Chapter Eight - Fairy Tales

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Chapter Eight// Fairy Tales

"Don't go crying now!" She sigh, rolling her eyes. "You're in a lot of trouble if you carry on, behaving like this! Now hurry up and eat!" I did as she told, avoiding her gaze. Why? Why did I ruin the mood?

"T-Thank you, m-mommy.." I muttered, pushing the plate away from me. I running into my room, closing the door as I entered, and laid down on my bed. I didn't feel like going downstairs anymore.

I looked over at the clock on the wall on the right: it was 5:45 pm. My bedtime is usually eight o'clock so I had roughly 2 hours. Sighing, I dug out my script on Scene Four, Act One. Mariposa was known to be a brave fairy, who find a cure to heal the queen.

Dear Readers, can I just ask, do you actually believe in fairies? Well, if you don't, I know that you're a non-believer. Mummy always says that fairies aren't real or they don't exist. But I believe in fairies.

Mummy doesn't believe in happily ever after either. I can see why: she married Papa. Mummy always says that if I want a happy ending, I can't always rely on this fairy tales. I have to EARN it, like its my destiny. But it wouldn't hurt to believe in them just a tiny, little bit.

Looking at my calendar, I saw a big heart on one of the dates. That is my mummy's birthday is coming up. "Hmm.. Maybe a fairy card will go!" I said, starting doodling a rough draft on the back of my script. But I'm not the best at art, you see. I'll ask Lil Ultimate Art himself, Jataro whatever his last name is, tomorrow at school. Well, that's if he's not acting weird.

Papa also doesn't believe in fairies or fairy tale. Well, I can see why: he's the bad ending himself, not to be a laugh or anything. Even though he gets me into business and all that to help me with my career, he has been acting.. Well, different. Like, that lipstick mark on his neck, earlier this afternoon.

Could he be...-?

"Kotoko! Bath Time!" My mummy called, interrupting my thoughts. Looking over at the clock, it's been an hour since I've checked. Hurrying, I made my way to the bathroom, grabbing my towel on the way. Mummy was there waiting for me, in her usual mode.

Glad she's back to normal!

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