Chapter Fifteen - Family Dramas

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Liam’s POV
“Niall will you quit yelling at me! I’m trying here God!” I yelled angrily. Niall was always in my face about something. Whether it was having the house in a mess or for not buying the right thing he wanted, I was fucking over it.
“I’m trying too Liam! Who’s the one away working when you’re here doing nothing all fucking day?!” He spat.
“Doing nothing? You think I do nothing all day?” I chuckled sarcastically. “Who looks after your son while you’re at work huh? Me I do!” I snapped. “Sure I may not go out and put money into anything but I do help Niall!”
“Yeah you help spend it all! Where does most of the money go? Here!” He said angrily.
“Or at the pub where you’ve been for the last 2 weeks every fucking day. As soon as you come home you yell at me and then you leave, that hurts Niall. It’s like you don’t want to be around me, let alone the girls and James. We’re your family and you act like we aren’t even here most days. I can’t remember the last time you were here to tuck in the girls, or the last time we actually had a proper conversation without yelling at one another. I don’t know what’s happened to us.” I sighed frustrated. He was blaming me, like it was all my fault. I never did anything to make him angry, it just happens for no reason. “Don’t you want to be here anymore? Is that what’s wrong?” I asked.
“I don’t know what’s wrong Liam, it’s just easier to go out most nights. Just for a break.” He sighed.
“I know you work hard but I need a break too and the only time I can rest is when James is asleep during the day and I don’t even know how long he’s going to be asleep for. When I go and get the girls I usually go shopping and then back here and wait for you. Izzie was so excited to show you her picture yesterday and you didn’t even bother looking. They always ask for you when you’re away Niall, they miss seeing you because you’re hardly ever here. Just once it would be nice to sit down as a family and watch a movie or something like we used to, please?” I asked looking down at my hands. I was waiting for him to storm out or yell at me again, that’s how it normally works.
“How about tomorrow night yeah? It’s Friday. I can pick up the girls from school and take them to the video shop. Pick up some ice cream?” He suggested. I think my mouth dropped, he was actually willing to do it himself?
“That sounds great, the girls would love that.” I smiled. He smiled back and pulled me into his arms.
“I’m sorry I’ve been such a cunt Li. I’ll make it up to you I promise.” He said softly. I nodded as we pulled away.
“I love you.” I smiled again and kissed him sweetly.
“I love you too love.” He smiled back.
“What do you do when you go to the pub?” I asked quietly.
“Drink.” He chuckled.
“Are you alone?” I questioned.
“What’s that supposed to mean? Do you think I’d cheat or something?!” He snapped making me pull away from him.
“No, no! I was just asking. Don’t get mad.” I said quickly. “I’m sorry.”
“No I’m sorry Li. I guess I have a short temper.” He sighed.
“How about we go to bed? The kids are all in bed and the place is pretty clean. We can cuddle.” I suggested. He smiled and nodded taking my hand, before leading me upstairs. I hope this whole ‘happy Niall’ thing lasts a while because I missed it.

Niall’s POV
“Alright lovelies, go and find one movie each ok? Just one.” I told the girls as we walked into the video shop.
“Just one?” Izzie whined.
“One. Off you go.” I laughed as they wandered off. I started browsing myself, looking for a romantic comedy Liam would love. He’s such a softie.
“Fancy seeing you here Niall.” Someone said from behind me, making me jump.
“Ben, what are you doing here?” I asked looking around awkwardly.
“Just picking out some movies. How about you? I missed you today.” He smiled putting his hand on my waist.
“Stop! My kids are here.” I said pulling away.
“When are you coming back hey?” He questioned.
“I don’t think I am. I’m happy, with Liam.” I answered.
“Really? Because last time I heard you were complaining about him before you climbed into bed with me.” He asked.
“Shut up! That was a mistake, I should never have slept with you. Just leave it.” I muttered.
