Chapter Five - Hormones

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Louis’ POV
“Lou! Come and sit with me please?” Harry whined from the lounge.
“Babe I’m trying to make the kids dinner, can you wait a minute?” I sighed. It’s been 3 weeks since we found out about the baby and Harry’s hormones had really started to kick in.
“But I’m lonely!” He cried. I went out there and saw him crying.
“Aw babe. Don’t cry love.” I said hugging him tightly. “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry Lou.” He sniffled. “I don’t know why I’m so moody.” He sighed.
“It’s just the hormones love. You ok?” I asked.
“Yeah.” He nodded. “Are Liam and Niall still coming over tonight?” He asked getting up and following me to the kitchen. I made the kids spaghetti before they got here.
“Yep. KIDS, DINNER!” I yelled loudly.
“Ouch Lou. I do have an ear there.” He chuckled.
“Sorry.” I laughed. Suddenly all four of them ran in ready to eat. “Here you go lovelies. Eat up, Uncle Niall and Uncle Liam will be here soon for dinner.” I smiled sitting the food at the table. I helped the girls up before they all dug in.
“Does that mean Izzie’s coming?” Alfie asked.
“Yes your girlfriend will be here.” Juliet teased making him blush a deep red.
“She’s not my girlfriend!” He whined.
“Sure sure. I saw you kissing the mirror. You looovveee her.” She laughed.
“I was not! Daddy!”
“Julie leave him alone. It’s his first crush.” Harry chuckled.
“Shut up! I do not like Izzie that way.” He huffed.
“It’s ok buddy. I had a massive crush on your Dad before we got together.” I smiled.
“You did?” Harry asked.
“Yeah. Ever since I met you I knew you were a cutie.” I blushed a bit.
“Naw Lou! I thought you were a little hottie yourself.” He winked.
“Oh gross!” Juliet fake gagged.
“Hey little miss! How do you think you were born?” I joked.
“Ew! Dad! That’s horrible. I’m eating!” She whined making us both chuckle.
“Oh does this annoy you then?” Harry smirked and kissed me.
“Daddy cute.” Darcy smiled.
“Thank you Darce.” Harry smiled kissing her nose making her giggle.
“Where my kiss?” Anna asked looking sad. Harry chuckled and kissed her nose too.
“Sorry baby.” He smiled again.
“When do you get to see the baby?” Alfie asked finishing his food.
“Um…next week I think. Right babe?” I asked Harry.
“Yeah next week. I’m very excited.” He smiled patting his belly although there was nothing there. “You think this time I woke get really sick?” He asked. With the twins he was in hospital again for being sick.
“Dunno. It’s happened every other time so you might.” I answered.
“Oh I hope not! It’s always so horrible.” He groaned.
“What are you on about?” Julie asked.
“Do you remember when Daddy had the twins and he was sick?” I asked her.
“Um…maybe.” She answered.
“Well he had to go to hospital. That’s what we’re talking about.” I explained.
“Oh ok.” She nodded not really caring.
“Me done Daddy.” Darcy said hopping off her chair. Anna followed but they both were covered in pasta.
“Julie can you please clean up your sisters?” I asked.
“Sure.” She sighed taking them to the bathroom.
“What are we having for dinner?” Harry asked.
“Niall’s bringing something. Probably Nandos.” I chuckled.
“Do we have time before they arrive?” Harry asked again getting closer to my neck.
“Possibly. Why do you ask?” I smirked turning around to face him.
“No reason.” He smiled and kissed me.
“Get off it guys! You have guests!” Liam snapped walking on in and sitting at the table.
“How did you get in?” Harry asked.
“Julie. She saw us coming.” Niall smiled. “I brought dinner.” He said dumping bags on the table.
“Not Nandos?” Harry and I asked at once.
“Nope. Liam wasn’t feeling it so we just brought some Chinese instead.” He answered with a shrug. He unloaded the bag and we all sat down to eat.
“So how’s everything going with the baby?” Harry asked Liam as he ate.
“Fine.” He answered. I’m guessing he wasn’t in the mood.
“Oh-kay.” I sighed.
“Thanks for inviting us over lads. This was nice.” Niall smiled breaking the awkward silence.
“No worries. How are the girls?” I asked.
“Great. Sam has just started ballet. She loves it.” He smiled.
“Izzie’s getting bullied. They aren’t great!” Liam said harshly.
“She’s getting bullied? Why?” I questioned.
“Because people think she’s a freak because of us!” He yelled.
“Liam calm down.” Niall said quietly. “Everything will be ok. I told you I’m going to talk to her teacher.” He said seriously.
“Like that’s going to help Niall! You’re a pushover!”
“Hey! I am not a pushover. Just because I’m nice to people doesn’t mean I’m a pushover.” He argued.
“Whatever!” Liam sighed. I looked at Harry and he gave me a look back. What was going on with those two lately. They sound like we did before, which is never good.
“So um…do you guys want some dessert after? I can go and get some ice cream.” Harry suggested.
“Sure. Thanks Haz.” Niall smiled softly.
“No worries. I might take Alfie and get a movie for later.” He smiled at me.
“Ok babe. Maybe Ni can go with you?” I suggested this time.
“Yeah. You wanna come?” He asked Niall.
“Ok. Do you want anything while I’m out babe?” He asked Liam.
“No.” He said quietly.
“Ok.” He sighed walking off.
“You need to talk to him. Something isn’t right.” Harry whispered.
“I know Haz. I was thinking the exact same thing. I’ll have a word ok.”
“Yep. I’ll be back soon.” He smiled and kissed me softly. I smiled back as he walked off. I heard him call out to Alfie and then they left.
“Ok Liam. What the hell is going on?!” I asked sternly.
“What do you mean?” He asked. Like he didn’t fucking know!
“Why are you being such a cunt to Niall? He hasn’t done anything to you and you know how emotional he gets.”
“It’s none of your business Louis so just drop it ok!”
“No! Niall is my friend so if he’s upset it’s my business! Now what the fuck is wrong?!” I yelled.
“Everything ok? Everything’s wrong with us Louis. I don’t know why but all of a sudden everything’s turned to shit!” He sighed.
“Well maybe you two should sit down and talk about your issues like Harry and I did?” I suggested.
“What and don’t slap him?” He scoffed.
“We’ve moved on from that Liam. Now please entertain me with your issues.” I smiled.
“I don’t know what’s wrong. I think maybe it’s me.” He shrugged.
“What do you mean?” I questioned.
“I think with everything that’s happening I’m too stressed and I’m taking everything out on him. I feel horrible but I just can’t stop it.”
“How do you think Niall feels Liam? I bet he thinks you’re mad at him all the time. He looks so upset.”
“I know that! I know he looks upset every time I snap at him. I don’t want to make him upset and see him get that look on his face but it just happens and before I know what I’ve done he’s gone. I’m a terrible person.” He sighed.
“No you aren’t. You just need to change your attitude and I can help you.” I smiled.

The Perfect Family (TRILOGY To The Perfect Parents)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