Chapter Two - Christmas Part Two

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Louis’ POV
At 10 people finally started to arrive. Mum and Dan with all the kids/adults, Liam and Niall with Isabella and Sam, Anne and Robin and Kim and Josh! The house was pretty packed and Zayn and Perrie still weren’t here yet.
“I’ve missed you so much!” I smiled hugging Kim tightly. Since her and Josh got married they moved to the US for him to get more gigs and help support the family. They also had a little boy, Justin and she was pregnant again with a little girl.
“I’ve missed you too Lou. I should have made more of an effort to come and visit.” She sighed.
“It’s ok. It’s great you’re moving home. Now I can finally have proper uncle/nephew time with Justin.” I laughed.
“I know. He talks about you all the time. He’s always saying things like ‘Uncle Lou taught me this’. It’s so cute.” She smiled.
“Well I am a role model for young children.” I joked.
“Bullshit!” Niall chuckled. “I wouldn’t want my children turning out like you, no offence or anything. You’re just crazy.”
“Oh thanks Ni.” I laughed. He chuckled again and wandered off.
“So where’s Harry gotten to? I heard he made food and I’m starving.”
“He should be around here somewhere. Maybe he’s with Anna? I’ll check. I don’t want you getting sick.” I said seriously. She laughed but nodded as I walked off. Where could he be? I walked past the bathroom and heard someone throwing up. “Liam?” I asked opening the door.
“Lou?” He groaned.
“What’s wrong?” I asked helping him sit up. “You didn’t catch Anna’s bug did you?”
“No. I’m ok.” He sighed standing up. “Do you have a mint?” He asked. I shook my head as he checked his pockets.
“What’s going on? If you aren’t sick you must be-you’re pregnant aren’t you?!” I yelled.
“Louis keep it down! I don’t want the whole of London to hear you thanks.” He shushed.
“Sorry. But you are aren’t you?” I asked.
“Yes ok. And don’t go telling anyone. I want to surprise Niall tonight.”
“You think he’ll be sober enough to remember that?” I laughed.
“Shut up! He promised he wouldn’t drink so much seeing we have the kids with us. He’s going to be happy once I tell him.” He smiled.
“So how long have you known?” I questioned.
“A couple of weeks. I wanted to wait and surprise him.” He answered.
“Ok. Fair enough. So you’re ok?” He nodded. “Have you seen Harry and the food?” I asked.
“Nup. Now I’ve got to find something to take this awful taste away.” He said walking out. I sighed and followed him. I went upstairs and found Harry on the phone.
“It’s ok Gem. I know it’s horrible. I wish I could be there for you. It’s ok.” He sighed. “No you don’t have to apologise. It’s ok really. As long as you’re fine?” Something happened with Gemma? “Ok. I’ll call you later. Love you too, bye.” He said hanging up.
“What’s happened?” I asked scaring him.
“Nothing.” He answered quietly.
“Babe you can tell me. Is Gemma ok?” I questioned sitting beside him on the bed.
“Yeah she’s ok. Adam’s mum died and she was really close to her that’s all. She’s all crying and everything.” He sighed.
“Aw! Poor Gem and Adam. Who’s watching Corey and Amy? (Gemma had twins by the way)
“I don’t know. They were supposed to be coming here.”
“You ok?” I asked.
“Yeah I just feel bad for them you know.”
“Yeah.” I said hugging him.
“Have you checked on Anna?” He asked getting up suddenly.
“No. I was going to but had to stop at the bathroom. Let’s go check on her.” I answered grabbing his hand. He smiled at me and we went downstairs together. We found Anna passed out asleep on the couch. Her movie was still playing on repeat.
“She’s so adorable isn’t she?” He sighed and kissed her forehead.
“I know. I hope she gets better soon. She’s going to miss everything otherwise.” I sighed too.
“She’ll be ok. We’ll have to get her to eat something though. She can’t not eat.”
