Chapter Three - World Class Troublemakers

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Chapter Three//World Class Troublemakers.

The school I attended is Hope's Peak Elementary. Now I know what you're thinking: Hope's Peak has an Elementary? Well, no (!) But it's where little children with talent go. I was lucky enough to get a place there as I was the 'chosen one' like mommy said.

The school is separated into parts, or as some call it, tribes. We stick to our tribes because we're like a family. It's not one of them wars between territory and all that. But Lemme show you how the school's divided in:

There are the Smart kids, where all the clever children were. English, Maths, Science. You name it. That's where Nagisa is. By the way, he's Lil Ultimate Social Studies.

There's the Flash. That's where all them Athletics championships go. I saw one cute lad there. I think he was Masaru Damion. He's Lil Ultimate P.E.

There was the Drama Queens, where I am with other kids working in the studio and theatre. It's a nice play. For me anyway as the Lil Ultimate Drama.

The artistry group is where the Art and Design kids hang out. I'm telling you know: there's this weird kid who covers their head with a mask. I forgot his talent. But eww. Let's not talk about him.

Finally, the World Class Troublemakers. Their talent has nothing to do with the title. They're just too naughty. The Drama Queens called this wheelchair girl 'Pickle Girl'. But she's REAL trouble.

Everyone knows that you shouldn't get involved with the Troublemakers. Chances are, you'll be moved into that class. Even my friends warned me. "Don't go near them!" They told me. "They could ruin that talent of yours."

I was curious about them. Well, curiosity kills the cat. I just want to talk to them.

But... That didn't work out.

"Kotoko!" Nagisa came running to me. "You're nearly late. Did your dad do something to you?" He asked.

"It's nothing.." I smiled. "Mommy wanted a talk with me, that's all."

"Well, if that's the case." He nodded. "Let's get going." We walked together towards the playground whilst chatting. I then suddenly bumped into Lil Ultimate... Arts? Him!

"Eek!" His mask scared me! I screamed as Nagisa covered my mouth.

"Calm down, Kotoko. It's just one of my...friends, Jataro." He said. "Jataro, I told you to take off that stupid thing off!"

"I-I'm sorry. But your eyes will melt away just like mommy told me-!" The Weird boy spoke. As if!

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