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"Im jus playing baby" low key I wasnt but he really didnt need to know about kevin, it was way to soon.

"You better be shit"

I pulled his face close to mine"I'm not the one to fuck up, don't trip"

I kissed him before he could speak he slide his arm around me placing his hand on my ass. Something about all of this felt good but I knew things had to be finished with Kevin. He treated me so right though but august he just took care of me and we had history. My feelings always got the best of me when it came to august, he just knew how to get me back within seconds.

I got out of bed and August wasted no time slapping my ass like usual,

"You want breakfast baby?"

"Yeah ma, I WONT MA BISCUITS TOO!" He chuckled

As I walked over to the kitchen I grabbed my phone off the night stand and saw Kevin's name, the first one in my messages. I really couldn't hurt this boy I literally used him.

While placing my phone down I grabbed a couple of things in the kitchen and began making Augusts biscuits with some rice and bacon, it wasn't a big breakfast I was being kinda lazy. August walked in a few moments later he seemed 10 times better then the other day. He came up behind me hugging me by my waist as his head laid on my shoulder.

"I'm glad you back ma".

I didn't say anything, I was happy don't get me wrong but how could I believe he changed.


He pulled away from me making a face.

"You not happy to be back?"

I had finished cooking and turned to him.

"I am I'm just..."


"I'm scared"

He pulled me in by my hips"I'm not gon hurt you no more a yungin take time to get it right but imma hurry"

He kissed me I faked believing in him he just needed to show me that's all.

"Na make me a plate ma"

I gave him a stank look,"please baby" he said smiling then kissing my cheek.

"Yeah yeah I got u boy"

I left augs place and went back to my dorm, I needed to shower and change and get to Kevin's place. I hurried out wearing some cut off shorts, a windbreaker and a white tank with some ridge run sneakers. My hair was curly again so I just but it up in a ponytail. I quickly grabbed my things and headed to Kevin's. Walking in all the que dogs were chillin in the front talking, I tried to walk past quickly but they all started barking, I swear they were too nasty.

I asked one of them if Kevin was upstairs, he nodded and signaled me to go up. Going up the stairs I went up to Kevin's door and heard noises.

I walked in and Kevin was chillin studying and playing music, he saw me and his face lit up, this was the moment where he needed to no we had to stop.

"Hey wats good girl" he got up to hug me.

"I'm good" I didn't want to jump right in too quickly.

He didn't speak next he just pulled me I'm and kissed me he started going to my neck and I pushed him aside.

"We we uh..."

He looked confused


"We gotta stop"

He still had me wrapped in his arms, "why, u don't like when I do this"

He tongued me all on my neck while feeling me up, he new I loved that it made me weak.

"I do I'm just...I'm back with august."

He let me go and shook his head,"don't come back to me Reina he treats you wrong and I treat you right"

"We were only fucking Kevin!"

"Yeah but I fucked you right"

Instead of continuing I just left he needed to cool off and so did I.

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