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Augs POV

I woke up in the hospital not knowing what had happened, Reina was next to me in a chair and Terrence was right beside her sleeping.

"Reina" I tried speaking but my voice was too raspy.

"Rein...Reina" she finally woke up, her face was a lil swollen I guess she'd been crying.

"Hey baby" she smiled and came over too kiss me.

"What happened?"

"Baby you got shot twice"

"Shit,Terrence?!" I needed to make sure those crackheads got fucked up some type a way not just me.

"Baby let him be I don't need you trying to finish this it's too dangerous and I uh can't loose you"

I couldn't take seeing Reinas face so swollen with dried up tears.

"Okay baby, come lay with me though I wanna hold you"

3 Days later

Reinas POV

After coming home and helping August I broke all ties with Kevin. He was pissed but understood that I couldn't just leave the one boy I grew up with it he was my heart(low key Kevin was a quick but lmao), but yeah he deserved someone who truly wanted him.

This morning I woke up to August in the kitchen making me breakfast, his arm was still bandaged up and I knew he was still sore but he was trying. I hopped out of bed in Augusts T-shirt, running up too him I couldn't help kissing his face all over like I would usually.

"Okay baby really" we both began laughing.

"Yeah you know I love you boy"

He shook his head smiling,"I love you too girl"

He pulled me in with his one arm some how he had no problem feeling me up either smh, but he kissed me long and hard it felt like we were back in high school.

"Okay baby go sit I'll make you plate" I told him as we broke off from kissing.

"Ight baby"

He went to sit on the couch and I brought him his, when he finished eating he placed my feet in his lap I swear things were good finally.

"You drivin me to school"

"Yeah I gotchu ma"

Soon I hopped up off the couch to get dressed. August drove me to school and as we passed by we saw Kevin walking,"Isnt that ya friend ma" August was looking at me funny as I stared at Kevin.

"Not really baby"

"Ight, give Aug a kiss before you go baby girl" I kissed him and hopped out the car, he drove off fast and as I turned around I spotted Kein making sure to avoid him. Of course even when this niqqa had chinky ass eyes he he could still see shakin my damn head.

He made eye contact and began walking up too me."Reina ha whats good girl"

I smiled trying to be polite,"Im good, you"

"I wanted to ask you something?"

"Yeah whats that" we started walking towards my class.

"Before that phone call, and before August getting shot...What were you going to say to me?" I couldnt believe he was asking me this but might as well tell him this.

"I was...It wouldve been you Kevin" he smiled as I looked up at him.

"It doesnt matter now though Im with August and well, you could have whoever you want"

"I could but some how I still dont get you and August"

"And you never will Kevin, just be happy your not waiting on me okay, I gotta go ill see you around"

Kevin didnt say much he just came down for a hug and as we pulled away he kissed me,it was a hard kiss I mean I wanted to pull away but this was like a "Dont forget who beat the kitty up kiss" haha maybe not that but still.

He broke off just smirking and I was just shocked."See Reina I know you miss it, and watch your gunna be thinking about this all day girl" After that Kevin just walked away as I stood there., I came so far along with Aug but whyyy Kevin knew what he was doing to me .

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