“Yeah true. We’ll wake her up for lunch when everyone eats yeah?” I suggested.
“Perfect.” He smiled.
“I really do love my necklace Haz. It’s perfect.” I smiled back at him.
“I thought you’d like it. I know you too well.” He laughed as we walked into the lounge. There were kids everywhere. By now Zayn and Perrie had arrived with Sophie, Elijah and Ellie.
“Hey Zee.” Harry smiled.
“Oh hey guys. I wondering where you’d got to.” Zayn laughed and bro hugged us both.
“Anna’s sick.” I answered.
“Oh that sucks. Is she ok?” He asked.
“Oh yeah. Just a tummy bug. Where’s Perrie?” Harry asked.
“Somewhere over there. I think she’s chatting to Kim actually. I might go get a drink.” He smiled and walked off.
“Well I think this lunch is a success. We did well.” I smiled and hugged Harry’s waist.
“We did. And even got in some alone time.” He smirked.
“You’re never going to let me forget that are you?” I asked.
“Nope! You were too good.” He chuckled and walked off towards Anne. I laughed and walked outside. Alfie and Isabella were playing…alone. I swear those two are best friends. They always play together. Niall thinks they’re going to date when they get older. It would be cute I guess.
“Hey guys. Whatcha doing?” I asked scaring them both.
“Nothing.” Alfie answered for them both. They were hiding something.
“Don’t you want to come inside? Sophie’s here.” I said walking over to them.
“No thanks Uncle Louis.” Izzie smiled softly.
“O-kay. Well lunch is almost ready so come in soon. We don’t want your Daddy to eat it all.” I chuckled.
“Ok.” Alfie said not looking up at me. I need to have a word to him later. I shook my head and went back inside. I found Lottie and went to see her.
“Hello love.” I smiled giving her a hug.
“Hey Lou. I haven’t seen you at all today.” She laughed.
“I know. I’ve been busy what with all these people I need to entertain and everything.” I chuckled.
“True. How’s Anna? Mum told me she was sick.” She asked.
“She’s asleep. Probably just a tummy bug or something. She’ll be fine. So how have you been? Where’s Martin?” I asked grabbing a can of drink from the fridge.
“He’s at home. He didn’t want to come.” She answered.
“That’s not like him. Did you two have an argument?”
“How could you tell?” She scoffed.
“Because Harry and I have had a few in our time. Normally it consists of him not talking to me for a few hours and then us cuddling in bed and all is forgiven. What happened?” I questioned.
“We had a fight about where we would spend Christmas. Like last year you guys came out for dinner so he could still see his parents, but this year we were coming here but his parents were going out for dinner so he wouldn’t see them. He said I was selfish because everything was always about my family. So I told him where to stick it and things have been awkward ever since. That was 3 days ago.” She explained.
“Well I’m glad you told him where to stick it Lott.” I chuckled. “But you need to sort it out. If you don’t want this to carry on. That’s how relationships end.” I said seriously.
“Yeah I know. But maybe now is the time to end things. I mean we have been together for years and I do love him but what’s the point if we fight all the time. You and Haz don’t fight a lot.”
“We do some times. But it’s not about me and Harry. This is about you and Martin and what you want to do.” She groaned.
“You’re my big brother Louis! You’re supposed to help me with these things.”
“I’m sorry sis but this is up to you.” I laughed and kissed her head before walking off. Finally 20 minutes later lunch was ready and we all sat down to eat. We woke up Anna and she sat in Harry’s lap while we ate.
“Thanks so much for inviting us all over guys.” Mum smiled.
“Yeah thank you.” Perrie smiled.
“Guys it’s no problem. This was our year anyway.” I laughed.
“Yeah. And it’s so much more fun with you guys anyway.” Harry smiled making everyone ‘awe’. Everyone went back to eating but I saw Liam whispering into Niall’s ear. I wonder what that was all about?

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