Regina's Thirty-Sixth Post

376 29 20

May 31, 2018

Liked by ThatVioletGirl, EmmaSwan, and 68 others

ReginaOfLocksley: #tbt to wish a very happy birthday to my favorite adoptive son ❤️🎉


ThatVioletGirl: awww Henry, you were so adorable as a kid

ThatVioletGirl: What happened?

HenryMills: You're so mean

ThatVioletGirl: You know I'm joking

HenryMills: Yeah I know💜

ThatVioletGirl: 💜

ZelenaMills: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HENRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LilyPage: hey henry

HenryMills: i'm not really sure i want to hear what you're about to say

LilyPage: guess what you are now

HenryMills: sigh

HenryMills: What?

LilyPage: you're the dancing queen

LilyPage: young and sweet

LilyPage: only seventeen

EmmaSwan: that song is my JAM

ReginaOfLocksley: I thought Hamilton was your JAM

ReginaOfLocksley: And Dear Evan Hansen

ReginaOfLocksley: And Frozen the Musical

ReginaOfLocksley: And every Taylor Swift song ever

EmmaSwan: Okay okay, I have a lot of jams


HenryMills: Well my sweet sixteen was last year and seventeen comes after sixteen, so yes

SnowWhite: I feel really old

EmmaSwan: Me too

ReginaOfLocksley: I know I'm old

MrGold: You think you're old?!

PeterPan: You think YOU'RE old?!

MissNimue: Don't even start.

HenryMills: Well I'm young and sweet and only seventeen and that's better than being old, so I win!

EllaBella: Hey I'm seventeen too

ZelenaMills: You are?

EllaBella: Yeah

EllaBella: My birthday was in September

HenryMills: You know, back before you guys all scarred her for life?

ZelenaMills: oh yeahhhhhh

ZelenaMills: So Ella is the oldest out of all of you

GraceHatter: Unless you want to get technical with the curse

GraceHatter: Because then Ava would be oldest by about seven minutes

LilyPage: So what happens when Ella turns 18 in September, but Grace is still only 17?

LilyPage: are they ILLEGAL

GraceHatter: We're already illegal in many places I won't bother naming

LilyPage: i'm sorry

GraceHatter: you're okay


HenryMills: WHAT

ReginaOfLocksley: NOPE


ReginaOfLocksley: does neverland even have anything left in it

HenryMills: honestly idk

ReginaOfLocksley: Wait, Neverland

ReginaOfLocksley: Since Henry technically spent some time in Neverland not aging, that would technically not make him eighteen until after May 31, 2019

ReginaOfLocksley: Technically

HenryMills: But everyone else is counting the years under the curse when they weren't aging into their age so

ReginaOfLocksley: Fair enough

CaptainHook: Happy birthday, Henry!

HenryMills: Thanks dude

EmmaSwan: did u just call killian "dude"

HenryMills: yeah we're cool now

HenryMills: he's like the cool grandpa i never had

EmmaSwan: okay that's weird please never say hook is like your grandpa ever again

PrinceCharming: I am Offended

MrGold: Yeah, what the heck? I thought we were your cool grandpas!

HenryMills: Grandpa David was pretty cool when he let me drive his truck

PrinceCharming: Well at least I've got that

HenryMills: Grandpa Gold is pretty okay when he's not secretly wishing I was dead and not trying to kill one of my family members

MrGold: that's fair

HenryMills: the grandpa that i'm named after is pretty chill but i never really see him so

HenryMills: Am I missing any grandpas?

ZelenaMills: Robin's dad who we know zero informations about

BelleGold: "zero informations"

EmmaSwan: Wait why did you compare Killian to a grandpa in the first place

CaptainHook: Well, I am dating his grandmother

HenryMills: Exactly

EmmaSwan: you know what? i'm just gonna leave and never come back

HenryMills: So if Alice 2.0 shows up in this universe, will that make her my aunt?

CaptainHook: I think we should stop talking about the family tree

ZelenaMills: I think that's a good idea

ZelenaMills: Wait, where did Regina go?

ThatVioletGirl: She had that important council meeting today, remember?

ZelenaMills: Oh yeah

GraceHatter: GUYS


EllaBella: YAY!!!!!!

ThatVioletGirl: Also three days of school left


GraceHatter: I'm so ready to binge watch TV shows all summer long

GraceHatter: Also I'm so ready to be Super Gay all June long

RedRidingHood: Same

LilyPage: Same

GraceHatter: June is gonna be great!

EllaBella: I agree!

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