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Kevin left my place to go to class, we made plans to meet up later on tonight at his place. I sat on my bed with a big koolaid smile on my face, Kevin made my toes curl and he brought butterflies to my stomach, I never thought another man could make me feel that way.

Augs POV

Me and that girl his out in the bathroom, she topped a niqqa off and went on her way. I left walking wit a lil  lean feelin good, until i realized I had fucked up again. I went to the rest of my classes and figured id surprise Reina wit a lil somethin. I made a quick stop to see Terrence and make a few lil drug sells, 

"So you treatin her better Aug"

"...yeah I mean yeah..." I couldnt look him in the eyes.

Terrence shook his head "You gon learn one day you just don't know"

He stopped talking to me and I left, I made my way over to see Reina, when I got to her door I realized she wasn't there which was weird because she always was especially on a school night. I decided to text her and wait but she didn't reply at all.

Reinas POV

Kevin and i met up around 6:00 it was around 8:00 now and I was on top of him ridin him as he held my waist, every time we did it its like I was letting out all this aggression and anger, like Kevin was my punching bag.He had me in all sorts of positions, i couldn't stop biting the sheets, gripping pillows, doing whatever and it drove me wild every time he pinned me down making me take whatever he was throwing at me. We kept going all night until I finally gave out, I was going to sleep so good and I couldn't wait. 

Kevin got out of bed grabbing us both a water, I turned over on my back and sat up against the head board.

"I like being with a man" I laughed telling Kevin

"I told you I can make you feel good"  I watched him as e walked around his room with no shirt on he had but on some boxers that I very  much wanted him to take off.  He hopped into bed with me and I made him take his boxers off, I climbed on top of him and he held me,

"Make me feel good again" i bit my lip and flipped my curly hair, he pulled me in for a kiss and it started over again.

I left his place around 12, I stayed up with him talking, and fucking, and talking...and more fucking. He walked me back to my dorm as I had to sneak in, I kissed him as I snuck back upstairs to my dorm. I hadn't checked my phone all night, I finally checked all my messages and they were all from August. I guess he had came by, I sent him a text saying id be out all week at Angelique's dorm, I didn't want to see him or deal with him I just wanted to focus on me. Aside from texting him I made sure to tell Angelique everything that was going on. 

The next morning I woke up to loud banging on my door, I checked the time and it was 5 in the morning, I jumped out of bed quickly in a panic, I was still a little sore after the night I had with Kevin. as I opened the door I calmed down because it was just August, he was in some sweats, a crew neck, and a beanie.

"Aye where the fuck you been, talm bout some don't come to my dorm I wont be here" he was super pissed and I really didn't care because I had given up.

"And where the fuck is your necklace huh!" I stood there not saying a word, I just let him bitch at me I mean why try.

"Reina you hear me say some!"

"...What do you want me to say to you, I mean I know you cheated yesterday..."

he didn't say a word he just stayed quiet waiting for another response from me.

"I mean you thought I didn't know ha I'm not stupid, and I'm done August." I laughed while walking over to my bed, I pulled out my pipe and began to pack  bowl.

"Oh and you can take that lil necklace back you gave me, I'm clearly not the girl you love"

he tried to explain to me that it was one mistake but i sat there blowing smoke not even caring, he eventually left and I felt like I had let go of something huge in my life.

Is It Real Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora