Chapter Nine - Just A Little Payne

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2 months later
Liam’s POV
Today Niall and I were going for one last check up with my doctor before James is born. She just needs to make sure everything’s going well and he’s in the best position for birth, even though it’s still a month or so away.
“We’re so excited to meet you James. We already have everything ready for you baby. Your sisters are so excited too. We love you.” Niall smiled rubbing my stomach in the waiting room.
“Ni can you stop please. Everyone’s staring at us.” I chuckled pushing his hand away.
“So, who cares? I can talk to my baby if it want.”
“I know babe but maybe later when we go home yeah?” I nodded.
“Fine.” He sighed. “But he was kicking me. He liked it.” He pouted. He was too cute I couldn’t help but kiss the pout off his lips.
“Feeling better?” I asked with a smirk.
“Much better.” He smiled kissing me again.
“Uh hum!” Someone cleared their throat loudly. “Liam.” My doctor laughed.
“Oh sorry doctor. C’mon Ni. Help me up.” I chuckled. He laughed put help me stand up.
“Sorry again.” He mumbled.
“It’s fine guys. C’mon through.” She smiled walking off. We followed along behind and went into her office. “So Liam, how have things been lately?” She asked as we sat down, Niall and I holding hands.
“Great! Sam turned 4 the other day and we had a huge party for her. She loved it.” I smiled (sorry if Sam is already four. It feels like ages ago I wrote about her and I forgot her age. Lol.)
“Aw that’s lovely. Tell her I say Happy Birthday.” She smiled back.
“We will.” Niall smiled too.
“So have you been feeling ok? Nothing too bad?”
“Well the last months are always the hardest but I’m doing ok. I have Harry to keep me company when Niall’s busy and my new best friend the couch is very supportive.” I chuckled.
“I’m sure it is. Not we are just here for one last check up before meeting the little guy. We’re just checking to see if he’s in the right place for a good C-section, is that right?” She asked.
“Yup. Exactly.” I nodded.
“Great. Take a seat up on the bed for me while I get the ultrasound machine.” She smiled walking out of the room. Niall helped me stand and get on the bed comfortably as she wandered back in with the machine. “Here we are. Let’s have a look at your baby.” She said starting it up. She lifted up my oversized sweat shirt and spread the gel around my belly before looking at the screen. Suddenly there he was, Niall immediately smiled and gaped at the screen making me smile too.
“He looks perfect.” I sighed relieved.
“He is perfect. He’s in the right position and everything. You’re very lucky Liam.” She smiled.
“I think I am.” I smiled.
“He looks so cute! He’s going to be the handsomest baby ever!” Niall said seriously.
“Of course he is. Look at you.” I winked.
“Naw babe.” He smiled and kissed my nose cutely.
“Now Liam, if you get any pains or anything don’t be afraid to go to the hospital. It’s common for babies to come early and with you it’s especially common.” She explained.
“But isn’t a month too early?” Niall asked.
“No not in this case. Your baby is very healthy and will survive being this early.” She smiled.
“Ok. Does this mean we can go now?” I asked.
“You sure can. I’ll be there with you throughout the whole labour so I’ll see you then. Good luck boys.” She waved as we walked out.
“I’m so excited. He could be here anytime now.” Niall smiled happily as we wandered back to the car.
“I’m hoping it’s later rather than sooner. That way he will be more developed and healthier.” I sighed.
“You heard the doctor Li, he can’t get any healthier. He’s perfect. There’s no need to be worried.”
“I still am worried Ni. I know she said he’s healthy and everything but I still worry about all the complications and things. I just want him to stay healthy once he’s born.” I said as we reached the car.
“He will Liam, don’t stress yourself out too much ok? He’ll be fine and perfect and I can’t wait to meet him.” He smiled before kissing me sweetly.
“I can’t wait either.” I smiled back, climbing into the car.

Louis’ POV
“Hey babe, are you ready to go yet?!” I yelled upstairs to Harry. We were having a lunch date and I really wanted to get going. We had a whole ‘band’ interview later, they wanted to see how we are a few years after we had broken up.
“I’m coming Lou! Hey have you seen my coat?” He asked coming to the top of the staircase.
“Uh I think it’s in the cupboard.” I answered with a shrug.
“Hold on.” He laughed and went back in to the room.
“Hurry up then!” I smirked.
“Lou do you guys have any more milk?” Mum asked coming out from the kitchen. She was looking after the kids for us while we went out.
“Uh I don’t think so. We go through milk like crazy here, sorry mum.” I sighed.
“It’s ok love. I’ll just call Lottie to pick up some. She’s on her way over.” She smiled.
“I’m ready!” Harry smiled walking downstairs. He was wearing his black jeans and cute trench coat.
“You look super-hot it that coat.” I winked making him blush.
“Looouuuu.” He smiled. “You look even hotter than me.” He smirked.
“Never.” I smiled back kissing him sweetly.
“Daddy!” Darcy smiled running over to us. Anna followed behind and we picked them both up.
“Daddy and I are going out now babies. You have to be very good for Grandma Jay ok?” I said seriously.
“Yes daddy.” They both nodded.
“Is Jakey ok?” Anna asked patting Harry’s bigger stomach.
“He is perfect today honey. He kicked me this morning.” He smiled. Her little eyes widened.
“Me feel too?” She said putting her hand back.
“He’s not kicking now sweetheart. You’ll have to wait until later.”
“Oh…” She sighed. “Doesn’t Jakey like me?”
“Of course he likes you Anna. He loved you so much. I think he’s just asleep. He needs to grow big and strong doesn’t he?” Harry said quietly. She nodded a bit.
“I guess.”
“He’ll kick later and I promise you can feel first ok?”
“Ok!” She smiled widely.
“We better get going now.” I said.
“We’ll be back later ok?” Harry smiled kissing Anna’s forehead and sitting her down. I did the same with Darcy before we said goodbye to all of them and mum. “I’m excited for the interview. It’s been ages since we had one.” He said excitedly as we drove to the restaurant we were eating at.
“I am too I guess. I kinda don’t miss our personal lives being on display. Can you imagine trying to bring new babies home with a horde of paps outside? Jesus!” I sighed.
“I miss it a bit. I mean not the personal lives thing but the performing and making the fans happy. They were always so nice to us and we would never have got as far as we did without them.”
“Geez Haz, wait until we’re in the interview.” I chuckled.
“Shut up!” He laughed too. “I’m being serious. I don’t think it would be that bad to perform again. It would be fun that’s for sure.” He smiled.
“You wouldn’t be saying that if we were on tour right now and you had to perform while pregnant.” I smirked.
“I’d deal.” He said seriously. I shook my head and laughed to myself while pulling up to the restaurant. We got out and I supported Harry as we walked in.
“Hello sirs. How may I help you today?” The woman at reception smiled.
“Uh I have a reservation under Tomlinson-Styles.” I smiled holding Harry’s hand.
“Ah right this way Mr Tomlinson-Styles.” She said checking the book quickly. She led us to a small table in the back before walking off again.
“This in nice Lou. Thanks for taking me out.” Harry smiled taking off his coat and sitting down.
“No worries love. We haven’t been out just the two of us for a while.” I smiled back. “How’s Jacob doing?” I asked.
“Yeah he’s good I think. He was moving a bit in the car and just kicked so he’s awake.” He laughed rubbing his bump. “You wanna feel?” He asked. I nodded and he took my hand over the small table. He placed it where the baby was kicking and I felt his little feet hit my hand.
“He’s a strong one isn’t he?” I chuckled. “I can’t wait to meet him.”
“Me either. I know I said earlier that maybe keeping him wasn’t a good idea but I take all that back now. I don’t know how I could even think of something like that in the first place. He’s our baby.” He sighed.
“Haz it’s ok. Everybody has their doubts at times but it’s over now. We have everything sorted for him and now all we have to do is wait.” I laughed sitting back down properly.
