Chapter Six - Seeing The Baby

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Harry’s POV
Today Louis and I are going for another check up to see the baby again. We already had one ultrasound a while ago but now I’m four months we have to go for another one just to be safe.
“When can we help with the nursery Daddy?” Juliet asked as we were about to leave. We were dropping them off at Jay’s for a bit while we were at the hospital.
“Once we find out the sex honey.” I answered.
“When’s that?” She asked again.
“I don’t know. We’ll have to wait and see won’t we.” I said as they all walked out towards the car.
“Everything ready?” Lou asked coming up to me.
“Yep. We have a lot of kids Lou. Did you ever notice that?” I asked making him chuckle.
“We have four babe. That’s not that many.” He said getting into the car.
“Five. The baby is alive Louis duh!” I said seriously.
“Five then. That still isn’t that many. It’s not like we have like 10!”
“I know but five is still a lot. I never imagined that.” I sighed.
“How many did you imagine love?” He asked starting the car.
“Once we found out about Julie I could picture around two. A girl and a boy after Julie of course. But then the twins came alone and everything went out the window. We just need to stop after this. No more!” I said sternly.
“Yes definitely. No more. We can’t handle the ones we’ve got now. I need to get a second job.” Louis sighed.
“No you don’t Lou. Simon always talked about maybe a reunion tour? We could do that and get paid a large sum of cash.” I winked.
“Seriously? We only broke up not that long ago. I don’t think people miss us that much.” He laughed.
“Who keeps tweeting Simon? The old fans who do miss us! It would be so awesome to start performing again. The kids would get to see us as well.” I smiled widely. I always loved performing.
“I don’t know Haz. Performing and all the fame is what almost broke us up last time. I don’t think we should do it right now. Especially with the baby and everything.” He said gesturing towards my stomach area.
“But we need the money Lou. Do you want our kids to go to a good school?” I asked seriously.
“Yes but good schools aren’t always private schools.” He smirked.
“It was your idea to send Julie to the expensive school down the road!” I argued.
“Yes but she went before the twins come.”
“What about Alfie? We sent him to the same school.”
“I didn’t want to split them up. They are related after all. Look the twins and the baby will just have to go to the public school. We don’t need to spend the extra money.”
“That’s not fair Lou. It’s like we’re giving Juliet and Alfie special treatment.” I sighed.
“Haz we just have to ok? I know it sounds horrible but it’s just reality.” He agreed. I nodded as we pulled up outside Jay’s house. “Ok guys we’re here!” Lou smiled and hopped out of the car. I followed and helped unclip the twins before they jumped out.
“Grandma Jay!” Darcy yelled running off as Anna stuck to me.
“What’s wrong honey?” I asked moving some hair out of her face.
“Me don’t want to go.” She mumbled. “Wanna see baby.”
“You want to see the baby?” I questioned. I looked over and saw the kids and Lou all talking to Jay, Daisy and Phoebe.
“Yeah. Can me come?” She asked batting her eyelashes.
“Ok. You can come sweetie.” I smiled and kissed her forehead. She smiled back as I walked over to them.
“Anna’s coming with us.” I told Lou.
“Oh ok. It looks like you’ll only have the three. Anna’s coming with us.” He smiled at Jay.
“Oh ok then. Can I have a cuddle first though?” Jay smiled. Anna nodded and I passed her over.
“Is she ok?” Louis asked.
“I think so. She said she wanted to see the baby. She looked a bit upset over something.” I shrugged.
“Do you think her and Darce get along well enough?” He questioned.
“Uh I don’t know. They are twins. They have a strong bond.”
“Do they really? Like Anna’s really quiet and Darcy’s loud and crazy. Normally twins act the same and stuff. Maybe they don’t have the strong twin connection they need to be like, best friends.” He rambled.
“You sound like a scientist Lou. It’s fine. So they act differently, they don’t have to be the same.” I shrugged.
“But we don’t even dress them the same. What if they don’t know they’re twins?” He panicked.
“Really Louis? They know they’re twins ok? Look we better go, but we can talk to her about it on the way.” He nodded and we said goodbye to everyone before taking Anna and leaving.
“So babe, are you ok?” Louis asked as he drove. He was watching her in the mirrors.
“Yes Daddy.” She nodded. She was cuddling her teddy bear. He goes everywhere with her.
“Are you sure? You looked a bit upset.” I said turning to face her.
“I’m ok.” She smiled softly.
“Ok sweetie.” I smiled back and turned around again. “Should we be worried?” I asked.
“I don’t know Haz. The kids are growing up so fast and it’s hard to keep up.” He sighed. I nodded in agreement and he continued driving. I still don’t even know if the baby is a good thing or not. I mean I want it but things are just going to get more and more complicated as time goes on. Are we going to be able to handle it?

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