“It didn’t sound like a mistake to me. You were pretty into it, both times.”
“Ben I’m serious. I love Liam more than I can even explain and I’m not leaving him so you need to leave now!” I said sternly.
“This is a public place Niall, you can’t make me leave.” He growled.
“Leave me alone. I’m not coming back and I’m not sleeping with you again!” I snapped.
“Daddy?” Izzie said quietly. Her and Sam were standing there looking at me weirdly. “Who is he?” She asked.
“He’s no one princess. What did you find?” I smiled. Sam rattled on about her My Little Pony DVD as we walked off towards the counter.
“Was he mean to you?” Izzie questioned looking back at him, as he watched us walk away.
“No honey, he’s just someone I used to know that’s all. C’mon. We’ve gotta go get the ice cream.” I smiled again. She smiled back as I paid for the DVDs and brought some candy too. After the video store we stopped at the shop to buy some ice cream before driving home.
“Daddy look!” Sam smiled running inside with her movie.
“My Little Pony. That’s great love.” I heard Liam say quietly. I walked down the hallway and to the kitchen, putting the ice cream and candy away. “Why do you girls go and get ready for your bath and I’ll be up in a second ok?” He said. Seconds later I heard the girls run upstairs.
“Sam got so excited with the DVD I had to get it.” I laughed hearing him come in behind me.
“How could you?!” He snapped angrily. I turned around and noticed his face and I knew this wasn’t good.
“What’s happened?” I asked.
“Don’t play dumb with me Niall, I know what happened with Ben! You cheated. I know things haven’t been the best with us lately but I didn’t think you’d cheat. How could you?” He cried. “I thought we loved each other.”
“Liam I’m sorry. It wasn’t supposed to happen like that, it wasn’t supposed to happen at all! It was a mistake.” I sighed.
“You still did it. You still willingly slept with someone else Niall. I thought I was alone before, but this is even worse.” He said shaking his head. “I thought we were going to get past this, like Louis and Harry did. But I guess not.”
“Wait what do you mean?” I asked confused.
“I’m going Niall. I’m going and I’m taking the kids with me.” He answered.
“Liam. Li babe don’t go. I’m sorry ok. I know it was totally stupid. Please don’t go! Please Liam!” I begged as he walked away.
“It would have been easier if you had at least told me you slept with him, maybe then I could have thought about it. But you didn’t. You never even mentioned anything. Are you trying to hurt me Niall? Is that what this is about? Because I was hurt a long time ago.” He said seriously.
“I didn’t tell you because I couldn’t stand to lose you Li, I love you.” I said reaching for his hand.
“Don’t touch me!” He snapped pulling away.
“How did you find out?” I asked quietly.
“He came around. He actually came here Niall! He asked for you and I said you were out and then the next minute he’s telling me everything.”
“You didn’t think to ask me if it was true first? You just accused me.” I said defensively.
“Well I was right anyway. You cheated on me. I would never, EVER do something like that to you. You mean so much to me Niall and without you I don’t know where I’d be. But maybe I’m better off finding out.”
“No! Liam no please! I promise it’s over and it’ll never happen again. Just don’t leave. I love you so much and I know it was a stupid thing to do. Please Liam!” I begged grabbing his hand. “Liam I’m begging.”
“Niall I miss us, the way we used to be. Maybe this just proves things aren’t going to get back there any time soon. I need some space and I’m taking the kids. We’re going to stay with Mum and Dad, tomorrow.” He sighed picking up some toys the kids left around.
“How long are you going for?” I asked quietly.
“I’m not sure. I’ll call you when I get there so the kids can talk to you. Don’t come around, I’ll meet you somewhere.” He answered.
“I really don’t want you to go but I can’t make you stay here if you don’t want to. I’m so sorry I hurt you Li and I’ll miss you.” I smiled softly.
“I’ll miss you too Niall. Please take the time to stop and look at what’s happened between us. I know it’s not 100% your fault but just think about it.” He said softly. “I would appreciate it if you slept on the couch tonight.”
