Chapter Four - Worried?

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In Ireland*
Liam’s POV
I groaned as I made my way downstairs. Today was our last day in Ireland and I couldn’t wait to go home. I felt so terrible. I know pregnancy is supposed to be magical and a happy time, but really it’s not! It’s all about vomiting and headaches.
“Li what are you doing out of bed? I told you to stay while I packed.” Niall said seriously.
“I’m bored up there and I wanted to see the kids. Where are they?” I asked.
“Mum and dad took them out for breakfast. How are you feeling?” He asked back helping me to the kitchen.
“Terrible. I’m freezing and it’s not even cold.” I shivered. He sighed and wrapped his jumper around me.
“I’m sorry you feel so bad babe. But the doctor said it should only last for the first 10 weeks.” He said rubbing my shoulder.
“That stinks! I’m only 5 weeks.” I groaned. I hated this. This never, ever happened when I was pregnant with Samantha or Izzie. Well yeah I was sick but it was never that bad.
“I know. Have you been taking the pills?” He asked starting to make some tea.
“Yeah. But I don’t think they’re working Ni. I haven’t stopping being sick all morning.”
“Do you want to go back? I can take you before we leave for the airport?” Niall suggested.
“No it’s ok. I’m fine.” I fake smiled. My stomach was doing flips and all I wanted to do was go to sleep. I’ve never, ever been sick this bad before. Maybe something’s wrong with the baby? “Niall what if it’s the baby? What if something’s wrong with it?” I panicked.
“Hey. I don’t think it’s the baby. Something would have showed up at the doctor if it wasn’t fine.” Niall said seriously.
“Yeah but what if it-“
“Li stop. Nothing is wrong and everything will be ok. You just need to calm done and rest until we need to go.” He said handing me a cup of tea.
“Are you sure? I mean there is a lot that could happen. I could lose the baby.” I said seriously.
“That is not going to happened Liam. Now stop thinking that way. Sit here and stay put while I pack ok?”
“Ok.” I nodded. He smiled and kissed me before going upstairs. I still couldn’t get the thought out of my head that there was something wrong with my baby. Maybe I should call Harry? I nodded to myself and dug out my phone I dialled his number and waited for him to pick up.
“Haz! It’s Liam.”
“Uh hi Li. What’s up?” He asked. He sounded distracted. Like he was in the middle of something.
“Are you busy?” I asked back.
“No. What’s up?” He asked again.
“Um I was just wondering, because you had really bad pains when you were pregnant with Julie did you ever think something was wrong with her?" I rambled.
“All the time. I was always worried. But she was fine. Why? Is something wrong?”
“I don’t know. I just feel terrible and I was never sick like this before.” I sighed. “I’m worried.”
“Well go and check with the doctor. Just to be sure.” He suggested.
“I can’t.” I sighed again.
“I’m worried.” I repeated.
“Liammmmm. You’re never going to know unless you go and see the doctor. What if there is something and you miss it?”
“Harry don’t say that!” I snapped worriedly.
“I’m saying if. Just go and have an ultrasound to check, no harm done if nothing’s wrong.” He said truthfully.
“Yeah I guess you’re right.” I nodded.
“Good. Now make an appointment.”
“I will. Thanks Haz.” I smiled.
“No worries. Now I have to go. Good luck and I’ll see you later tonight yeah?”
“Yep. Bye.” I said hanging up. I found the local doctor’s number and called to make an appointment. They said we could go in now. “Ni!” I yelled, getting up from the table.
“Yeah babe! You ok?!” He yelled back.
“Yeah. I spoke to Harry and made an appointment. I want to see the doctor and we can go now. You coming?”
“Of course. C’mon. I’ll call a taxi.” He said coming downstairs.
“If something is wrong, please don’t be mad at me.” I said quietly once the taxi arrived and we were leaving.
“Li I would never be mad at you. And I’m sure there is nothing wrong. Please don’t think like that. Be positive.” He said holding my hand tightly. I nodded. I wasn’t feeling very positive. It took us 10 minutes to get to the doctor and even then I was nervous. I just had a feeling something was wrong. I don’t know what though.
“Ah Liam. C’mon in.” The doctor smiled. “So I understand you’re quite worried about your baby?” She asked showing her Irish accent.
“Yes. I’ve been feeling weird and awful lately. I know you’re supposed to be sick and stuff but this is worse than my first two pregnancies put together!” I answered.
“Right. Have you gotten any medication for it?” She asked again.
“Yes but it isn’t helping. I’m just scared there’s something wrong.” I explained.
“Well Liam we aren’t going to know until we do a blood test and an ultrasound. Are you ok with needles?” She asked grabbing a box.
