Chapter Fourteen - In Over Our Heads

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Louis’ POV
“Daddy when can we go? I’m bored!” Juliet whined for the 100th time this morning.
“Honey not now ok? I’m trying to sort of the shopping list.” I sighed running over the things I needed in my head.
“But I’m bored!” She groaned.
“Juliet I said not now! Go and play please.” I snapped angrily, scaring her a bit.
“Sorry Daddy. I’ll go now.” She squeaked and ran off. I sighed loudly and flopped onto the kitchen bench. I was trying to work out a budget we should stick to until and after the twins are born. Without it we won’t have any money at all. We already borrowed some of mum and Anne, I hated asking.
“Lou why is Juliet crying?” Harry asked coming in slowly. He’s been feeling tired a lot lately so I told him he should stay in bed.
“What do you mean?” I questioned.
“She ran past me on the way to her room. She was crying pretty bad. What happened?” He questioned.
“I snapped at her.” I sighed. “She was just bugging me about going shopping and I was trying to concentrate.”
“But you didn’t need to yell, she didn’t know.”
“I know. I shouldn’t have yelled at her. I’ll go and see if she’s ok.” I smiled softly before walking upstairs. Once outside her room I could hear her sniffles. I felt horrible. “Julie, honey. Can I come in?” I asked.
“Ok.” She said quietly. When I walked in she was sitting on her bed looking sad. She wiped her cheeks before looking up at me.
“I’m sorry for snapping at you baby. I didn’t mean to make you upset.” I sighed sitting beside her.
“I know Daddy.” She said looking up at me again.
“Then why are you crying love?” I questioned wiping her little face.
“I dunno.” She shrugged.
“You have to know. Did I make you sad?” I asked. She shook her head. “Then what is it?”
“Do you think Dad is having more twins to replace me and Alfie?” She asked back.
“What love?” I chuckled.
“He’s having more twins, is it because he doesn’t want us anymore?”
“Julie of course not! Your Daddy couldn’t help that he is having twins. We didn’t even know until 2 weeks ago. He loves you and Alfie more than anything in this world sweetheart, he wouldn’t want to get rid of you.” I said seriously.
“Really?” She asked.
“Really. Come here.” I smiled. She smiled back and snuggled into me, hugging my waist tightly.
“I love you Daddy.” She mumbled.
“I love you too honey. Loads.” I sighed kissing her forehead. “Now you ready to go shopping? I’ll need your help picking out some outfits for the babies to come home in.”
“Ok.” She nodded happily, jumping up. I laughed as she wandered out of her room and back downstairs. (If you’re wondering why the other kids haven’t come around, the twins are with Lottie for the day and Alfie’s with Izzie playing at Niall and Liam’s) I followed her downstairs and found her in the kitchen with Harry. He was making some food again! He’s always eating something. “Are you coming shopping Dad?” She asked as he shoved a spoonful of peanut butter into his mouth.
“No honey.” He answered pulling out the spoon.
“That’s gross.” I said screwing up my face. “Don’t expect me to kiss you with peanut butter breath.”
“Whatever.” He chuckled.
“Why aren’t you coming?” She asked.
“Dad has to stay on bed rest which means he should be in bed!” I said glaring at Harry.
“I’m going, I’m going. Chill out Lou.” He laughed.
“Are we going now Dad?” Julie asked looking up at me.
“Yeah sweetie.” I smiled. She went and kissed Harry’s cheek and belly before skipping off to the car.
“Bye Lou. Don’t forget the chocolate.” Harry said seriously as I wrapped my arms around his waist.
“Yes Haz. One block though, I’m on a budget.” I also said seriously.
“Aw! Just the one?” He pouted.
“Fine.” He sighed.
“I’ll make it up to you later with a back rub though.” I smirked.
“Ok.” He smiled widely. I chuckled and kissed him sweetly before walking to find Julie. She was already in the car and had the radio on.
“Making yourself comfortable there Jules?” I chuckled.
“You were taking too long Daddy.” She said rolling her eyes. I shook my head before starting the car and driving off towards the shops. I decided to go to the baby shop first before the supermarket. I found a park right out of the front and we both got out, walking inside. “What are we looking for?” Juliet asked looking around.
“Onesies and little outfits for the twins. And maybe something for your sister’s birthday.” I answered. She nodded and we went off searching for cute baby outfits.
“What about these?” She questioned holding up two baby blue onesies. One with an aeroplane on it and another with a boat.
“Perfect love!” I smiled and gave her a thumbs up. She laughed put added them to our trolley. “Now we need to stay on budget.” I mumbled searching the sales clearance rack, which Harry hated. He wanted everything to be perfect and expensive. I found another two onesies and some singlets for only £3 each bringing the total of our spend to just over 20 pounds which I was happy with. We found 2 nice dresses for the girls which were only £10 each meaning we only spent 40 pounds all up.
“Do you and Dad have another name picked out yet?” Julie asked as we piled into the car.
“Not yet. I was thinking about them last night though. What about Archie? Jacob and Archie Tomlinson-Styles?” I suggested.
“That sounds cool. I think Dad would like that.” She smiled.
“I’m glad you like it. I think we might have to stop for ice cream, what do you think?” I smirked into the mirror. She nodded and laughed as I drove off. The realization that we were having two babies instead of one was really hitting me now. Twice the amount of everything. I suppose it’s my fault, I’m the one with two sets of twins in my family. We made it to the supermarket and hopped out again. I gave Juliet the list as I pushed the trolley. Hopefully we can stay on budget here.

Harry’s POV
I was happily munching away on some chips when I had a brain snap. I wasn’t having just one baby, there were two. Two more twins! I guess it never really sunk in until now. I have no idea how we’re going to be able to take care of them. I was worried when I thought there was one baby but now there’s two? I just don’t know. Mum has offered to help but I don’t want to take up all of her time. I know Louis is feeling the same way as he is constantly doing budgets and making sure we have some money saved. I feel a bit bad for the other kids seeing as they are going to end up being pushed aside when the twins come, as much as I hate saying it.
“Harry! It’s just me. Are you in?” I heard mum yell from the door.
“In the kitchen!” I yelled back sniffling a bit. I never even realised I was crying until now.
“Hey honey. What’s the matter?” She asked noticing straight away I was upset.
“Nothing.” I sniffled again.
“Harry you can’t lie to me I’m your mother. What’s wrong?” She asked again as I sat at the bench.
“I was just thinking about everything. I have no idea how we ended up here. 10 years ago I was off selling out tours with the boys and playing shows to thousands of screaming girls every night, and now I’m here struggling to look after four kids let alone another two.” I explained. “I’m scared that maybe things won’t work out this time, maybe we’re in trouble.”
“What do you mean in trouble? There’s nothing wrong with having a big family Harry, Jay has 7 kids.” Mum said seriously, already starting to make herself a cup of tea.
“Yes but most of her kids are grown up and don’t live at home anymore mum. We’re going to have 6 kids all under the age of 10! I don’t want to sound like I’m not grateful or I don’t want our kids but it would be so much easier if I couldn’t have kids!” I groaned.
“Do you really mean that?” She questioned. “I don’t think you do Harry. Without you none of my beautiful grandchildren would be here. Harry I know you love your kids.”
“Of course I love them mum but they’re so full on! I know this sounds insane but I couldn’t help but think maybe the twins would be better off somewhere else. Where they can get the attention and care they need.” I sighed.
“You mean being adopted?” She questioned. I nodded not looking at her. I know she wouldn’t be happy.
“Are you mental?!” She yelled scaring me a bit. “You can’t give them away! They’re your babies!”
“I know they are, but someone else can take care of them more than I can.”
“No! No, no, no, no, no. Uh uh! There is no way you are doing that. I understand you’re under pressure and you’re worried but I will not have you give my grandchildren away. You have all the help you need between me and Jay and your father. And what about Louis? You know he would never agree to giving them away.” She said sounding shocked I would even suggest giving them away.
“We can’t just rely on you guys, that’s not fair to you. I don’t want to give them away but I’m thinking of them. They would benefit from being with someone who has the time to take care of them and focus on being their parents. Instead of trying to manage them and 4 other kids. Mum it’s just a thought ok? I’m not going to go and do it.” I sighed. “I’m just stuck.”
“Honey there was a time when I thought I couldn’t have two kids and that was just two! You and Louis have done an amazing job raising four amazing kids and you’re going to do just the same with these little ones. Yes maybe it wasn’t ideal having them so close together but when they’re older and have had kids of their own you’re going to look back and think how great those years were. When they still called you Daddy and when they needed you to scare the monsters away and wanted to cuddle you. Those days are always going to stay with you and you don’t want to give them up.” Mum said seriously. “Don’t give up on the babies before they’re even born Harry, they need you. One day they’ll be calling you Daddy and will want to cuddle with you and then you’ll know all the hard struggles and money worries would have been worth it. Just for one hug.”
“Thanks mum. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” I smiled.
“It’s my job to make sure you don’t do stupid things love. And you know that was stupid.” She said hugging me.
“I love you.” I mumbled into her neck.
“I love you too baby.” She smiled pulling away to kiss my forehead.
“I love you guys too babies. I’m sorry I ever suggested giving you boys away.” I laughed talking to my belly. One of them started kicking making me chuckle louder. My boys, no one will ever take them away from me.

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