him towards the stairs.
“Hazzzzzzzz!” He sighed. “We can’t.”
“Not even a quickie?” I pouted. I know I was being selfish trying to have sex with my kids in the house but I can do a lot in 5 minutes.
“Uh fine! 5 minutes.” He smirked. I smiled and pulled him upstairs quickly. I shut and locked the door before pushing him onto the bed.
“Now where’s this present?” I growled kissing his hungrily. He smirked and pulled it out of the bedside drawer. I opened it and gasped. “LOUIS!”
“What?” He chuckled.
“That’s horrible. I love it!” I smiled.
“I knew you would.” He smiled back.
“Now let’s put it to good use.” I winked. Louis giggled and I kissed him again. Let’s say that 5 minutes was put to good use.

The Perfect Family (TRILOGY To The Perfect Parents)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora