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4 days had passed and i felt great, i left his place like nothing, at first i felt like i was throwing a lot away but he needed to learn his lesson. I was going out more with Angelique, and i even saw Kevin. He was really cool and tonight he had invited me to and Omega Psi Phi party. August had been blowing up my phone but i ignored him, i was doing me and that was all i needed at the moment. It was Friday night and i had just finished a major essay for my Art history class. Angelique and i were meeting up to go over to the party later, i quickly hopped in the shower, i jumped out and grabbed some cute ripped shorts, a crop top and bandeau, and some sandals. i wanted to just be simple and girly, i kept my natural curls and walked out. I left my dorm and checked my phone, August had left me a voice mail which he never did.

"call me baby i no you mad at me but just remember you the only girl that got my heart ma, i miss you"

hearing that message made me want to go running back to him but i couldn't, i ignored and continued walking to Angelique's dorm. i finally got to her door and knocked, she opened the door and she looked really nice, her hair was slightly curled and she wore dark purple lipstick. he had on high waited shorts, a black velvet crop top with a pair of doc martens. we both left and saw Kevin's party had already started, there were beer bottles everywhere and it was fully packed Que Dogs and Sigma girls. i was so excited i couldn't wait to just have a good time, Angelique and i tried looking for Kevin but eventually decided to join a 360 circle, there were 4 other guys and then me and Angelique.

A few of the guys in the circle i had already known just by riding around with August while he sold weed. one of his friends began too talk to me,

"Was good, i hear you left August ma" i looked at him hard

"Yeah i did"

"its gone be hella awkward soon" i had the blunt in my hand and took two hits, while passing it to Angelique i asked him"why do you say this"

before he could answer i knew what he meant, August came up behind me giving me a hug trying to kiss my cheek.

"lets talk ma no games" he puled my arm before i could answer, Angelique gave me a nod which meant she would met up with me later.

August pulled me through the crowd, he cleared out the bathroom and pushed me inside.

"what do yu want August I'm done with you" i kept talking and he just stood there listening, i was about to continue but he just cut me off,"SHUT THE FUCK UP!

he yelled at me and i quickly got quiet, "thank you lawd ! you talk so much damn"

"i just do-"

He cut me off to kiss me, i pulled away trying to tell him something else but he kissed me again this time hard, i melted int him and when he pulled away bit my lip, i loved when he did that.

"you comin home with me wether you like it or not ma"

he grabbed my ass extra hard causing me too jump, i guess i was back to square on with him. he opened the door and walked out. he grabbed my hand and i followed him like a little puppy dog he walked me over he want to leave right then and there but i couldn't leave Angelique.

"August i gotta find Angelique ill be right back"

"ight ma hurry up cuz im ready"

i walked away quick and found her with Kevin he was looking oh so fine in his Omega Psi Phi jacket, i walked over to hug him

"hey hun" mm mm mm boy was he cute.

"wats good"

"take Angelique home okay" i was still under his arm and August saw us, i pulled away and August was already pissed off.

"Reina what the fuck is this shit!"

smh he was making a scene, i tried to pull him and leave but he wouldnt budge,"come on bay please"

i cried out but he wouldn't listen, he just kept looking and Kevin.

"Aye stay away from my girl niqqa"

Kevin got mad"Aye don't treat her wrong and i wouldn't have to"

August was about to say something else but i stopped him, i pushed him away forcing him to walk to the door.

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