Chapter Eleven - Love or Loss

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Harry’s POV
When I opened my eyes I had no idea where I was. The last thing I remember was being in the car on the way to the park. What’s happened?
“Daddy?” A small voice said quietly.
“Daddy’s awake.” Another one added.
“Ssh guys.” Someone hissed. That was defiantly Julie. “Are you ok Dad?” She asked moving closer to me.
“Hey sweetie.” I smiled softly. “Where am I?” I asked trying to sit up. My head spun and I had to lie back down again.
“We’re in the hospital. The car crashed remember Dad?” Alfie said hopping up.
“Crashed?” I questioned. Suddenly it all came back to me. Louis, the car, the tree! “Where’s your Dad? Is he ok? Oh my god, where is he!” I panicked.
“We don’t know. Grandma went to find someone to check on you a minute ago. To check on Jacob.” Julie answered looking at my stomach. Oh god what if something’s happened to the baby?
“Why Daddy crying?” Anna asked quietly. I didn’t even know I was crying until she said something.
“Daddy’s just worried about Daddy and the baby honey. But I’m ok.” I smiled at her and she nodded.
“You’re all ok right Julie? Nobody is hurt?” I asked seriously.
“No. I mean I have a headache but the doctor said I’m fine and Alfie’s hand hurts but he’s ok too. I’m really worried about Dad. They haven’t said anything about him.” She whispered.
“They will sweetheart. Maybe he’s just sleeping.” I nodded even though I wasn’t believing myself. Suddenly mum came in with a doctor.
“Harry, you’re up.” She smiled running over to me.
“Hey mum.” I smiled softly as she hugged me.
“This is Dr Smith, he’s going to check you over honey.” She said stepping back.
“Hello Harry. How are you feeling?” He asked.
“Fine. Do you know where my husband is?” I asked back.
“What’s his name?” He questioned.
“Louis.” I answered.
“I can take a look for you but for now I’m here to check you out. Now the paramedics said you had a nasty bump to your head and minor cuts and brusies on your right leg.” He rambled. “Can you follow the light for me?” He said sticking a very bright torch looking thing in my face. He moved it from side to side and I followed it with my eyes. “Perfect. Now are you having any dizziness at all? When you sit up?”
“When I sit up yes but now I’m fine.” I answered.
“Ok. I think you may have a mild concussion. Don’t leave him alone.” He said facing mum.
“What about Jakey?” Anna spoke up.
“Yeah. Is he ok?” Alfie asked.
“Who?” Dr Smith questioned.
“Oh the baby. We decided to call him Jacob.” I smiled.
“Oh right sorry. I don’t have kids.” He laughed. “Anyway, I’ll just go find a machine and I’ll be right back.” He smiled before leaving.
“Well at least you’re ok baby.” Mum smiled.
“But we still don’t know about Louis. I’m so glad none of the kids got hurt. I would feel so bad.” I sighed.
“It’s not your fault honey. The roads were like ice today.” She said seriously.
“But still.”
“I’m back.” Dr Smith smiled again coming back with one of those hand held ultrasound thingos.
“Did you find out about Louis?” I questioned.
“All I could get was his room number. He’s in room 561.” He sighed sadly.
“Thank you.” I smiled back. He nodded before getting started.
“We see Jakey?” Darcy asked.
“Sorry sweetie not today. The doctor has to look very carefully today.” Mum said sitting Darce in her lap.
“Oh ok.” She nodded sadly.
“Well? Please let him be ok?” I sighed nervously.
“He’s fine. Apart from being a bit shook up, he’s perfect. You’re heart rate is a tad high so try and stay calm, I know in this type of situation it is hard to stay calm but you do want the best for your baby.” He explained.
“Yes I do. And I don’t want to have a meltdown in front of the kids.” I said quietly.
“I understand.” He laughed pulling my shirt down for me.
“When can I see Louis?” I questioned. “I really need to see he’s ok otherwise I’ll just sit here panicking that something’s wrong with him and you said to stay calm.” I said talking quickly.
“I’m not sure yet Harry. I don’t know the full extent of his injuries. The paramedics said there was a whole load of problems.” He sighed.
“But he’ll be ok right? He has to be ok.” Nothing can happen to him. Not now, not ever!
“I’m sure he’ll be fine. Just get some rest, play gently with your kids. I’ll be back soon to check on your concussion but you are not to get out of bed. You understand?” He asked sternly.
“Yes.” I nodded.
“Good.” He smiled softly and walked out.
“Daddy ok?” Anna asked moving to the side of my bed.
“I’m ok sweetheart. You wanna come up here?” I asked. She nodded excitedly and mum picked her up, sitting her beside me.
“Daddy Lou ok?” She asked again.
“Daddy Lou’s ok too love. We can see him soon.” I smiled moving some hair out of her eyes.
“Haz?” Someone said making me look up.
“Hey Ni.” I smiled again. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with Li?” I asked.
“I came to see if you were ok. We’re worried about you and Louis. Hey guys.” He smiled at the kids.
“Hi Uncle Niall.” Julie smiled sitting with Darce.
“I’m ok. So is Lou. We can see him soon. How’s Liam and James?” I asked.
“Yeah they’re good. James isn’t in the incubator anymore and Liam’s feeling better.” He smiled.
“That’s great Niall.” I smiled back.
“So what’s the matter with Lou? Have you heard anything yet?” He questioned sitting beside the bed.
“Why don’t we go get something to eat kids? I know you’re all hungry.” Mum suggested.
“Yes!” Alfie said seriously. She gathered them all up, including Anna and left me and Niall alone.
“I don’t know what’s going on Niall. They haven’t told me anything about Louis. I’m freaking out that something’s happened and they just don’t want to tell me or something.” I sighed. “I didn’t want to let on in front of the kids so I said he was fine. I’m scared he’s really hurt.”
“He’s Louis though. He’s strong, he’ll be ok right.” Niall said sceptically.
“I don’t know.” I sniffled. “I can’t look after 5 kids by myself if something happened. I can’t do it.”
“You won’t have to Haz. He’ll be fine. He might be sleeping and that’s why you haven’t been able to see him.”
“But what if it’s because he’s dead!” I yelled. “He could be dead for all I know.” I cried.
“Harry he’s not dead! Don’t say that. You need to think positive.” He said seriously.
“I can’t Niall. I can’t think positive until I know he’s alive.”
“I’m going to get a doctor. They’re going to tell us what’s wrong!” He said harshly getting up and storming out. I just need to know he’s alive. At least then I can stop stressing so much.

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