Pride Party

692 51 181

June 30, 2017

Dorothy emerged from the bathroom wearing a shirt with a rainbow on it and jean shorts. a flower crown sat on the top of her head and a rainbow flag was drapes around her shoulders. She also had a rainbow heart painted on her right cheek.

Ruby looked up and was immediately captivated. "Woah. You look...beautiful."

Dorothy smiled and blushed, "Thank you."

The door to Granny's swung open and both Ruby and Dorothy turned to see who it was.

"We're here!" Emma announced. "I wanted to pick Regina up, but she wanted to drive Henry, so I picked up WoodenDragon instead."

"Nice to know we were your second choice," Lily mumbled. "C'mon, August," Lily grabbed her boyfriend's hand, "Let's claim a booth before everyone else gets here so we have somewhere to sit and watch all the drama unfold."


"You sure you don't want to come?" Regina asked Robin as she ran a brush through her hair.

"Regina, we both know Emma isn't going to let you go after you asked her to be your date," Robin pointed out. "Besides, it would be nearly impossible to find someone to babysit three kids last minute."

Regina sighed, "I suppose so." She turned to face Robin, "How do I look?"

"Not straight."

"That's kind of the point, dear."

"You also look like you're trying to look your best just for Emma Swan and you know what kind of message that's going to send to literally everyone."

Regina rolled her eyes. "I'm not dressing up for Emma. I'm dressing up for me." She smiled proudly.

"Well, you look beautiful either way. Now go have fun at that party."

"I will." Regina pressed a quick kiss to Robin's lips. She turned to the doorway, "Henry, you almost ready?"

"Yeah!" Came the reply. Within a few moments, Henry was standing in the doorway, wearing his asexual pride outfit that Regina had helped him put together. "How do I look?"

"You look wonderful." Regina smiled at her son. "You ready to go?"

"Uh...almost. You go on, I'll meet you out there."

Once Regina was gone, Henry looked at Robin. "Listen, I don't know why you aren't going to this party, and I know Mom asked other Mom to be her date, but I know she really wishes you were going. Even if she's stuck as other Mom's date for the night. So if you change your mind and decide to show up, I would guess my dad will drive you and Goldie will probably watch Roland, Riley, and Hope." Henry didn't wait for a reply from Robin before he left to meet Regina outside.


Emma had Dorothy's spare rainbow flag draped over her shoulders and was standing still as possible while Dorothy painted stripes on her cheek that matched the flag.

"Aren't you bi?" Lily asked, coming up behind Emma.

"Yeah, but Dorothy won't paint my face unless it's rainbow. And also the flag is hers. But my shirt is for bi pride!"


"Okay, that should be good," Dorothy said. She held up a mirror so Emma can see. "Look good?"

Emma turned around to face Lily. "Do I look okay? I need to look perfect for Regina."

"I think you look fine. I also think Regina won't care how you look, but," Lily shrugged, "that's just my opinion."

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