“Yeah.” I nodded. She pulled out a huge needle and got ready to take some blood. I looked away and felt a slight pinch as she took it.
“All done.” She smiled. I’ll just take this to the lab and I’ll be back for your ultrasound.” She said walking off.
“The baby will be fine Li. Don’t stress ok.” Niall said rubbing my arm.
“I’m just worried Niall. What if it isn’t fine? What if it has something wrong with it and it can die?”
“Babe just breathe ok? He’ll be fine.”
“He?” I questioned.
“Well I just want a he so badly and I think it’s a he.” He blushed.
“Aw Ni! That’s so cute.” I smiled and pulled him into a hug. “I want a boy too.” I agreed.
“I’m back.” The doctor smiled coming back. She set up the machine before asking me to sit on the bed with the crinkly paper I always hated. “So Liam. While this is loading I need to ask you a few questions.” She started.
“Um ok.” I smiled.
“How old are you?” She asked.
“29.” I answered.
“Ok, and how many kids do you have already?”
“And this is your 3rd pregnancy? No miscarriages?”
“Nope.” I said quickly.
“Good. So the machine has loaded. Can you please lift your shirt?” I nodded and lifted my shirt and she squirted the gel onto my stomach. It was cold and I flinched making her smile softly. “Ok, so everything looks fine.” She said started to move the wand around.
“So everything’s normal then?” Niall spoke up. He was so quiet I almost forgot he was there.
“Everything is normal. Now I think I know why you were feeling so bad.” She said stopping to take a photo. “I think your medication might be wrong for you and you’re having a reaction to it. So I took it upon myself to write you up for some more which should settle your stomach.” She explained as the picture printed out.
“Ok thank you. So the baby is 100% fine?”
“Yes but as with any other pregnancy you aren’t out of the woods yet.”
“I know. Thanks again.” I smiled.
“No problem. Here’s your picture and you can pick up your medication before you leave.” She smiled.
“Ok. Thank you.” Niall smiled again before we left. “See Li. The baby’s fine. There was no need to worry.”
“I know but I guess at least we know now.” I sighed. He nodded and picked up my pills before we went back to the car. Now all I need to go back and lie down until our flight time.

*Back in London*
Harry’s POV
This can’t be happening. Not again. I can’t be pregnant. It was only one unprotected time. We can’t have 5 kids! No we can’t.
“Daddy are you ok?” Juliet asked scaring me.
“I’m great honey. You ready to go?” I asked.
“Yep.” She smiled.
“C’mon then.” I smiled back and took her small hand. We were going to mum’s to pick up Alfie and the twins. I needed to stop at the drugstore (chemist) to buy a test. I had to find out before I went home. Louis would know something’s up.
“Are we going to see Dad?” She asked again as we walked out the door.
“Yeah honey. Just after we pick up Alfie and the twins from Grandma Anne’s.” I answered locking the door. “And we need to make a quick stop along the way.” I sighed. She nodded and skipped off to the car. How was I going to tell Louis if I was pregnant? I can’t tell him we’re going to have 5 kids!
“Daddy hurry up!” Julie yelled from the car.
“Coming!” I yelled back and walked over. I didn’t want to jog in case I was pregnant. I have been feeling sick lately and did vomit a few times. Shit! “You all buckled in?” I asked hopping into the car.
“Yep. Let’s go see Grandma.” She smiled. I smiled back and started the drive to mum’s new house in London. “We just have to stop here honey.” I said pulling up outside of the drugstore (chemist).
“Ok Daddy.” Julie said unbuckling. I can’t let her see what I’m buying.
“Why don’t you fine something you want and I’ll buy it for you?”
“Really?” She asked.
“Yep but make sure you’re really quick ok.”
“Ok.” She smiled running off. I sighed and went to the pregnancy test section I know all too well. I grabbed the brand I always use. ‘better buy two.’ I said to myself. I picked up another box and walked to find Julie. “Here Daddy. Can I have this please?” She asked holding out a pink iPod case.
“Sure honey.” I smiled. She smiled back and I took it and paid for the tests as well. The woman working looked at me like I was horrid. “They’re for my wife.” I fake smiled. She stopped glaring and smiled back, handing me the change. I walked off with Julie while muttering words I would rather not repeat.
“What did you buy Daddy?” She asked getting back into the car.
“Just some headache tablets love. We’ve run out.” I smiled back at her.
“Ok.” She nodded and put her iPod case on. “It’s so pretty.” She smiled to herself making me chuckle. She put in her headphones and looked out the window as we drove. Suddenly my phone rang and I saw it was Louis. I pulled over and answered it.
