15: A trip the next day

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Chapter 15: A Trip
The Next Day

"And what do ya know, Pops was just around the corner ready to save John's tailgates with a grenade launcher!" Fillmore shook his hood at his veteran companion and Harley giggled.

"I bet the enemy wasn't expecting that!" she said and Sarge gave a hardy scoff.

"Ha! They sure weren't!"

"You know man, saving a brother by risking your life says a lot about your character." Harley again giggled as Sarge rolled his eyes at the mushy comment.

"I think so too, Fillmore!" Harley said, making the Volkswagen bus smile warmly.

It was about midday. Harley had already eaten lunch, Doc, Sheriff and Judge Stafford had been gone to their meeting, but the other cars that were there for the hearing had left already. The town returned to its normal slow pace and Harley, Sarge and Fillmore had been at the edge of Flo's café talking the afternoon away.

"Harley!" Harley pulled forward to see past Fillmore and jumped up as she saw Doc followed by Sheriff and Judge Stafford.

"Doc!" she said and she sped over to meet him.

"Slow down!" Sheriff shouted, and she did, but not by much. Judge Stafford surprisingly chuckled and began to drive past the other two men.

"Best of luck, Mr. Hudson, Jordan will come in about two or three weeks and hopefully," he glanced at Harley who was now at his side, "you won't have to see me again." he said with a kind smile that made him look so much more inviting than at the hearing or when he first arrived. Harley was still intimidated by him and slightly scared, but nevertheless, she smiled shyly up at him and he chuckled.

"Thank you, Judge Stafford, have a nice trip back home." Doc said and he looked back up at him with a nod.

"Thank you. You have a nice trip as well." Harley watched Judge Stafford head off for a few seconds then looked up at Doc confused.

"You're taking a trip?" she asked.

"Yes. Remember? I'm having to meet up with-"

"Oh! Oh yeah, I remember now." she said then looked sad. "So when are you leaving?" Doc sighed.

"You won't like it, but if I want to meet up with them at the time we decided, I'm going to have to leave this evening." Harley back slightly away in disbelief.

"What!? No!" she whined and Doc shook his hood.

"It's okay, I'll only be gone a few days. I'll be back before you know it." Harley stamped her little tire on the ground.

"A few days! That's a long time…" Doc then nudged her and gestured to Sheriff. "It's okay, Sheriff here will watch after you while I'm gone." Harley looked at Sheriff who shot her a half smile and she signed.

"Okay…" she said in a low tone that made Sheriff's smile fade slightly.

"Good; now I'm going to start getting ready for my trip. You can help me if you want." Doc said and Harley nodded.

"Okay!" she said and they started to drive off to the clinic. "Bye guys!" she called out to the Doc substitutes she had just been with. "I wanna hear the rest of that story later, Sarge!" she said and Sarge chuckled.

"Alright, soldier!" he called back. Doc slightly rolled his eyes as Harley sped up to catch him.

"So what do you need to pack?" she asked and Doc shrugged.

"Well, some extra gas and oil, in case of emergencies." They were now at the clinic and Harley sped off inside.

"I know where that stuff is!" she shouted as she eagerly went off to find the containers he needed.

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