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I woke up the next morning and hopped out of bed, August was still sleeping and I was still butt ass naked, I searched around the room looking for his tshirt and quickly threw it on. I walked over and grabbed my phone on the night stand to check my messages, there were several from Kevin I was really surprised he even wanted to talk after what had happened at his party

Kevin: "Hey Reina are you okay after what happened last night??"

Kevin:"Call me just tryna make sure ur okay"

Kevin seemed worried about the whole situation, I quickly replied to him, I didn't need him thinking August was crazy, he was just really aggressive. I put my phone down and went into the kitchen to make breakfast, I mean I just wanted things to be back in peace plus I needed to get back to my dorm fast so August could wake up happy. I made grits and bacon and Augusts favorite biscuits, he loved when I cooked for him, even if it was just breakfast. I made a plate still waiting for him, I ate and I really had to go I didnt want to wake him so I left a little note, changed clothes and headed out.

I checked my phone on the way and kevin hadnt replied yet.

Augs POV

Mmmm...watching Reina sleep was nice, I always put that girl to sleep and its funny cause a yung niqqa wasn't even tryna do dat. I woke up and she was gone, I smelled somethin cooking so I quickly got up to see wat she was doin, she wasnt in the kitchen eitha. She had my favorite biscuits out and I saw a note, I guess she had to go. Either way a yungin was happy, I checked my phone while grabbing a piece of bacon and one of my lil thots texted me.

Thot:"Hey daddy I miss you come thru real quick ;)"

Seein that made me feel tempted but I just got good with Reina, she was happy but that was a quick nut and she bought me shit...Whatever i ate and a then hopped in the shower so i could head over to her place.

Reinas POV

I walked to my dorm the happiest i could be August and i were in a good place, and I knew things were going to get better and better. Since today I had a lot to do I quickly got to work, I had an Essay to do a few sketches had to be done for my art class just a lot. I invited Angelique over to study with me, she said she would try her best to come thru.

It was around 3 in the afternoon and I recieved a knock at my door, I thought it was Angelique but it wasnt, it was Kevin, he looked really good just standing there.

"Hey Angelique sent me over, she said you needed company" I dont know what she was trying to do because i really didnt need copmany but i couldnt turn Kevin down he looked so mmm...

"Yeah come in"

"How are you?" he asked as he put his book bag down onto my computer chair

"Im good, I'm sorry about last night btw"

"Its cool, is Austin...August haha is he always like that" I laughed

"No..well...yeah but its usually not that bad" I sat down on my bed indian style and Kevin sat next down next to me, I had Keri Hilsons album playing and my favorite song on the album slow dance began to play, Kevin was so cute he started singing it out of nowhere.

"...so im just studying here you can do the same or whatever." he looked up at me

"You no i was just thinking...after seeing August act like...you need someone better.." I stayed quiet and Kevin continued to look at me

"I know its kind of out of the blue but im serious, a man should never trip like that, thats a lil boy"

"... And whos a real man then?" i asked him, i knew what he was talking about and who, and a part of me wanted to explore that. Kevin inched over to my ear pushing my hair behind my ear,"Its all me" chills went down my spine in that very moment.

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