Chapter Eight - Scared!

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Louis’ POV
“They have to know something by now. Why haven’t they come out yet?” I groaned pacing the hallway at the hospital. It’s been an hour since we brought Harry in and no one has told us anything. They kept him locked away in a room.
“Calm down Lou. They’ll tell us something when they can.” Niall sighed.
“When is that?!” I yelled. “I’m the baby’s father and Harry’s husband. I should know what’s going on. I should be in there with him!”
“I know Lou. You should be in there with him but you can’t be so you just need to calm down and sit your ass in a chair before I make you.” He said sternly. I nodded and sat next to him, my leg immediately starting to bounce nervously. Suddenly the door opened and the doctor came out.
“Mr Tomlinson-Styles?”
“Yes.” I said quickly standing up. “Is everything ok?” I asked.
“Harry is fine. He’s sleeping now.” She answered.
“What about the baby? Is the baby ok?” She didn’t answer. “Please tell me the baby is ok.” I pleaded.
“I’m not going to lie, your baby is alive but not fully out of the woods yet.” She said.
“What does that mean?” Niall asked joining me.
“It means when Harry fell he landed mainly on his stomach and that hurt the baby.” She explained.
“How badly?” I questioned.
“Bad enough that the baby can die. We’re keeping Harry in for a few days observation and will check for any signs of premature labour or bleeding, both outside and internal. If all is ok after a few days he should be able to go home. But on strict orders to take it easy and rest well.”
“Can we go in?”
“Yes you can. As I said he’s asleep for now but should wake up soon. Just be quiet until he does.” She answered. We nodded and she let us in before leaving and quietly shutting the door.
“Oh god! This is all my fault. If I wasn’t suck a dickhead Harry wouldn’t have slipped. We would be back at the campsite and he and the baby would be fine. Now we could lose it.” I cried.
“Ssh Lou. It’s not your fault. It was an accident.” Niall soothed pulling me into a Horan Hug. “You won’t lose the baby.”
“You don’t know that? He could. Then he’ll hate me because it was my fault!” I sobbed louder.
“Louis stop it! This wasn’t your fault. You can’t blame yourself for something you never did. That’s not fair.” He said seriously.
“But if I didn’t walk away and get mad he wouldn’t have followed me and slipped over. He was angry with me, I know he was.” I sighed looking over at him. He looked peaceful but also very pale. He looked sick and I don’t know what’s wrong with him. They only explained about the baby.
“Everyone gets mad at times Lou. Liam and I fight too, you guys know all about that. You being mad didn’t cause any of this to happen.”
“Harry said this wasn’t a good idea. He was sure we couldn’t handle another baby. Maybe they wanted to take him away on purpose?”
“Louis that’s silly. This was a harmless accident.”
“It’s not harmless. We could lose our baby because of this.” I sniffled. I slowly went and sat next to Harry and held his hand. “He’s been in the hospital so many times and it doesn’t get any easier to see him here.”
“I know it doesn’t Lou, it sucks seeing someone you love so much hurt doesn’t it?” Niall sighed sitting across from me.
“Do you think everything really will be ok?” I asked softly. “Do you think the baby will be alright?”
“I hope so Lou. I don’t know but I hope so.” He answered. We sat in silence for a bit, me just staring at Harry while Niall tapped at his phone. Suddenly it rang making me and him both jump. “I’ll be back in a sec.” He said quietly before going out of the room. I bet that was Liam. I sighed loudly and looked at mine and Harry’s entwined hands. He needs to be ok, he HAS to be ok. I can’t lose him, not after everything we’ve been through.
“You’ll be ok Haz. Everything will be ok.” I said quietly. The door opened again and Niall wandered back in before sitting down again.
“Liam. He was worried about Harry and the baby.” He said.
“Is he ok? Everyone else?” I asked.
“Yeah they’re ok. Are you?” He questioned seriously. I nodded. “Lou look at me. Tell me you’re ok.”
“I don’t want to.” I said quietly like a little kid.
“I don’t want to because I’m not Niall! I’m not ok! Harry’s hurt and we could lose our baby! Of course I’m not ok!” I screamed, bursting into tears.
“Oh Lou. I’m sorry.” He sighed running to hug me. “Ssh, it’ll be ok.”
“We don’t know that. The doctor doesn’t know anything.” I sniffled into his neck, just like I would with Harry. Although it wasn’t the same. He didn’t smell the same.
“The doctor will find something out soon.”
“Lou? Is that you?” Harry stirred, waking up.
“Haz?! You’re ok?” I said jumping up off Niall’s lap.
“Am I in the hospital?” He asked.
“I’ll get the doctor.” Niall said running off.
“Do you remember what happened babe?” I asked back.
“Yeah, I slipped up the hill and landed on my stomach. The Baby. Is the baby ok?!” He panicked. “Lou tell me he’s ok!”
“Ssh Haz, just calm down ok?” I soothed sitting on the bed beside him. “We know the baby’s alive but not everything’s fine just yet.” I answered.
“W-what do you mean? Is he gonna make it?”
“We don’t know yet.” I said softly.
“He has to make it. He can’t leave us too. We already lost one of our babies, not another one.” He cried. I pulled him closer to me and rubbed his back lightly.
“I know love. I know.” I sighed. Suddenly Niall came back in with the doctor. She came over and needed to check out the baby again.
“Just sit still Harry, the machine needs to do its thing.” She said attaching this thing to Harry’s bump. It was supposed to look at the baby without doing and ultrasound.
“Is he going to be ok?” Harry asked quietly.
“We hope so, we just have to make sure he’s in the right position and isn’t going into distress.” She answered.
“Harry.” I said quietly.
“Yeah Lou?”
“Do you blame me for this?” I asked.
“What?” He questioned.
“If I wasn’t such a dickhead this wouldn’t have happened and you and the baby would be ok. If I didn’t run off like an idiot.” I sighed.
“Lou none of this is your fault babe. It was an accident that’s all.”
“But you were following me.” I argued.
“It could have happened if I was just walking up there too. It wasn’t your fault. Please don’t blame yourself.” He said seriously.
“But he could die…” I cried.
“Louis stop!” He yelled making me jump. “Just stop blaming yourself.”
“I have to go.” I mumbled getting up. I walked out and left him in there with Niall. I couldn’t be in there. It was my fault! Why doesn’t he blame me?!

The Perfect Family (TRILOGY To The Perfect Parents)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα