Regina's Thirty-Seventh Post

380 21 15

June 2, 2018

Liked by EmmaSwan, DorothyGale, and 97 others

ReginaOfLocksley: I was asked to post a transcript of my speech from last night, so here is (approximately) my Abandoned Youth Campaign speech.
We CAN make this realm a better place, but we need YOUR help! Vote YES on June 25 to pass the Abandoned Youth Campaign!🏳️‍🌈


DorothyGale: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

LilyPage: Am I allowed to vote if I live in the Enchanted Forest? Because I would LOVE to help pass this!!!

ReginaOfLocksley:  Unfortunately, you can only vote if you're living in the Land of Untold Stories or will be living in the Land of Untold Stories as of July 30, 2018 :/ But you can always help raise awareness!

LilyPage: I will do that!

LilyPage: Y'all need to vote YES!!!!!!!!!

EmmaSwan: Yay you posted the speech transcript!!!

ReginaOfLocksley: How could I deny a request from Emma Swan?

EmmaSwan: ❤️

ReginaOfLocksley: ❤️

HenryMills: Okay this is completely unrelated, but there are only two more days of school left!!!

GraceHatter: YES!!!

ThatVioletGirl: And only two more finals left, thank the gods

EllaBella: ^^

AvaZimmer: i'm so ready for summer vacation

AvaZimmer: I mean, I've been ready since January, but it's finally almost here

GraceHatter: Mood

ZelenaMills: So, bets on who's going to be the first person to come out (for the first time) this month?

EmmaSwan: Neal

NealCassidy: wait what

EmmaSwan: idk Hook came out last year so maybe this is just gonna be a pattern

EmmaSwan: Or maybe Graham....

BelleGold: Mulan, it's gotta be her this year

LilyPage: I think it's going to be Robin again

RobinOfLocksley: Can I ask why?

LilyPage: Well, if you're demisexual/romantic, then maybe you only THINK you're otherwise straight because you've never had feelings for a guy, but you're going to realize that you're actually also bi or pan

LilyPage: That's my prediction

RobinOfLocksley: I guess that's possible...

RedRidingHood: Okay idk who it's going to be, but I'm thinking maybe someone is going to come out as trans/nb since we didn't have that last year

LilyPage: Oooh interesting theory, I like it!

LilyPage: But who could it be..........

EmmaSwan: plot twist: it's YOU

LilyPage: ME?!

LilyPage: that IS a plot twist

MrGold: but wait no

MrGold: Wouldn't that cause problems with WoodenDragon????

EmmaSwan: Oh yeah that might be a problem if August is straight

EmmaSwan: IS August straight?

AugustBooth: I think so

EmmaSwan: you THINK so?

AugustBooth: Okay well I wouldn't date a guy because I'm not attracted to men, but I wouldn't be entirely against dating someone who's like genderqueer or agender??? But that's not bi, straight, or pan so ???? I guess I'm probably just straight

ReginaOfLocksley: There's a term for that, actually!

ReginaOfLocksley: You would be polysexual (attraction to multiple genders, but not all genders)

AugustBooth: Oh

AugustBooth: Cool

AugustBooth: I didn't know that was a thing

LilyPage: Looks like we were all wrong, it was August who came out first

AugustBooth: 👍🏼

ZelenaMills: So, bets on who will come out second????

LilyPage: Robin's mom

RobinOfLocksley: Why my mom?

LilyPage: idk i'm just trying to think of characters we wouldn't suspect

LilyPage: Tinker Bell

LilyPage: PAN!!!

MrGold: w hy

LilyPage: W hy not?

DorothyGale: Maybe someone else will come out as gay, because I think I'm the only one right now who's exclusively attracted to people of the same gender

DorothyGale: Most of you are bi (or pan)

EmmaSwan: Good point

ZelenaMills: hmmm who else could be gay???????

BelleGold: Should I repeat my guess again?

GraceHatter: Why are we guessing who is going to come out again?

GraceHatter: Why not just wait and see what happens?

ReginaOfLocksley: Yeah, I like that idea

HenryMills: Whatever happens, I hope we get more ace rep

ZelenaMills: That surprises literally no one

HenryMills: It's not supposed to surprise anyone

HenryMills: it's supposed to foreshadow

ZelenaMills: what

HenryMills: what

HenryMills: I just remembered, I have  a math final on Monday, so I'm gonna go study for that, bye!

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