Chapter Three - Trouble In Paradise?

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Juliet’s POV
I jumped as I heard another pot crash into the sink. I was hiding in my room from what was happening downstairs. Dad (Louis) and Daddy (Harry) had just had another fight. It was worse than last night! Dad kept calling Daddy mean names and I heard him crying again. I don’t know why they are fighting again. Daddy and Dad love each other.
“You’re such a prick Harry! I don’t even know why I married you!” Dad yelled loudly. That was followed by a loud smash.
“Stop yelling Louis. Juliet’s asleep. Just please calm down.” Daddy sobbed.
“No! You’re just…”
“I’m what now? A dickhead, a slut? Why are you calling me all these names? I haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Why don’t you just do everyone a favour and leave?!” He yelled.
“I shouldn’t have to leave my own house.” Daddy said seriously. Suddenly there was a slapping sound and lots more yelling. I think Dad hit him. “That’s it Louis! I’m fucking done with your shit!” He said. I heard him coming up stairs. “C’mon Julie. We’re leaving.” He sniffled coming into my room.
“Where are we going Daddy?” I asked.
“Anywhere but here.” He answered packing some of my clothes into a big bag. Luckily the twins and Alfie were staying with Grandma Anne tonight.
“Did Dad hit you?” I asked looking at his red cheek.
“Find some toys you want to take while I get some clothes ok honey?” He said kissing my head. He didn’t answer my question. Dad hurt him again.
“Julie. What are you doing awake?” Dad asked coming into the room.
“You hurt him!” I screamed. “You hurt Daddy.” His eyes widened.
“I didn’t mean to hurt him sweetie.” He said coming closer.
“No! Don’t hurt me too!” I cried.
“JULIET!” Daddy yelled running in. “Get away from her Louis!” He snapped.
“I wasn’t going to hurt her. I would never.” He said stepping away.
“Daddy.” I sobbed.
“Ssh baby. It’s ok. I’m here.” He soothed hugging me. “Get out of here!” He said sternly.
“I wouldn’t hurt her I swear.” Dad said seriously.
“I can’t believe you anymore Louis. You promised you would always protect me. You haven’t.” He sighed rubbing his cheek.
“Harry I-“
“No Louis. We’re leaving.” He said helping me up. Even though I was 9 I was still light enough to carry.
“I’m sorry. I know I did wrong. I should never have yelled at you let alone hit you! I’m the dickhead not you.” Dad sighed. “You mean everything to me Harry. You and the kids. Without you I’m nothing.”
“Don’t. Don’t say that just to make me stay. I’m doing this for me and the kids. They don’t deserve to see us fighting and hear our mean words. I have to go.” Dad nodded.
“I understand Harry. I made a mistake. I’m not going to force you to stay.”
“Good. Go and find your iPod and things honey.” Daddy smiled helping me up. I nodded and walked out. I waited to hear them talk first though.
“I really am sorry Harry. I don’t know what came over me.”
“Just try and get some sleep or something. Maybe you’ll be better then.” Daddy said getting up.
“Where are you going to go?” He questioned.
“I called Liam. He said we could stay there while they were in Ireland. He knows I won’t let anything happen.” He answered.
“What about the kids? We were supposed to go out tomorrow. The zoo?” Dad asked.
“I don’t think that’s going to happen Louis. I’m going to pick them up tomorrow. I’ll call you then.” He sighed.
“Ok. Please stay safe yeah? I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
“Oh so know you care.” He scoffed.
“I’ve always cared about you. You know that.” Dad said seriously.
“Then why did you hit me?!” He yelled making Dad flinch. “You know you say you care and you’d do anything for family but when it comes to it you really don’t!”
“That’s not true Harry. I love you and the kids and yes I would do anything for you or them!”
“Whatever. We’re going.” He said walking out. “Oh. You ready love?” He smiled at me. I nodded and he walked off.
“Bye Dad.” I said quietly going back into my room.
“Bye sweetie. You know I would never, ever hurt you right?” He asked hugging me tightly.
“I know. Will things ever be ok again?” I questioned.
“I hope so honey. I really do.” He sighed. “Now you better go. I love you and I’m sorry you had to hear everything that went on.”
“I love you too Dad and so does Daddy. You guys will sort everything out I promise.” I smiled.
“Yeah. We will one day.” He smiled as I walked off. I didn’t really want to leave Dad all by himself, but I don’t want Daddy to be sad. It’s so confusing. I thought they really loved each other. Like Uncle Niall and Uncle Liam do. Why are adults so complicated?

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