“Hey Harry. It’s me.”
“I know you dummy! You are in my phone as ‘My Sexy Lou’.” I chuckled.
“Oh yeah. I forgot about that.” He laughed. “Anyway. How are you?” He asked suddenly serious.
“I’m good. I’m on my way to pick up the kids.” I answered. Do I mention the test?
“Oh ok. I was just wondering if you were coming home but I guess you are.”
“Yeah. Listen we need to talk when I get back. What happened last night can’t keep happening.” I sighed.
“I know. I feel so bad Harry. I can’t believe I hit you. My own husband.” He sobbed.
“Lou don’t cry babe. It’s ok. I’m fine. Don’t be upset.” I soothed over the phone.
“But I could have hurt you! I need to stop drinking.” He sighed.
“Well I can help you with that. But first I’ve got to get the kids. I’ll be home soon though ok?”
“Ok.” He sniffled.
“I’m not mad at you Louis. I was, but now I’m not. I wasn’t exactly the best husband last night. I was yelling too.”
“But you never slapped me! I’m so stupid!”
“Lou stop it! You’re going to give yourself a panic attack. Just calm down ok. We can talk about this when I get home.”
“O-Ok.” He stuttered.
“Just breathe. I won’t be long. I love you.”
“I love you too.” He said quietly.
“Alright. See you soon.”
“By Haz.” He said hanging up. I sighed and tossed my phone onto the front seat before starting to drive again. I finally made it to mum’s and we went inside.
“Hi love. How are you?” She smiled hugging me.
“A bit nervous to be honest.” I sighed as Juliet ran to find the others.
“Why? The Louis thing?” She asked.
“How do you know about that?”
“Jay called me but anyway why are you nervous?”
“I think I might be pregnant again.” I answered.
“Aw Harry that’s great!” She smiled widely. “Why aren’t you smiling?”
“Because mum another baby means 5. 5 kids! How the fuck are we supposed to manage 5 kids?”
“Honey you’ll manage. Sometimes things aren’t planned but that doesn’t mean we don’t love them. I hate to say thing but Gemma wasn’t planned. Well no so early anyway.” She mumbled.
“But we don’t have the money as it is mum.”
“Do you know for sure?” I shook my head.
“I brought some tests. I’ll go and take them.” I sighed walking off.
“Daddy!” Darcy and Anna yelled running over to me.
“Hey babies.” I smiled hugging them tightly. “Were you good girls for Grandma?” I asked.
“Yeah!” They both smiled. I smiled again and kissed their heads.
“Mum where’s Alfie?” I called.
“He hasn’t come out of his room all morning love. I tried but he won’t come out.” She answered. I sighed and got up, walking upstairs to Alfie’s room when he stayed.
“Hey bud. It’s Dad. You ok?” I asked knocking on the door.
“Go away!” He yelled.
“C’mon buddy. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He mumbled.
“Can I come in?” I asked again.
“I guess.” I opened the door and found him lying face down on the bed.
“Alfie what’s the matter? Is something wrong?” I questioned going over and sitting next to him.
“I never get noticed.” He said rolling over. I could see the tear tracks down his cheeks. My poor baby!
“What do you mean?” I asked pulling him in for a hug.
“It’s always about Juliet or the twins. I’m in the middle and no one notices me.” He sighed.
“That’s not true Alfie.”
“Yes it is Daddy! No one cares.”
“Yes we do. Of course we care about you. We love you. So much.” I said seriously.
“Then why don’t you play with me anymore?” He asked quietly. I sighed. I know I don’t spend enough time with him. I really should.
“I’m sorry mate. I know I don’t play with you enough anymore. I really should shouldn’t I?” I sighed.
“Will you take me to school? You know instead of Dad?” He asked.
“Sure bud. I’ll take you to school and maybe tomorrow we can practise some football? Now I know I’m not as good as Dad but I can still beat you.” I chuckled.
“No way! I can so beat you! You’re old.”
“Hey! I am not old! I’m still in my twenties thank you.” I smiled.
“Thank you for making me feel better Daddy. I love you.” He smiled hugging me.
“I love you too Alfie. More than anything.” I sighed kissing his head. “Now why don’t you come out and play with your sisters. I’m sure grandma will find some cake.”
“Ok.” He smiled and ran off. I chuckled and hopped up making my way to the bathroom. It’s now or never I suppose. I locked the door and did my business.
“So how’d it go?” Mum asked as I went out there.
“Dunno. I gotta wait.” I sighed.
“You’ll be fine honey. You and Lou will find some way to work it out.” She smiled softly rubbing my arm.
