Chapter Thirteen - Impossible

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Louis’ POV
“Is he ok?” I asked looking at Harry lying on the floor. “Babe?”
“I think he’s a bit shocked. He’s alright.” A nurse said helping him up.
“Did he land on his stomach?” I questioned.
“No he’s fine.” She said sitting him in the chair beside my bed.
“Thank god.” I sighed relieved.
“Daddy you’re awake. Are you ok?” Julie asked quietly coming to stand beside the bed.
“I’m good honey. I’m glad I’m awake now. I could hear all of you talking to me but I couldn’t see you. That made me sad.” I sighed. “Do you wanna come sit?” I asked. She nodded and climbed onto the bed next to me. “I missed you you know.” I smiled.
“I missed you too Daddy. Dad has been stressing out.” She sighed.
“I’m sorry sweetheart. Hey how was your first day today?” I asked poking her nose.
“Ok. I just wanted it to be over so I could come and see you.” She giggled.
“Aw well that’s sweet baby. Thank you.” I smiled again. “Are you upset about something love?” I questioned.
“You and Dad won’t forget about me when Jacob comes right? I know he already said no but I’m worried you might.” She mumbled.
“Never! I love all you kids equally and you all get attention. Of course we won’t forget.” I said seriously.
“Ok.” She whispered.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there today princess, you know I wish I was.”
“I know Daddy. But you had to get better and you did. I’m happy you’re awake, I missed you lots. Last night Daddy let me sleep in your bed. It smelt like you.” She giggled.
“Aw, that’s sweet.” I smiled.
“When do you get to come home Daddy?’ She questioned.
“I don’t know lovely. I hope I can come home soon. I miss you all so much.” I said kissing her little head.
“I hope you can come home soon too. I want to spend time with you before Jacob comes.” She sighed.
“We’ll spend loads of time together Julie, I promise.” I smiled.
“I love you Daddy.” She smiled.
“I love you too honey, so much.” I sighed as she cuddled me. I really was happy to be awake, I don’t know how much longer I could take not being able to see or talk to my family. They mean everything to me, all of the kids and Harry. But soon Jacob will shake things up big time. I’m super excited but also really nervous that the kids won’t adjust to having another baby in the house. I’m also worried about money, babies are expensive and we don’t have much left from One Direction. I hope we’ll have enough…

Harry’s POV
“I can’t believe you’re awake Lou. It feels like I’m dreaming and if I wake up you won’t be here.” I sighed holding his hand.
“Well I’m here Haz, you aren’t dreaming. But you might have been when you fainted.” He chuckled.
“Do we have to talk about that? I was shocked you were awake ok. Don’t make fun of me.” I pouted.
“Sorry love but it was sweet. I was worried you landed on your belly. You’re even bigger than 3 weeks ago.” He smiled rubbing my bump with his other hand.
“I know. He’s been very active lately, he keeps kicking.” I laughed. “I have an ultrasound tomorrow actually. Do you think you’ll be able to come?” I asked hopeful.
“I guess so. The doctor’s coming soon to check me out so I’ll ask him then.” He smiled again. “I really want to go.”
“I want you there too.” I smiled back leaning over to kiss him. We were interrupted by Jay knocking on the door.
“Hello.” She smiled.
“Hi mum.” Louis smiled back as she walked in.
“Hey Harry.” She said hugging me.
“Hi Jay.” I smiled.
“How are you feeling babe?” She asked hugging Louis tightly.
“Good, I’m so glad I’m awake though, I hated not being able to see you all.” He sighed.
“Well I’m just happy you’re ok. I was so worried when you never woke up.” She said sadly. “How are the kids doing?” She asked sitting beside me.
“They’re good. Dad came and took them out for the day, to give us some time alone. But they’ll be back later.” I smiled.
“I bet they were happy to see you awake. Especially Julie, she was taking this a bit hard.” She said softly.
“She was happy when I saw her, I feel bad I missed both her and Alfie’s first day though. I promised her I would be there and I wasn’t.” He sighed.
“She understands though babe, you would have been there if you could.” I said rubbing his arm.
“I bet she looked all beautiful in her uniform and I missed it! She asked me if I’d forget about her when we have Jacob.”
“She asked me that too.” I sighed. “She thinks the baby is going to get all the attention.”
“If I’m being honest I reckon she has thought that with all the babies. She was always getting a bit left out with every newborn.” Jay spoke up.
“But we can’t help that mum. I know we could have been a bit more protected but our kids are here and we can’t change that.” Louis stepped in defending us.
“I know and I wouldn’t take any of them back but you do need to think about where she’s coming from. She doesn’t want to be left behind.”
“And she won’t!” Louis said sternly. Everyone was quiet after that, until the doctor came and kicked us out while Louis got his check-up. I was always worried about what the kids would think of having a new baby in the house, but they never seemed to mind that much. Was Jay right? I have no idea!

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