“Yeah, a while too. These three months need to hurry up. I can’t wait that long.” He pouted. “Hurry up and meet us little guy.” He said poking his belly. “He kicked me.” He chuckled.
“I think he wants to meet us too.” I chuckled back.
“Excuse me sirs. Are you ready to order?” The waitress asked. We quickly checked the menus before answering.
“I’ll have the chicken please, with chips and salad and make sure it’s not too dry. Ooh and can I have dressing on the salad but not drowning in it?” Harry explained. Both the waitress and I stared at him. “What? I’m pregnant leave me alone.” He snapped.
“And for you sir?” She asked.
“I’ll just have the steak please. Medium with pepper sauce.” I smiled.
“Any drinks? Wine or water?” She questioned.
“Water please.” I smiled again. She smiled back and walked off towards the kitchen. “You’re very fussy today.” I laughed.
“It’s not me. I don’t even like dressing.” He said making a face. “Little man wants it I guess.” He laughed.
“Speaking of little men, when do you think Liam will have James?” I asked.
“I dunno. I bet Niall can’t wait though. Every time I’m over there he shows me more things he’s added to the nursery.” Harry chuckled.
“Me too.” I laughed back. “He’s just excited which is nice. Apparently Izzie isn’t looking forward to his arrival.” I sighed.
“Hm, that would suck. I’m glad the kids have been as good as they have. It’s so cute the way Anna gets all excited. I bet she won’t be when he’s up screaming all through the night.”
“Yup! I won’t be that excited either.” I chuckled.
“Your waters sirs.” The waitress smiled coming back with two glasses of water.
“Thank you.” Harry and I said in unison.
“You’re welcome. Your lunch shouldn’t be too far away. Just call me over if you need anything else.” She smiled again and walked away.
“She sure is cheerful.” Harry chuckled taking a sip of his drink.
“She’s happy I guess. I don’t know why, she has to work on a Sunday.” I shrugged. We continued to chat about the kids and Jacob while waiting for our dinner. Around 20 minutes later it came and we tucked in.
“This salad is good. Not too much dressing.” Harry smiled shoving more into his mouth.
“My steak is tasty too. I’m glad I decided to come here.” I smiled back.
“I love you Lou. You’re so sweet.” Harry said quietly.
“I love you too babe. Where did that come from?” I laughed.
“Nowhere. Can’t I tell my husband I love him?”
“I never said that.” I smirked. “I like hearing it.”
“Well I like saying it.” He smirked back.
“You know, we could always go home and…you know.” I winked.
“Louis we are not going home to have sex. Our kids are home.” Harry said seriously.
“Shower sex?” I pouted.
“If you’re lucky.” He winked back.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” I smiled. He rolled his eyes and continued to eat his chicken salad while I finished my steak. Once we were done I paid the check and drove us home.
“We’re going to get ready for the interview. Is it ok if you stay a bit longer Jay?” Harry asked once we got inside. He kept giving me looks which I guess means we’re doing it.
“Sure thing boys. They were perfect. Julie’s in her room, Alfie’s gone to play next door and the twins are down for a nap.” She smiled.
“Ok thanks mum.” I smiled back. We went upstairs and went to the bathroom.
“Lou we can do this but I don’t want you to touch my chest ok? It hurts.” He said seriously.
“Ok. We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. We could always just shower. I don’t mind.”
“Really? But I thought you wanted to.”
“I don’t want to if you don’t want to. I don’t want to hurt you or anything .”
“Could we just shower? I’m not really in the mood.” He said quietly.
“Of course love. How about I give your back a massage?” I asked putting my hands on his waist.
“Yes please.” He smiled widely. “Little bugger is making me sore everywhere.” He sighed.
“I can fix that.” I smiled back kissing him. I turned on the shower and made it the perfect temperature before we stripped off and hopped it.
“Oh that feels good already.” Harry sighed letting the warm water hit his back. I started massaging his shoulders and trying to get the knots out of his back. “Thanks babe. Remind me I owe you a massage after Jacob’s born.”