“I know. It’s just the chat I had with Alfie really sunk in. We don’t have enough time for them. I know that sound horrible but it’s true. We automatically think Juliet will look after herself so we don’t really focus on her too much. Then Alfie who’s quiet and we never hear and then the twins who need the most attention. I feel like a bad father. Especially if we abandon them for another baby!” I rambled.
“Harry you can’t change what happened, that’s if you are pregnant. And you are not a bad father. Sometimes things happen and we don’t really think about the best option.”
“But no one will want another baby mum.” Ok that kinda sounded harsh.
“How do you know? Have you asked Louis?”
“Well no but-“
“But nothing Harold! You can’t say the baby is unwanted because it will never be! If you are having another one then it will always be wanted by me. I would love another grandchild.”
“Mum you have 7 already! And that’s just one more present you’ll end up buying at Christmas, which you can’t afford by the way.” I said seriously.
“I can so afford to spoil my grandchildren. Now go and check that test.” She said pushing me away.
“Ok. Pushy.” I sighed. I went to the bathroom and sure enough. The plus sign was there. Damn it! I swear those signs haunt me. I took the test with me and sulked back to mum. It’s not that I don’t want another baby. I just don’t think now is a good time.
“Well?” She asked.
“It’s positive mum. I’m pregnant.” I answered.
“That’s great.” She smiled and hugged me.
“How am I supposed to tell Louis?” I asked nervously.
“Just tell him love. Now you better get home. The girls haven’t had a nap and I think Julie’s bored. You’ll be fine Haz.” I nodded and got the kid’s stuff from last night before piling them all into the car. I said goodbye to mum and we left to go home.
“Are we going home to Dad?” Alife asked as we drove.
“Yeah buddy.” I sighed trying to keep my eyes on the road. I have to admit I was worried. I’m going to have to get another job to help with money. I was a music teacher at the local high school, while Lou worked at the tattoo shop with Zayn. Neither paid very well but we did still have some left from One Direction.
“Daddy! Pay attention!” Juliet yelled.
“Shit!” I mumbled. I almost lost control! I need to get a grip. I can’t change this as mum said. I just need to accept it.

20 minutes later we got home and kids all ran in to see Louis while I unpacked the car. I walked in a dropped everything on the floor.
“Jay!” I gasped shocked to see her there.
“Hello Harry. How are you?” She asked hugging me. “I’m so sorry about Louis. I had a very stern chat to him.” She whispered.
“Thanks Jay. I’m good, how are you?” I asked back.
“Fine. I came to see the little munchkins while you two have a chat.” She said eyeing off Louis.
“Yes mum.” He sighed. I smiled softly and walked up to our room. “Hi.” He said awkwardly.
“Hi.” I chuckled. “This doesn’t have to be awkward Lou. We talked on the phone remember.”
“Well yeah but you said we needed to talk.”
“About something else. How would you feel about having more kids?” I asked nervously.
“More? Like how many more are we talking?” He asked seriously.
“One more.” I laughed.
“Just one?” I nodded. “I guess that would be ok. I do miss having a little baby to look after.” He giggled.
“Good because-“
“You want to try for a baby?!” He yelled happily.
“No. I’m already pregnant.”
“You are?!”
“Yes Lou. It happened on Christmas Day.” I answered.
“Oh yeah…shit! We’re gonna have another baby!” He smiled and hugged me tightly. “That’s amazing Haz.”
“I’m glad you’re happy. I was a bit worried when I found out. I mean we don’t have enough money as it is.” I sighed.
“We can work around that Harry. I can get another job or something. Money isn’t important. You are and the baby and all of the kids! Family is important.” He smiled. I smiled back and kissed him sweetly.
“You’re perfect you know that?” I smirked nudging him.
“No. You are. You gave me a family Haz. That’s more than I could ever ask for.” He sighed happily. “Now let’s go tell everyone.” We went and told Jay and the kids. She was happy and Juliet and the twins were excited but I was nervous about Alfie.
“You ok buddy?” I asked sitting beside him.
“When you have the baby, you won’t forget about me right?” He asked quietly.
“Of course not! I love you Alfie.” I sighed hugging him.
“But you’ll have to look after it and-“
“You can help if you want. You were very helpful with the twins. I remember you kept them happy when they were in the bath.” I smiled making him blush.
“You think I’ll be helpful?”
“I bet you will! You’re already the best big brother ever! The baby will love you.”
“Then I guess I could teach them how to play football and video games.”
“I’m sure the baby will love that buddy.” I smiled. He smiled back and hugged me again. I can quickly see this baby being a bit hit with the family.

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