12: The Courtroom

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Chapter 12: A Courtroom

When Harley entered the clinic, there was Doc reading a few papers. She quietly came in and tried to pass him without him noticing, but her efforts were futile. The blue car spun around slowly and stopped her.

"Harley," he said, "how was today?" he genuinely asked.

"Um. I-it was fine…" she said and tried to move on, but again Doc stopped her with a question.

"Fine? It was good? You had a good time with your uncle?" he asked and she nodded. "That's good." he said and there was an awkward pause. "Harley… I'm not sure if your uncle told you, but the hearing I told you about last week, it's going to be tomorrow." again Harley nodded.

"Yeah… I know…" A beat. Harley avoided eye contact and Doc looked her over.

"You might get asked a few questions, you might not. But you have to listen carefully the whole time and answer honestly, okay?" Doc gently said.

"Okay…" more silence and Doc sighed.


"Yeah..?" Doc thought about what to say carefully.

"Harley, I'm sorry things have been… have been a little hectic."

"What's hectic mean?" Doc paused and slightly scoffed under his breath with a faint smile.

"Crazy. It means crazy." Harley nodded in understanding and agreement. "Anyway… I'm sorry for snapping at you. But you have to understand, I didn't mean it. I really do want what's best for you." Harley nodded and continued to look down. "Harley… please forgive me. I can't…" he sighed and looked away from her. "I miss your bright voice… it was so happy before…" he shook his hood and Harley glanced at him. "I…" he shook his hood and turned away. "I'm sorry…"

A beat.

A pause.


"Goodnight, Harley… sleep well." The younger car remained there and stared at the blue car, then after another beat, she turned and headed to her room. She didn't bother to turn on the light; the full moon was pouring in light through the window. She headed over to the back of the room where she always slept and parked herself there. She then looked around the room and her eyes landed on the small radio. Her one physical gift she had from Radiator Springs. She could faintly see ghost of memories around the radio and she had the faintest of smiles playing on her lips and in her eyes. Giving a yawn, she took one more look around then her eyelids fell heavy and she drifted to sleep. Suddenly, she was in a corner again; her trunk was up against a wall. A dark red car inched closer.

"How dare you run from me?" he hissed and she trembled.

"I… I… I d-don't kn-know!" she cried and he scoffed harshly.

"Ha! Lier!" he spat and began speeding towards her. She closed her eyes and braced for impact. Then a screech was heard. Brakes were slammed. Harley opened her eyes and looked up and saw the body of a blue car acting as a shield. "Who the hell are you!?" the red car snarled. Harley couldn't see the face of her rescuer due to the angle she saw him at. But she knew exactly who it was regardless. She knew.

Then she was awake. Early morning light poured into the window. The door suddenly opened and it frightened her. She jumped up with a gasp and frantically looked to the door. Once realizing who it was, she relaxed.

"Oh, Harley. You're awake already." Doc said and watched her from the doorway. "You ready to head over to the courthouse?" Harley blinked a few times then nodded.

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