“It’s no worries Haz. Don’t worry about owing me one. You’re already giving me everything I wanted.” I smiled kissing his shoulder.
“Ooh feel quick. He’s moving.” He smiled pulling my hand and putting it on the side of his bump. I could feel Jacob moving and kicking around. Poor Harry has to put up with that every day.
“I still can’t believe there’s a baby in there. After three pregnancies I still can’t believe it.” I sighed making Harry chuckle.
“Well he’s in there. He’s certainly been making that clear.”
“What does it feel like?” I asked.
“What do you mean?” He asked back.
“Like what does it feel like when he kicks you? Like obviously it feels different than when I feel it. Does it hurt?” I questioned.
“It hurts sometimes, when he is really grumpy and wants to hurt me but it just feels like someone is kicking my insides. Like my bladder all the time.” He sighed.
“I’m sorry you have to go through that Haz.”
“It’s ok Lou. It’s just for a few months and look what we get out of it. A gorgeous baby. I would put up with all of it 20 times over to have our kids.” He smiled turning to face me.
“We’re so lucky to have our kids. If we didn’t find out you could have babies we wouldn’t have our family. Who knows what would have happened?”
“We would have found out eventually Lou. I mean even if I didn’t go to the doctor I would have noticed something was up when I pushed out a baby.” He chuckled. “Or when I looked like I swallowed a beach ball.”
“You look amazing right now.” I smiled kissing him passionately.
“Lou.” He warned.
“I know. I was just telling the truth though. You do. You actually do baby bump very well.” I said making him burst out laughing.
“Yeah sure. I don’t know how you could still want to kiss me. I look terrible. I’m fat, my feet look horrid and I still throw up everything! That’s real sexy!” He scoffed.
“Ok, 1) you are not fat, you’re having our baby, 2) I don’t look or worry about your feet Haz. I don’t have some kind of foot fetish, and 3) throwing up is part of being pregnant. You can’t help it and I don’t mind.” I said seriously.
“But aren’t you embarrassed to go out with me? All the other guys out there are thin and look like fucking supermodels and here I am looking like a beached whale!” He groaned.
“I could never be embarrassed to go out with you babe. Not even if you went out naked.” I chuckled. “Don’t do that by the way. It’s freezing outside and I don’t want everybody seeing what I can have.”
“Don’t worry Lou, I won’t be outside naked anytime soon. Now shouldn’t we get out? We have to leave soon.” He said. I nodded and shut off the water before we both got out and dressed. “And I’m very lucky to have you Louis. Without you I wouldn’t be me.” He smiled.
“Aw Hazza! That’s sweet.” I smiled back.
“Uh are you lads ready to go? Niall and Liam are here.” Mum said coming in. Luckily we were already dressed.
“Yep!” We both said at once. She smiled and we followed her downstairs.
“Hey lads.” Niall smiled. He was holding Sam as she sucked on her dummy. “Are you sure you don’t mind watching them Mrs Tomlinson?” He asked. “I could ask my mum.”
“Niall don’t be silly. What’s two more? Julie is in her room watching some TV show and Izzie and Alfie can play together when he gets back. The twins are up now and they can play with Sam if she doesn’t fall asleep first.” She laughed. “And call me Jay. We’ve known each other for years.” She smiled.
“Ok.” Niall smiled back.
“Where’s Liam?” I asked.
“Here.” He groaned coming out of the downstairs bathroom. “I had to pee again.”
“It sucks huh?” Harry chuckled.
“Yup! All the time!” He sighed.
“Anyways shouldn’t we be going?” I asked.
“Yep. Thanks again Jay. Bye honey. We’ll be back soon ok?” Niall said kissing Sam’s head.
“Bye bye Daddy.” She said softly as he handed her over to mum.
“You be good Izzie ok? I don’t care if you’re upset with me or Daddy you need to be nice to Jay and don’t start anything.” He said seriously kneeling in front of her.