“Of course.” I nodded. Suddenly James started screaming, Liam groaned before trudging up the stairs. “I’ll get him. You fix up the girls.” I said following him. He nodded and walked towards the kids rooms as I went to the nursery. “Hey little man, what’s wrong?” I soothed picking him up. “You don’t need to cry, Ssh.” I said rocking him back and forth. James settled down a bit and yawned widely before closing his eyes again. “I love you so much little one, don’t ever forget that. I know I haven’t really seemed like I was interest in you but I am! I promise! Things between me and your Daddy aren’t the best at the moment so he’s going away, so are you. I wish I could take everything that happened back and have everything back the way it was but I can’t.” I sniffled a bit and wiped away a stray tear. “I’ll see you soon baby.” I said as I softly kissed his forehead. He was fully asleep in no time and I placed him back in his cot gently. I can’t believe all the shit I’ve caused between Liam and I. I’m such an idiot! Now I’m losing my family because of my mistakes.

Harry’s POV
“Daddy watch me!” Juliet yelled as she jumped into the pool. We were staying in the bungalow at mums for a few weeks just as a family, before the twins were born. The kids were having such a good time in the pool and playing on the grass. Obviously I couldn’t do anything because I was huge but I tried to get involved.
“Be careful Julie!” Louis warned watching her swim around. The twins had their floaties on and were splashing each other while Alfie was playing with the inflatable stuff. “She’s going to hurt herself.” He sighed lying beside me.
“She’ll only learn once.” I said seriously. “But even then we don’t want her getting hurt.” I mumbled.
“You look comfy there, are the twins quiet?” He asked rubbing my stomach. “Wow! It’s really hard.”
“I know, I feel terrible. It can’t be time for them to come yet, it’s too soon. But it feels like they’re between my legs.” I groaned moving to get comfy.
“Maybe they’re just getting ready for when it’s time to come. I’m sure everything is fine.” Louis smiled at me, even though I don’t think he believed himself.
“I hope so. We aren’t even at home and we have nothing here with us if they do come.” I sighed.
“Hey, it’ll be fine. You haven’t been feeling anything have you, pains?” He asked concerned. I shook my head. “See, nothing to worry about love!” He said cheerfully.
“I think I might lie down for a bit yeah. You’re right to watch the kids?” I asked struggling to get up.
“Yeah I’m right. You alright to get to the bungalow?” He questioned standing up.
“Yeah I’m right. Thanks Lou.” I smiled softly at him.
“Where you going Dad?!” Alfie called.
“Daddy go?” Anna asked trotting over to me with her floaties sliding down her arms.
“I’m going to lie down for a bit babies. The other babies are a bit restless. You be good for Daddy ok? No jumping or running.” I said seriously pushing the plastic back up her arms.
“Ok Daddy.” She smiled. I kissed the top of her head and she wandered back over to Darcy, who was swimming like a frog. I laughed and kissed Louis’ lips softly.
“See you all later.” I smiled waddling back to the bungalow. By the time I got there I was already tired. I contemplated crashing on the couch but that wouldn’t be any good on my already bad back so I made the journey upstairs to the bedroom. “Why are you guys so fidgety? What did I ever do to you, besides carry you around for nine months!” I snapped rolling onto my side on the bed, annoyed that I wasn’t getting comfortable. Tried rubbing my stomach and even singing but still nothing could settle them down. “Fine! If you want me awake I’m awake!” I groaned. “You’re lucky I love you babies because I need-“ I was cut off from my rant by a huge pain in my lower stomach. “Shit!” I gasped grabbing my pillow. “Ok, I’m sorry. You didn’t have to kick me.” I gritted. Suddenly it happened again but harder and I felt the bed get wet. “Oh fuck!” I cursed. “Not now!” The babies were coming. My water had just broken!

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