“Yes.” She snapped.
“Isabella.” Liam said firmly.
“Yes Daddy, I’ll be good.” She sighed.
“Thank you.” He said kissing her head. After we said goodbye to Julie and kissed the twins head’s we left for the interview. I really hope it goes well, we haven’t done one in years and we don’t need any drama now.

Liam’s POV
On the way to the studio I started having these weird cramps in my stomach. They were starting to get painful but I didn’t want to tell Niall. I know he’d freak out and make me go to the hospital but I’m fine. If they’re still there after the interview I’ll tell him then.
“Hello boys. Come and have a seat. I’ll just fix your hair.” Lou smiled widely. She’s still a close friend of all of ours and jumped at the chance to do this for us. “Wow Li, not long now is it?” She asked looking at my belly.
“Nope. A few weeks. I can’t wait!” I sighed as she started putting make up and things on me.
“That was me when I was pregnant with Lux. My the end I was practically begging to get her out.” She laughed. I chuckled along even though the pains were still coming. I didn’t think they were a big deal though, everyone has pain sometimes right?
“Are you ok Li? You look a little pale.” Zayn said leaning over to me.
“Zayn stop moving! Do you want your hair to be perfect or not?” Lou scolded.
“Sorry.” He sighed moving back.
“I’m fine Zee. I just have to go to the loo again.” I said getting up. The pains got worse as I walked to the bathroom. Maybe I should tell Niall? Suddenly the pain got extreme and I doubled over in agony. Then I felt the water wet my jeans. My water broke. I fumbled quickly to find my phone and dialled Niall’s number.
“Liam? What’s up, why are you calling me?” He asked.
“Help Niall! Baby’s coming!” I groaned.
“What?! Where are you?” He panicked.
“The bathroom. Please hurry. Call an ambulance!” I yelled getting a contraction.
“Ok, just hold on as long as you can love. I’ll be right there.” He soothed.
“Hurry up!” I yelled again hanging up. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and gripped the basin as the pain intensified. Niall better get his ass here quickly.
“LIAM!” I heard him yell. Suddenly the door burst open and they all ran in, including Lou. “Shit!” He cursed running to help me.
“Did you call them?” I asked squeezing his hand tightly.
“Yep. Louis did, didn’t you?” Niall said.
“Yeah. They should be here soon Li. Just breathe.” He instructed.
“I know what to do Louis! I’ve had two kids before.” I snapped.
“Hey doesn’t mean to yell Lou.” Niall started.
“Yeah I know. I’ve been there for the twins. Jesus that was bad.” He sighed shaking his head.
“Hey you weren’t the one in labour for 24 bloody hours! And you didn’t have to push twins out of your ass!” Harry said harshly.
“Hello I’m the one in labour here. Where the fuck are they?!” I groaned loudly. Niall supported me and we slowly made it back to the dressing room and onto the couch.
“Mr Tomlinson?” Someone said coming in. I looked up and it was the paramedics.
“Thank fuck you’re here! Help me please.” I sighed.
“Ok, what’s your name?” He asked kneeling beside me.
“Right Liam. We’re just going to load you up onto the stretcher and carry you to the ambulance. You’re going to be fine ok?” He said slowly.
“Yes I’m not deaf ok and it’s not like I’m dying just get me to the hospital before I have this kid here!” I yelled. He nodded and brought in another guy to help him lift me.
“Can I come too?” Niall asked standing there like an idiot.
“You better come, this is your kid after all.” I snapped. He nodded and grabbed my hand.
“Can you guys call Jay and let her know what’s happening please?” Niall asked.
“Sure thing Ni. Good luck you guys! Call us when you’re ready and we’ll bring the kids down.” Harry waved. I smiled back as they took me out to the ambulance.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you babe. But that pain hurt so bad!” I groaned.
“It’s fine love. Let’s just focus on you and James.” He smiled kissing my head.
“I love you Ni.” I smiled back.
“Love you too Li. Now let’s have this baby.” He smiled wider.

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